Jewell County Kansas Queries |
Please note: a query must pertain to Jewell Co.
Kansas to be posted here.
Bethel Church Cemetery,
Topic: Henry P. Diamond
From: Keith Diamond
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 12:17 AM
I am looking for any information on H.P. Diamond that lived in the early 1900's
in Mankato, Kansas.
Topic: Tipton's in Jewel County, KS
From: Jaren Mey
Date: Sunday, May 29, 2005 02:31 PM
My gg Grandfather George Bond Tipton (b. 12/12/1841 d 12/13/1921) married
Elizabeth A. Garwood (b. 9/5/1846 d 1/23/1913)in August of 1880 in Cloud County,
Kansas. They had a son Cloud Arthur Tipton born 10/19/1884 in Cloud County died
6/10/1951 buried in MT. Hope Cemetery in Elk, Kansas.
At some point my gg grandparents went to St. Joseph County, Indiana for a while
because my great grandfather Chester Ammon Tipton was born there on 3/14/1888.
Possibly to visit relatives of Elizabeth since she was born in Indiana.
Elizabeth A. Garwood had married Hiram Post in 1870 and they moved to Cloud
County, Kansas in 1872.
If anyone has any information on my Tipton line I would greatly appreciate it. I
seem to keep hitting brick walls with them.
Topic: Queen, Bethel Church Cemetery
From: Glenda Prieba
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2005 02:10 PM
I am planning a trip up to Jewell, Jewell County, over Memorial Day - I have
roots there:*) - I have heard that there is an abandoned cemetery in Calvin
Township, two miles west of the "Buffalo School", called "Bethel Cemetery". Also
that there used to a "Bethel Church" by the cemetery. Also the rumour is that
there are Queens buried there. (I am a descendent of William H. Queen who
arrived in Jewell 1870's.) Can anyone tell me anything about this church and
cemetery? Thanks.
Topic: Dillon, Huntsinger, Smith, Burr
Oak Cemetery & Obit records
From: Renee Herres
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2005 02:33 PM
I am needing some help in finding someone who would be willing to look up some
obituaries and perhaps take some photos of graves for several of my family
members. Some of the surnames are Dillon, Huntsinger, and Smith. I have dates.
Thanks for any consideration. Renee
Topic: George W. and Rachel Tyner
From: Debbie Holtzendorff
Date: Sunday, April 03, 2005 04:23 PM
Looking for more information on Rachel born 1858 in Iowa and married to George
Tyner. They are found in the 1880 Census in Centre Township, Jewell, Kansas with
a child Bertha.
From: russ mcdonald
Date: Friday, July 01, 2005 01:14 AM
Rachel surname was Wilson. Her Father was Francis Duke Wilson and Mother was
Hannah Jeffers Wilson.
Rachel married Geo. in Seward Co. NE. Jan,1877 by judge Williams County Judge.
They both were 18 at the time.
Topic: Gildner, Slattery, Ford, Crist
From: Diana Gildner
Date: Friday, February 25, 2005 08:52 AM
Looking for information on John (1832-1919) and Mary (1834-1915)Daubenspeck
Gildner & their children
Sons: Noah, Emmanuel, Thomas, Samuel, George, Charles
Daughters: Ellen (Ford), Louise (Crist), Mary (Slattery)
Arrived in Jewell Kansas circa 1880's. John & Mary died there.
Diana Gildner
Topic: Butlers
From: Cindy Mitchell
Date: Sunday, February 20, 2005 02:39 PM
Am looking for any information on James L Butler, wife Maria, sons George and
Francis, grandson William who show on the 1880 Vicksburg, Jewell County Kansas
census. James & Maria both in their mid 60's, so may have passed in the area.
Sons both over 21 may have married and stayed in the area. William 19, have no
idea what might have happened to him. Any help and/or resource guide info would
be greatly appreciated.
Topic: Wilson
From: Russ McDonald
Date: Sunday, February 20, 2005 04:11 AM
Looking for info on a Wm. B. H. Wilson and Mary Duke Wilson father and mother of
S.E. Wilson of the Jackson Twp. area. Mary died in 1882 and Wm. died in 1888.
Would like to know where they are buried and or a obit. Thanks for the help,
Russ McDonald
Topic: Browns Creek Township
Early Settlers
From: Mona Hill
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:48 AM
I have information regarding several early families of the Browns Creek
Township, Jewell, Ks. and would like to share it with interested researchers.
Materials include marriage records from Rev. H.G. Breed and the history of
McCabe Chapel.
New queries are being added each update, please visit again.
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