Jefferson County

This Day in History With Events in 1900 (100 years ago) in Jefferson County, KS

Jan 1,1900 Free New Years Dinner was served by Thos. Lee of Perry at his store

Jan 2,1900 There are 14 fraternal and benevolent organizations in Oskaloosa

Jan 3,1900 Thos Lee, Hardware, & Machinery & Agricultural Implements; wagons, buggies stoves, tinware, harness, robes-Perry

Jan 4,1900 We are still living in the 19th Century; don't live too fast or you might see the 20th Century dawn

Jan 5,1900 J. W. Owen of Valley Falls has shipped over 10,000 pounds of poultry during the past 3 weeks

Jan 6,1900 The new name of the young of the young people's society at the Winchester R. P. Church is the "The Covenanter Young People's Union"

Jan 7,1900 R. D. Haskell of Nortonville has completed his contract to roof the courthouse

Jan 8, 1900 Agreement has been made with John Wilson to superintend the county poor farm for one year for $700 salary

Jan 9,1900 Ministers of Valley Falls have organized a ministerial union.

Jan 10,1900 Curtis Republican Club of Nortonville organized with 190 members

Jan 11,1900 Forty items have been donated to the Oskaloosa Colored School Library

Jan 12,1900 The Royal Neighbors and The Modern Woodmen of Thompsonvile, gave entertainment at the M. W. A. Hall

Jan 13,1900 Good mixed candies for 10 cents a pound E. F. Garinder's in Winchester

Jan 14,1900 J. M. Buster installed as Register of Deeds

Jan 16,1900 Fon Cook of Valley Falls has shipped a car load of horses and a car of mules-finest lot ever shipped from this city

Jan 17,1900 Dr. Pickett is holding forth at Winchester Opera House

Jan 18,1900 Valley Falls Ladies Auxilary of the

Jan 19,1900 "Joshing" over the telephone causes more annoyance than the "josher" thinks

Jan 20,1900 Southwestern coaches have been remodeled-are again on the road---

Jan 21,1900 Modern Woodmen Camp at Meriden continues to take in new members--

Jan 22,1900 F. P. Metzger of Ozawkie has leased his farm to his broher "Doc"--

Jan 23,1900 Ad-The leader at Oskaloosa-Shoes for ladies, Misses and Children-85 cents to $1.65

Jan 24,1900 Firm of Peebler,Leech and Jennings,Real Estate,Loan and Insurance Agent,formed in Oskaloosa

Jan 25,1900 Markee musical family ,consisiting of the father, mother and 10 sons entertain in Oskaloosa

Jan 26,1900 Dunavent is in need of a good hotel

Jan 27,1900 The Winchester W. C. T. U. meets with Mrs Rachel Steaurt

Jan 28,1900 Brown & Miller, sawyes north of Ozawkie are busy sawing of late, filling an order for bridge lumber

Jan 29,1900 J. W. Thornburg opens new bakery and candy kitchen in Valley Falls

Jan 30,1900 Ice men of Meriden commence putting up ice; it's good quality and 6 inches thick

Jan 31,1900 Sarcoxie Club meets at Valley Grove School House-W.F. Gilluly, Esq. invited to speak

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This page was last updated 07/10/2024