Jewell County Kansas Queries |
Please note: a query must pertain to Jewell Co.
Kansas to be posted here.
Topic: Looking for Leonard R. Freeby
From: Mildred Freeby
Date: Saturday, December 10, 2005 01:54 PM
I am looking for Leonard R. Freeby thought to be buried in Mankato, KS. Unsure
of his death date but his birth date is 13 Jun 1898. Would like to have a death
date, a burial place and obit, if possible.
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Friday, June 16, 2006 06:21 PM
Leonard Raymond Freeby born 13 June 1898, died 11 Jan 1954, served in Kansas
Col. 43 Inf WWI is buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Mankato, Jewell, Kansas.
Aslo buried in the same cemetery are:
Freeby, Cecitia, 1874-1960 [ssa John E.]
Freeby, John E., 1870-1954 [ssa Cecilia]
ssa = same stone as
info from Jewell County Cemeteries, Vol IV, published 1983, North Central Kansas
Genealogy Society, Cawker City, Kansas
Topic: Nickerson family in Jewell County
From: Mary Swartz
Date: Sunday, November 13, 2005 02:53 PM
I found David Nickerson 54, wife Charlotte 49, Charley 14, Stella 9 and Gilbert
5 in the 1880 census of Grant, Jewell, KS. I believe that David died in 1883 in
Jewell County. Can anyone look up county cemetery records for David?
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Sunday, November 13, 2005 09:59 PM
There are Nickerson burials in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Mankato, but no David.
Dean B. Nickerson, age 6y 9m 19d, died 3 March 1894, son of M.W. & A.Z.
P.W. Nickerson - 3 unknown graves, Add A Cem Lot 22
T.W. Nickerson - Add A Cem Lot 19
from Jewell Co. Cemetery index, 1979
Topic: Barber, Hughes, Mt. Hope cemetery
From: Linda Hackler
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:45 PM
Is there a dirctory of graves at Mt. Hope cemetery? I am looking for a baby boy
of William and Eunice Maggie Barber. Also interested in any information on this
family or the Edwy and Ethel Hughes family. Thanks.
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2005 05:39 PM
An index, published in 1983 by North Central Kansas Genealogical Society, has
this information:
Barber, Baby [Mary-from record book] [no dates]
Barber, W.B. Add. B Cem. Lot No. 119 Pur. 1917 Baby Barber
Topic: Getman
From: ruth skaggs
Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 05:02 PM
looking for getman family Harvey and Frances
Topic: Harkins family of Jewell County
From: Connie Lockhart
Date: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 04:30 PM
I hope someone out there can help me find the children
of John Harkins and Margaret Toy who moved to Jewell
County Kansas in 1871. If anyone knows of them or
anything about John and Margaret, I would love to hear
from you. Connie
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 08:15 PM
John & Margaret are living in Montana Township, Jewell County in 1880 with
children: Lucy, age 4, born KS; Alexander, age 2, born KS; and infant boy, age 4
months, born KS [ search at
In 1900, they are still in Montana Township, with children:
Charles P., age 20, born Jan 1880 and Ednie?, age 9, female, born March 1892.
Margaret is reported to be the mother of 9 children, 4 of whom are living in
In 1910, also in Montana Township, with daughter Edna. Margaret is reported to
be the mother of 8 children, 4 of whom are living in 1910.
Other head of household living in Montana Township in 1910:
Harkins, Alex
Harkins, Charlie
Harkins, Kate
Harkins, Sarah J.
burials in Valley View Cemetery, Jackson Township, Jewell County, KS
Harkins, Cora, 11 Mar 1892, 19 Mar 1892
Harkins, Edith J., 1 yr 4 mo, died 31 July 187-, d/o J & M
Harkins, Frank, 5 Mar 1890, 31 Mar 1892
Harkins, John, 30 Nov 1849, 3 Aug 1932, Father
Harkins, Johnnie, 7 mo 22 ds, died 18 Jan 1884, s/o J & M
Harkins, Laura, 7 mo 19 ds, died 27 Aug 1886, d/o J & M
Harkins, Margaret A., 6 Dec 1848, 19 Jan 1931, Mother
Harkins, Margaret J., 29 Apr 1834, 24 Aug 1899, Mother
Harkins, Patrick, 1857, 1886, Father
Harkins, Sarah J., 1854, 1937, Mother
Harkins, Thomas M., 24 Mar 1866, 25 Aug 1902
Mt. Hope Cemetery, Mankato, Jewell, KS
Harkins, Annice, 14 Feb 1859, 19 May 1950, Mother [ssa B.F.] his wife
Harkins, B.F., 17 Aug 1854, Apr 1899, Father [ssa Annice]
Harkins, Jessie - no dates given, notation Original Cemetery Lot C, purchased
1918, Zenith 1918-Annice 1950-B.F. 1899
Harkins, Zenith L., 1918, 1918
ssa - same stone as
d/o - daughter of
s/o - son of
Topic: Robert Benton Information
From: John Benton
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 09:47 AM
My Grandfather, Robert Benton migrated to Jewell County Kansas in 1884 from
Richland County, WI. His wife's maiden name was Sarah Morrow. Children were Hugh
M.(my father), John, Esther, and Eleanor (Born in Kansas). They moved back to
Richland Center in 1901. I am trying to find out where in Jewell County that
they lived. I know that they lived in a Sod House for awhile ... maybe the whole
time. Robert was a school teacher/farmer.
John Benton
1568 Highwood Drive
La Crescent, MN 55947
Topic: Leonard L. Hotchkiss
From: William North
Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:56 AM
Seeking cemetery records for Leonard L. Hotchkiss, b. Penn. Sept. 1854, h/w
Harriet A. (Lohr), b. Oct 1851 in Virginia. Lived and died Walnut, Jewel Co.,
Kan. Leonard died bef. 1920, h/w Harriett d. aft. 1930, They had no
Topic: Patrick family
From: Daisy York daisyyork$
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 02:16 AM
Harriett A. Patrick York was my grandmother. She lived in Indiana. Wanting
family tree history. If you can help email me with her name in subject line. thanks much...
Sincerely, Daisy
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