Harper County

History of Waldron

Waldron Pictures

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This is a picture post card from the early 1900's.

walpc1.jpg (48986 bytes)   Main Street - Waldron, Kansas 


The following history was taken from "The Harper County Story" by Gwendoline & Paul Sanders Copyright 1968, Library of Congress call number 68-54660, The Mennonite Press, Newton, KS.

The city of Waldron, Harper County had its beginning, according to an abstract of title issued to H. B. Waldron for Sec.15, Twp.35, R 8 W on the 6 p.m., Lot 1, compiled by Roscoe R. Beam, bonded abstracter, at Anthony, Kansas. The legal entry according to abstract, Lot 1, east of the townsite proper, was deeded to W. N. Myers by the United States government. Date of the instrument being December 2, 1879, and Filed September 29, 1880, the consideration being $40.00, recorded in book A, page 221. The amount of the land being 40.10 acres. This is the earliest record of land transaction in this particular area. The town proper was placed on Lot 2. A free patent was granted to Harrison Latham, November 20, 1880 for Lot 2, Section 15, Twp., 35, R 8 W. This grant was for 40.30 acres. Book A, page 219. It is well to know that these parcels of land were in the original Cherokee Strip.

On September 5, 1880 W. M. Myers sold his tract to LaMont  C. Bidwell for a consideration of $250.00, recorded in book B, page 232.

On August 9, 1882 Harrison Latham, sold Lot 2 to LaMont Bidwell for the consideration of $150.00, book D, page 23.

Bidwell deeded this land to Howard B. Waldron, January 23, 1892.

The following is taken from an agreement dated December 17, 1901. "Party of the first part between Union Real Estate and Townsite Company, a corporation and party of the second part, J. A. Stine, trustee for the Choctaw Northern Townsite and Improvement Company, and party of the third part, H. B. Waldron, Anthony, Kansas, agrees to transfer and dedicate for townsite purposes the following described real estate situated in the county of Harper, state of Kansas, to wit: All the portion of Section Sixteen (16) lying east of main line and right-of-way of the Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railroad. Also a strip of land forty-four rods wide (East and West) off the West side of section Fifteen (15) and adjoining section 16. All of said real estate being in Township thirty-five (35) South, Range Eight (8) West off the 6th Principal Meridian, containing 140 acres, more or less, EXCEPTING, such portions of said real estate as is now occupied by the Choctaw Northern Railway for right-of-way purposes, also such real estate as may hereafter be conveyed to the Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railroad Company for station facilities under terms of this contract.... also said party of the third part shall construct upon said townsite, at a place to be designated by the Board, a "Town Well" with two tanks and proper equipment, at a cost not to exceed two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225.00)... And parties of the first part hereby agreed to procure the Kansas City, Mexico and Orient R R Company to erect on said townsite of Waldron, Kansas, a station on said townsite within ninety days after they have laid rail into and through said townsite... both parties of this contract are equally interested in the establishment and building up of the townsite of Waldron, Kansas, at the crossing of our respective lines in Haper County, Kansas, and to the establishment of a good and prosperous town on said townsite, free from the rivalry now existing between Camchester and Manchester O. T. and other towns in the territory of Oklahoma, we hereby contract and agree that none of our trains shall be permitted to stop at any station or townsite within a distance of seven miles (7) south of the townsite of Waldron, Kansas."

According to the abstract Howard B. Waldron platted a strip of land 726 feet east and west off the entire west side of Section 15 in Township 35, south of Range 8 W in Harper County. This plat and other lands to be known as Waldron, Kansas, April 15, 1902. Recorded in book C, page 20.

Howard Waldron on contract, exchanged the townsite plat for property in Kansas City. The exchange was made with W. A. Rule, February 18, 1903.

W. A. Rule sold the property to G. T. Bomgardener on March 15, 1904, consideration, $4237.50.

November 1, 1905, the office of the Secretary of State granted a charter to the Waldron Townsite and Reality Company. Seven directors were chosen, stockholders being the same.
J. W. Harris, Nortonville, Kansas..........99 shares
S. O. Harris, Nortonville, Kansas ............1 share
W. B. Collett, Atchison, Kansas ...........99 shares
A. H. Collett, Atchison, Kansas ............1 share
L. A. Sharrard, Meriden, Kansas ........98 shares
M. R. Sharrard, Meriden, Kansas ..........1 share
A. C. Cutler, Waldron, Kansas ..............1 share

The estimated value of the corporation is $3000.00 and shall be divided into 300 shares at $10.00 each.

In searching the files we find that a second town charter was issued August 25, 19113 by the Secretary of State, Charles H. Sessions. The Directors under the new charter were as follows:
J. W. Harris, East Las Vagas, New Mexico
L. A. Sharrard, Kansas City, Missouri
Mary Sharrard, Kansas City, Missouri
W. B. Collett, Atchison, Kansas
L. E. Johnson, Waldron, Kansas
N. E. Johnson, Waldron, Kansas
L. E. Krider, Waldron, Kansas
The stockholders under the second charter were as follows:
J. W. Harris, East Las Vagas, New Mexico... 50 shares
Susan Harris, East Las Vagas, New Mexico.. 49 shares
L. A. Sharrard, Kansas City, Missouri .......... 98 shares
Mary Sharrard, Kansas City, Missouri ............ 1 share
W. B. Collett, Atchison, Kansas ................... 49 shares
Annie H. Collett, Atchison, Kansas ............... 50 shares
L. E. Johnson, Waldron, Kansas ..................... 1 share 
N. E. Johnson, Waldron, Kansas .................... 1 share
L. R. Crider, Waldron, Kansas ....................... 1 share
The value of the corporation remained the same.


The town was platted in a forty-seven block area. Some of the early businesses were: two hotels, a drug store, two saloons, two grocery and general stores and a machinery dealer. There were two newspapers, The Waldron Argosy and the State Line Democrat.

The water tank and windmill were on Main Street. The Kansas City and Orient depot was located in block 12. The Choctaw-Northern depot was in block 14, on Orient Street.

The community supported a three-room elementary school. There are three tax supported cemeteries in Eagle Township.


The town of Waldron now has a population of 25 and is in the unified district (school) #361.

Present day business houses are grocery and service station operated by Myrtle Welch. There is a repair shop and service station. The post office is under the guidance of Flossie Bettie who has served in this capacity for 25 years. Aubry Harrison is the R. F. D. carrier.


Assembly of God

The Church at Waldron was started in 1931 when revival services were held in a tent. After the revival a building was rented. The church was organized in April 1938 and first called the "Pentecostal Assembly of God," but, in 1941, the name was officially changed to the "Waldron Assembly of God." In 1940, the building the church had been renting was given to them as a gift at the death of the owner, Mrs. Bassitt. The present membership is 25 with Rev. Johnston as pastor. 

The Christian Church (1932)

The church building now known as the "Waldron Christian Church" was built in 1903 by the United Brethren. Mrs. Waldron, mother of Howard Waldron, founder of the town, donated a large part of the cost of the building. After several years the Congregational people bought the church building and held services until 1932. The Christian Church was organized in 1932 with 25 charter members. Once more the little church building took on new owners and a new name.

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This page was last updated 07/10/2024