Jewell County Kansas Queries |
Please note: a query must pertain to Jewell Co.
Kansas to be posted here.
Topic: Samuel Carto, Philip Carto
From: Linda Goddard
Date: Friday, November 16, 2001 04:52 PM
I am trying to find a Philip Carto. I think his father was Samuel Carto. Philip
was born in 1868. I believe he may have married to Anna Jane Coates, daughter of
Alexander Logan Coates. Any help appreciated.
Topic: Bales, Mendenhall & Kellum
From: Kathlyn Billett
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 01:55 PM
Looking for descendants of Mordecai Kellum's kids. Also Information on Nathan
Bales father of Irene.... his whereabouts after the death of Charity Mendenhall
From: Roberta Terry
Date: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 09:55 PM
I have in my family history a Nathan Bales m. to Minerva Jane Underhill. Nathan
died in 1919, but I do not have the where!.Minerva died 1894
I have them with the following children:
Alanson Howard B. [M]6/18/1857
E. Marion B. [F] 1860
Edward C. B. [M] 2/9/1865
L.J. Bales [F] 4/1870
M.S. Bales [F] 1874
My name is Roberta S. Terry [Adams]
From: Judy Bridell
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 08:55 AM
I'm looking for more information on Arby TUTTLE, his wife Louisa, and his niece
Matilda, who appear on page 5 of the 1880 census of Prairie Township. Arby was
47 at the time and a farmer. Matilda was 17, and the daughter of his brother
Harlow, who was possibly deceased. Arby and Harlow were brothers of my great
great grandmother Elmina Tuttle, who stayed back in Lewis County, New York. Any
information greatly appreciated.
From: Karolyn Simpson
Date: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 03:07 PM
On the 1880 Jewell County KS census, Buffalo township, ED
130, page 463B, I found an R. Tuttle, age 55, farmer born
in NY and parents born in NY. He has a wife, Elizabeth and
3 children, Herbert, Henry and Edward (children all born in
WI). R. Tuttle could possibly have a connection with your
family judging by closeness of age and place of birth.
Topic: JAMES A. BAILEY death date & cemetery
From: Karolyn Simpson
Date: Sunday, November 04, 2001 04:06 PM
I'm searching for the death date and burial location of JAMES A. BAILEY. He and
his wife, Caroline, were located in Buffalo township on the 1880 census. They
had 5 children at that time, the oldest was a daughter, Anna, is listed as
teaching school. The family had moved from Green County WI about 1865 to
Missouri, then to Buffalo township in Jewell County, KS after 1872.
James was a civil war veteran and Caroline applied for widow benefits in KS
after he died.
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Friday, November 09, 2001 09:35 PM
Info from Jewell County cemetery index
Wallace Cemetery, Buffalo Township, Jewell Co., KS
Bailey, James A., 54y 10m 11d, died 06 Aug 1887, husband of Caroline E., same
stone as Frederick E., 4th Serg. Co H 38 Reg. Wis. Inf. Vol., GAR 1861-65
Bailey, Frederick E., born 17 Oct 1963[probably 1863 - ag], died 07 Feb 1896,
son of J.A. and C.E., same stone as James A.
If Caroline Bailey is also buried here, there is no stone listed.
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Friday, November 30, 2001 02:57 PM
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 16:29:45 -0700
From: KarolynSimpson
Hi Ardie,
Thank you for the information about James Bailey and son Frederick. I found
Caroline - she's buried in Hampton, Franklin County, Iowa. Apparently she went
to Iowa after the death of her son because there
were Bailey family members living there.
Karolyn Simpson
Topic: Kindlesperger/Ianson
From: Susan Walters
Date: Friday, November 02, 2001 06:53 PM
Found Kindlespergers in Jewel County. Now looking for Charles Ianson who married
Ruth Anise (poss. Allice) Kindlesperger, sometime between 1880-1883, as my
grandfather John Ianson was born in Nov. 1883 in Jewel County. Any help would be
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