Harper County

History of Yankton

The following history was taken from "The Harper County Story" by Gwendoline & Paul Sanders Copyright 1968, Library of Congress call number 68-54660, The Mennonite Press, Newton, KS


Yankton, a pioneer village in Ruella township opened its post office August 6, 1883. Postmaster was Stephen C. Oliver. The Yankton Gleaner, an eight page, eight column paper was devoted to the interest of Yankton and vicinity. Subscription rate, $2.00 in advance. The post office closed October 14, 1884.

Business Directory

The Yankton Literary Society meets every Monday night at 7 o=clock. S.C. Oliver, president, L.A. Jones, secretary. Wilson Risley, Attorney at Law. Office on the south side of square. Joseph Brockwas, M.D., office in center of Rizelbrocville. Wm. Brockway, Dentist. Office over Dr. Brockway's, all work warranted.

The Yankton Hotel. Also in connection, a Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, S.C. Oliver, Prop. A. J. Barr, Plasterer, Bricklayer and Sod Carpenter. R. S. Sullivan, Shoemaker and Cobbler. All work warranted not to rip, tear or run down at the heel. L.A. Jones, Hair Dress. All work done on the European Plan. A cold bath in connection. Marcus Oliver, Real Estate, has a number of city lots for sale cheap. Also running a peanut stand in connection, north side of square.

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