Jewell County Kansas Queries |
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Kansas to be posted here.
Topic: Peace
From: Florence Wilson
Date: Saturday, October 06, 2001 10:01 PM
I am looking for any information on my great great-grandfather. He was born in
Bedford County Pa in 1802, married Susannah Wertz 30 April 1882, was in
Jefferson County Iowa in the 1856 census and is buried in Mankato Kansas. He
died in 1882. A son is also buried there. His name was Justice Peace. Any help
would be so appreciated.
Topic: Bowles, Montana cemetery
From: Emogene Greer
Date: Friday, October 05, 2001 09:40 AM
Found William A Bowles buried in Montana cemetery, Jewell County. If anyone has
a book to look up Bowles in this or other cemeteries, I would appreciate any
information. William was 14 years old when he died, so there must have been
other family members with him.
Some Bowles girls married Love, Hord and Free, who may also have gone to
Thank you,
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Friday, October 05, 2001 05:28 PM
Bowles in Jewell Co. Cemetery book
Walnut Creek Friends Cem, Walnut Twp.
Bowles, George F., 1874-1878
Montana Cemetery, Montana Twp.
Bowles, W.A., 11y 1m 16d, died 28 Sep 1878, son of W.A. & L.S.
no other Bowles burials listed in this cem.
Mt. Hope Cemetery at Mankato
Bowles, James M., 1856-1936, ssa Mary
Bowles, Mary A., 1859-1935, ssa James M.
Bowles, Walter C., 24 Jan 1883, 26 Jul 1884, son of J.M. & M.A.
Jewell City Cem, Jewell City
Bowles, Charles W. 1871-1957, ssa Clara F.
Bowles, Clara F., 1873-1952, ssa Charles W.
Couch Cem., Browns Creek Twp.
Bowles, Arthur C. [Clair]1888-1966 [buried 7-7-66]
Bowles, Charles H., 1847-1922, Father [buried 26 Jan, died Calvin Twp.]
Bowles, Clyde, 11 Jan 1881, 03 Jun 1968, Father
Bowles, George L., 11 Jan 1881, 03 Jun 1968
Bowles, Hattie M., 05 Feb 1889, 30 Dec 1956, Mother
Bowles, James, 08 May 1814, 27 Aug 1880
Bowles, Jessie J., 07 May 1887, 28 Jul 1974
Bowles, Laura Ann, 1855-1919, Mother [buried 21 Feb, died Browns Creek Twp]
Bowles, Leonard C., 07 Nov 1853, 19 May 1928 [buried 22 May, died Browns Creek
Bowles, Louisa, 14 Mar 1820, 20 May 1899, wife of James
Bowles, Ruth N., 1901-1972 [buried 1-26-72]
Bowles, Viola V., 11 Apr 1860, 15 Jun 1937 [bur 17 Jun 1937, died Browns Creek
ssa= same stone as
Hope this helps, Ardie
Topic: Porter, Wallace, Custer, Hoff, Elliott, Korb--Help with Jewell families?
From: Ray Hoff
Date: Friday, September 28, 2001 08:37 PM
I am researching a tree containing the names:
PORTER (Landon Arthur m. Mina Agnes Hoff)
WALLACE (Isaac m. Blanche Elliott son Roy m Elta)
HOFF (Lettie Viola m Wm Korb)
ELLIOTT Blanche, Howard and others
Anybody who has a GEDCOM linking to these folks would help a lot.
R. Hoff (
Topic: Leslie A.McBratney
From: Dave Coles
Date: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 04:35 PM
To whom it may Concern:
I'm currently work for Cole & Coles - McBratney family.
At that time Leslie A. McBratney was lived in Mankato during 1920's. Our Great
Aunt Merle(Coles)McBratney was passed away in 1925 and buried at
Centralia,Kansas with his family.
There was no record of Leslie to buried with Merle.
So far I'm wondering does he still live in this town for many years or not.
He might be remarry to another wife. I am not sure if he was buried in
Also Leslie and Merle has one adopted Daughter - don't know her name.
I will be appreciate if anyone can help me or any information about Leslie
Thank you!
Have a good day!
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