Jewell County Kansas Queries |
Please note: a query must pertain to Jewell Co.
Kansas to be posted here.
1895 wagon train,
Birth Information,
Memories of Otego, Kansas,
Yapp School
Topic: Rath Deaths
From: Evan Rath
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 03:51 PM
Looking for the death of William C. Rath. Thought to have died in Jewell Co. in
1900. Any help?
I have found some felatives buried at Burr Oak, but not William C.
Topic: Clester, McAffie, McGee and Granger
From: carol cantrell
Date: Thursday, September 07, 2006 12:17 AM
I would love to have contact and exchange of information with any of John C.
Clester's children or siblings children.......his siblings were Elizabeth who
married unknown McAffie; Lucena(Siena who married John McGee; Jane who married
Geo Granger...........these I believe left Ohio with John and his family and
settled in Jewell county and later Sumner, Ks and McPherson and Sedgwick
counties. I am John;s Great Great Granddaughter.
thanks carol cantrell
Topic: Warner newspaper articles
From: Mary Grether
Date: Sunday, August 20, 2006 02:02 PM
I am looking for some back dated newspapers, about 1954-55
my dad was severely burned in an accident, he was a lineman for REA. I am
thinking this may have been near Mankato, but not sure.
name was Melvin Arnold Warner at the time he had 2 children, he did not die, but
probably close. the one thing I do remember was a terrible train crash happened
in or near that time. many people were killed or injured. I was about 7-8 then,
so my memory is not quite clear on the wreck, If anyone could find those
articles I sure would appreciate the articles. Because I never saw anything
about my dad. thanks for any info on that.
another one is my grandad was also severly burned in about that time frame, this
was near Lebanon, Kansas. kerosene refrigerator exploded in his face, his name
was George Philemon Warner. also if this helps a mr. Christman also was severly
burned about a month later, they didn't live far from each other.
any information on these two I would greatly appreciate it.
Topic: stafford family of Mankato Kansas
From: sandra astley
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 03:35 PM
Desire information on family of David Stafford in 1920 & 1930 census residing
Mankato with family, wife Mary, son Lewis and daughters Helen, Florence and
Ruth. Son Lewis may be the Lewis H Stafford who died at Mankato Feb 1981
residing with wife Amber in 1930 census with three daughters, Margaret, Mary and
Carolyn. Believe Florence died at Mankato March 1973. Any help appreciated.
Thank you. Sandie
Topic: Any records of Swiggum family 1870 to
From: Albert Curtis
Date: Friday, July 28, 2006 08:40 PM
Topic: Yapp School
From: Addie Madl
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:50 AM
I would like to know more about Yapp School District No. 148 1923-1924
Topic: McBride / West
From: Michael McBride
Date: Friday, July 07, 2006 06:52 PM
My gg grandfather, Thomas McBRIDE, and his brother, Alexander McBRIDE, and
perhaps their sister, Rebecca Jane (McBRIDE) WEST (spouse Eleazar WEST) settled
in the Reubens/Mankataepublican River Range area of Kansas , supposedly very
near the Republican River? They had a homestead started around 1870. I'm trying
to research as much about them as possible. I believe Ruebens no longer exist
(under water reservoir). Looking for grave site of Rebecca, Eleazar, and
Topic: Birth Information - Mankato,
From: Dorothy Nixon
Date: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 11:37 AM
Are there birth records available for 1923 for Jewell County and how do I go
about accessing them?
Topic: 1895 wagon train leaving
Northbranch, KS to Idaho
From: Patricia fLETCHER
Date: Thursday, November 30, 2006 03:37 PM
Edna L. Ratcliff Diary lists members of train & route
Any additional diaries?
Topic: Alexander Coates
From: Roxanne Langner
Date: Monday, November 27, 2006 06:24 AM
I'm looking for information on Alexander Coates was born 10 May 1840 in
Alleghery City, Pa(?) and died 13 Aug 1908 in Mankato, Jewell Co., Kansas. He
married Rachel Amos, 07 Dec 1863 in Mankato, Jewell Co., Kansas, duaghter of
Emanuel Amos and Rachel. She was born 4 Oct 1839 in Marshall, West Virginia and
died 15 Mar 1890 in Mankato, Jewell Co., Kansas.
In his marrage to Rachel Amos they had 4 childern die in infancy. After Rachels
death in 1890 Alexander remarried Mary E Riswick on 5 Feb 1891. Am not sure if
any children were born.
Childer of Alexander and Rachel
Mattie Coates born unknown
John William Coates born 8 Oct 1864 in Mankato, Jewell,Ks
died 22 Jun 1839
Sarah Samantha Coates born 9 Jun 1869 in Mankato, Jewell,Ks
died 20 May 1946
Franklin Melvin Coates 8 Oct 1870 Wheeling, Ohio, WV
died 4 Mar 1964
Anna Jane Coates born 5 Mar 1872 died 18 Jun 1891
Addie Bell Coates born 10 APr 1881 Mankato, Jewell, Ks
died 22 Jun 1942 Califorina
Addie married Robert Blick
Any help would be great. Please email me at
Topic: Memories of Otego,
From: Lou Ann Frogge
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2006 06:43 PM
Does anyone know where I can purchase the book, "Memories of Otego,Kansas?"
From: Ardie Grimes
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2006 06:55 AM
Several years ago I bought one at the Jewell County Historical Society Musuem,
210 N Commercial St, Mankato, Kansas 66956
Topic: Simar, Kansas Homesteaders
From: Dean Simar
Date: Sunday, November 05, 2006 03:06 PM
I don't see any mention of one of the early homesteaders in Jewell County
Kansas, The family of John Simar relocated to Kansas, from Iowa, in 1871 or
1872, taking a homestead on ash creek, in Jewell Co.
My Grandfather was born on that homestead in 1873. I've visited that area many
times, and always enjoy looking around and trying to imagine how it must have
looked in the late 1800's
Topic: Aldean S. Kieffer and Nettie J. Fox Kieffer
From: Dee Lichtenberger
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2006 09:48 PM
I am looking for relatives and or people with information on Aldean S. Kieffer
and Nettie J. Fox Kieffer of Jewel, KS
My grandmother Nettie died in aprox. 1919 and grandfather Dean in the 50's I am
Bethel Lynn's daughter
Topic: Shain Surname
From: Cynthia Olson
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:37 AM
I am looking for any information on a William Henry Shain b. 1855 Canada m. 07
Jun 1873 to Rhoda Benbow in Jewell County KS. William and Rhoda divorced and
William remarried in 1876 in Jewell County to Julia Maxson. They later moved on
to Republic County Kansas in 1880 and they I can't find another sign of them
anywhere. Any info would be greatly appreciate.
Cindy Olson
Wichita, KS
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