Jewell County Kansas Queries |
Please note: a query must pertain to Jewell Co.
Kansas to be posted here.
Blue Hill Cementery,
Date: Monday, August 20, 2001 11:41 AM
I am searching for William S SPATZ (1836-1910). His wife was Phoebe Ann BOHNER
(?-1914). Her parents were Daniel BOHNER and Julianna MEASE OR MIESSE. Any info
on parents, siblings, children would be appreciated. Thanks.
Topic: Blue Hill Cementery
Date: Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:44 PM
Am looking for the location of Blue Hill Cemetery in Jewell County. Believe it
may be located south and west of Formoso.
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Monday, August 20, 2001 10:27 AM
There isn't a Blue Hill Cemetery listed in the Jewell County Cemetery
If you would respond with the names of the persons you are seeking, I can look
up the names for you in the index.
Topic: Cogman/Irving
From: Drew Adamson
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2001 05:01 AM
kia ora from New Zealand
I'm researching the Cogman family name worldwide. The Cogman name originated out
of Norfolk, England. i am looking for information on Frances Irene Cogman
(parentage, etc.) who was born 5 February 1856, presumably in the States.
Frances married William Sampson Irving, born 9 April 1852 in Ohio. Their
children were :-
Levi Irving, Roscoe Irving, William Jasper Irving, Ida Mae Irving, Norris
Irving, Delbert Irving, Lillie Irving, Agnes Irving, Wallace Irving
Notes :- all the children were born in Jewel County, Kansas, then the family
moved to Union County, Oregon.
Any info would be appreciated.
Drew Adamson
Topic: Elias Dale in Jewell County
From: Russell Dale
Date: Thursday, July 26, 2001 03:16 PM
I am searching for the Ancestors of Elias Dale B 16 Aug 1851. He was my great
great grandfather and is buried in Randall Kansas. I know he was married to a
Sarah J. Zentz. His children were
Robert Faye Dale (my great grandfather)
Ray W. Dale
Mary Dale
Edna Dale
Minnie Dale
Any help would be excellent. Thank you.
From: Rex Touslee
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 11:48 AM
Your Sarah Jane is a part of my Zentz family.
Contact me at:
Topic: Salem (ghost town)
Date: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 06:05 PM
I am looking for information on the "ghost town" of Salem in Jewell Co., KS.
Does anyone know what happened to this town? Several of my ancestors, mostly
ARRINGDALE and BROWN were born, married, and died here. Any help out there would
be greatly appreciated. The time frame is sketchy, but I have documented
evidence from 1877 to 1897. Anyone out there have any thoughts? Thanks!
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Friday, July 06, 2001 08:46 PM
Salem had post offices from 14 Sept 1871 to 15 May 1895 then again from 11 June
1895 to 31 Dec 1903. The first postmaster was George W. C. Smith. [source:
Kansas Post Offices by Robert W. Baughman]
"Salem was first settled in the spring of 1871 by M. W. George and H.L.
Browning. It was the latter who started a steam sawmill, for some years a
leading utility for the settlers. Browning, C. P. Miller and Geo. W. Smith laid
out the townsite in 1872, taking a strip of ground from each of their
In 1877 Salem had four stores, a hotel and several private residences. It was on
the main freight road between Cawker City and Hastings, one of the nearest
railroad points.
For years it was expected that the Missouri Pacific railroad would be extended
up the White Rock valley to Salem. ....Finally the railroad was built...but
instead of following the fertile valley it kept to the high ridge and missed
Salem by five and a half miles to the south.
At the height of its glory Salem had a postoffice, two hardwares, three dry good
stores, two hotels, a harness shop, two livery barns, two or three churches, a
two-room school house, blacksmith shops, a drug store, a bank, two newspapers,
and several lawyers. The town continued to grow until the second railroad passed
it up in 1887.
In the next two or three years the population melted away moving to Esbon, six
and a half miles distant, or to Lebanon, eight and a half miles to the
southwest, both on the railroad. During this period of emigration it was no
uncommon site to see two or three houses or store buildings at a time on the
great moving trucks, headed for new locations at the railroad towns. For some
years afterwards a few of the residents clung to their hope and continued
efforts to secure a railroad, but the passage of the Rock Island was the fatal
blow. In two or three years Esbon and Lebanon had become substantial
[source: "What Price White Rock? : a Chronicle of Northwestern Jewell County" by
Harry E. Ross
From: Dean Simar
Date: Monday, September 27, 2004 02:24 AM
My Great-Grandfather took a Homestead on Ash Creek, only a few miles from the
town of Salem , this was in 1871, he died in 1882, and his daughter, who had
married Elias Uptagrafft, took over the farm, and lived most of her life there,
and is buried in one of the local cemeteries.
Dean Simar
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