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Eales, Samuel James.
Eales was born Nov. 22, 1841 and died Apr. 29, 1934. He served in the
Confederate Fifth Kentucky (Mounted Infantry) Regiment, 3rd Co., F
Troop, in the Civil War. He enlisted as a private Sept. 5, 1862 and was
promoted to 2nd Lt. April 4, 1864. The promotion was the day after his brother
was killed in the battle of Chickamauga (Samuel was also in this battle). He
was wounded in the right leg in the battle of Jonesboro August 31, 1864,
entered into the Ocmulgee hospital in Macon, Georgia Sept. 28, 1864, and was
released from the hospital November 19, 1964. He surrendered in Augusta,
Georgia, May 10, 1865. I believe when he was released from the hospital in
Georgia that he held the rank of Captain. This would be my great-great
Uncle. He once owned a bank, newspaper and grain elevator in Burrton, Kansas.
His son, Cecil, lived near Yoder, Kansas. (Submitted by Bob Eales,
Lawrence, Kansas). Samuel Eales & his wife, Barbara H. Clark Eales
(1851-1929) are buried in Block 3, Lot 87, Graves 1-2 of the Burrton Cemetery
in Burrton, Kansas. Their son, Charles S. Eales, was born in May 1882
and died October 12, 1882, and is buried next to Barbara. Others buried
in the plot are: John C. Eales, son of T.C. & Ruby Eales (1916-1916), Harry J
Eales, son of H.L. & Nettie Eales (1920-1920), Harry L Eales (1879-1967),
Nettie B Eales (1885-1965), Thomas Clark Eales & Ruby Eales.
Eales, Charles Burton - May 23, 1882 to Oct 12, 1882. "Died - About 8 o'clock pm the 12th last, Charles Burton Eales, infant son of S.J and Barbara H. Eales, aged four months and twenty days. Funeral service at the family residence today at 2:30 p.m." (Burrton Monitor, Oct. 13, 1882, p. 3). Burial in the Burrton Cemetery, Block 3 Lot 87 Grave 7.
Elder, Ike S. (Burrton). Ike S. Elder enlisted as a private in Co. F 36th Wisconsin, served three years. Was under General Sulley in his Campaign in Idaho, fought Indians at Whitebear Hills, also in battle at Nashville. Was wounded in a battle with Guerrilas. Ike is now the live agent for the best wind mill in Kansas, "so he says." (Our Old Soldiers, written by A. Perry, G.A.R., published in the Burrton Monitor, Friday February 10, 1882. Page 2).
Elwood, Robert Johnson. (1871 Pioneer) - This popular and prosperous citizen of Harvey County, Kansas, whose homestead is in section 24, Macon township, and whose post-office is at Newton, was born at Pine Flats, Indiana county, Pennsylvania, January 29, 1846. James T. Elwood, his father, who has attained the advanced age of eighty-one years, was born in Westmoreland county, that state, April 17, 1821. James Elwood, the father of the James Elwood just mentioned and grandfather of Robert Johnson Elwood, was a blacksmith, who moved from Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, to Indiana county, that state, about 1840. He married Margaret Sherridan, also of Pennsylvanian birth, and they had three sons and two daughters, all of whom married and had families. John Elwood, an uncle of the subject of this sketch, lives on part of the old Elwood homestead on the site of grandfather Elwood's first abode there, which was a bark-covered log shanty. That pioneer not only improved a large farm but cleared an extreme tract of timber land on which his three sons settled. Sarah Johnson, who married James T. Elwood, and became the mother of Robert Johnson Elwood, was born in Pennsylvania in 1822. She married Mr. Elwood about 1845, and died February 7, 1846, when Robert Johnson, her only child, was nine days old. The boy was cared for until he was ten years old by grandmother Elwood, of whom he always speaks as having been his best friend on earth. Meanwhile his father married Mary Johnson, his first wife's sister, and Robert returned to the parental roof. By his second marriage Mr. Elwood had two children, - Sarah Elizabeth and John S. Sarah Elizabeth, who is not married, lives at the old Elwood home. John S. lives in Harvey county, Kansas, on an eighty-acre farm which was homsteaded by Robert J., April 30, 1871, when there was not a building on the present site of Newton. The land office was yet located at Emporia and the lumber for the first building at Newton was on the ground, having been drawn seventy-five miles, from Emporia. Robert Johnson Elwood and three of his cousins met at Paola in eastern Kansas, April 1, 1871, and started thence for central Kansas with a four-ox team. Camping out by the way, they arrived at their destination the last of April, and three of them homesteaded eighty acres each, the other one hundred and sixty acres in section 24, range 1 east, five miles northeast of Newton. During the first year of their residence there, the four kept house together in a ten-by-twelve foot sod house on J.M. Johnson's claim, each improving his land by breaking ten acres and fencing it into forty-acre lots with Osage hedge, of which they set out seven and a quarter miles, which is still growing and from which Mr. Elwood has secured many fence posts. All but one of the four men lived there until the spring of 1901 when Mr. Elwood exchanged his eighty acres there in part payment for the purchase of one hundred and sixty acres in Macon township, which he bought of Robert R. Chambers, his father-in-law, and to which he moved in order that he and his wife might care for Mrs. Elwood's parents in their declining years. As a pioneer Mr. Elwood had many interesting experiences, and he remembers that he and J.C. Johnson made the coffin in which was buried the first white woman who died in Highland township. Her death occurred in the fall of 1871; an ordinary lumber wagon did duty as a hearse, and she was drawn to the grave in it by a yoke of oxen, - one of the two yoke that Mr. Elwood and his cousins had brought with them to central Kansas; and only her husband, Mr. Elwood, Mr. Johnson and a colored woman, followed her to her lonely resting place. In the fall of 1869, while Mr. Elwood was journeying to the west, he met Miss Martha H. Chambers, of Tama county, Iowa, whom he married February 6, 1873. Mrs. Elwood was born July 11, 1850. They left Tama county March 10, 1873, with a covered wagon drawn by a span of horses and drove through to Mr. Elwood's home in central Kansas, where it may be truly said that they have grown up with the country and prospered. Their daughter Laura, who was graduated from the State Normal School at Emporia in 1899, is a teacher in the primary department of the public school at Newton. Their son Leroy was graduated at the Wichita Business College and was for four years a stenographer in the offices of the Santa Fe Railroad Company in Newton, and is now in the mercantile business at Valley Falls, Kansas. He is a Master Mason. Politically Mr. Elwood was formerly a Democrat, but during recent years he has been active Populist. He assisted to organize Highland township for school purposes and was long a member of the school board there, and has been chairman of the Populist county central committee of Harvey County since the organization of that body, and was a delegate to the Populist National convention at St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood are Presbyterians and each was reared in that faith by devoted Christian parents. Mr. Elwood is a public spirited, progressive man, who is looked upon as a leader in all good movements by his appreciative fellow townsmen. (Biographical History of Central Kansas: 1902, pp. 618-620).
Emerson, H. - (Burrton). H. Emerson enlisted July 1861 as private in Company K, 151st Illinois Infantry. Served one year. (Our Old Soldiers, written by A. Perry, G.A.R., published in the Burrton Monitor, Friday September 22, 1882. Page 2).