Jewell County Kansas Queries |
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From: deeann danin
Date: Saturday, March 24, 2007 11:19 PM
Looking for any/all information on DUNIVANs residing in this county from 1860 to
date. Any assist appreciated. dd
Topic: West family
From: kevin coppess
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2007 10:07 AM
my grand father roy wset was born in jewell co kansas 1886 and homestead i need
to see if i can get info on his birth and land records
Topic: GOURLEY Surname: Rev Thomas Gourley,
Jewell Co. KS
From: Rob Swinson
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:04 AM
Looking for information on background and family of Rev. Thomas Hampton GOURLEY,
a Pentecostal "Holy Roller" Minister from Jewell Co. Kansas, born January 08,
1862 in Miami Co, Indiana at or near Peoria (or possibly Ft. Wayne, Allen Co.,
Indiana). Thomas was the son of John Hampton GOURLEY and Julia Matilda (HAWKINS)
GOURLEY who had a farm in Ezbon Township, Jewell Co., KS in June 1880. Family
migrated to Jewell Co., Kansas in 1870s from Miami Co., Indiana. Thomas had an
older sister, Martha Susan GOURLEY, born July 17, 1859 in Miami Co., Indiana,
died August 1907 in Joplin, Jasper Co., Missouri, married Will H. TASKER
reportedly on June 10, 1872 (almost 13 years old!) at unknown location, and they
had 9 known children. There were two other siblings of Thomas and Martha Susan,
but names and sex are "unknown." One of the "unknown" siblings died before June
1900. No record of either "unknown" sibling found in 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1900
census records.
Rev. Thomas H. "Tom" GOURLEY was a "Pastor" in October 1896 when he married
Effie E. MASDEN in Norton Co., Kansas, either at her parents farm near Lenora or
the Congregational Church in Lenora where her parents, Joseph and Emily Jane
"Emma" (MCDANIEL) MASDEN attended services.
Thomas GOURLEY became an early twentieth century Pentecostal "Holy Roller"
Minister. Lived in Lawrence, Douglas Co., KS in June-July 1899 where his wife,
Effie, died on July 11th. Tom GOURLEY was living in Topeka, Shawnee Co., KS in
July 1902 where his first son, John Jacob GOURLEY, was born July 5th after
marrying for second time to Mary Elizabeth NEFF on January 17, 1901 at Corning,
Nemaha Co., Kansas. Mary Elizabeth NEFF born December 17, 1881 in Nemaha Co. and
died September 05, 1917 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon. Her parents were James
W. and Alice W. (BLANKLEY) NEFF of Soldier Township, Jackson Co., Kansas located
just a few miles south of Corning in Nemaha Co.
Children (all sons) of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth GOURLEY, in addition to John
Jacob, were: James Nottingham GOURLEY, Sr., born May 31, 1904 in Long Beach, Los
Angeles Co., California; Peter Hampton GOURLEY, born April 07, 1907 in
Washington, probably Ballard Beach area of Seattle in King County; Philip Milton
GOURLEY, born February 09, 1910 in Ballard Beach, King Co., Washington; and Levi
Matthew GOURLEY, born July 29, 1912 in "Community Settlement" of Rev. Thomas H.
Gourley on Lopez Island, San Juan Co., Washington.
Rev. Thomas GOURLEY was very likely closely associated with Rev. Charles Fox
PARHAM of Kansas, considered by many to be the "founder of modern
Pentecostalism" who held the very first evangelistic Pentecostal Revival of the
twentieth century at the former Stone mansion outside of Topeka, Kansas in
Shawnee County that started on January 1, 1901 with 40 of his students. "This
revival would give rise to the most dynamic force for evangelism and missions in
modern times." It was held at the Bethel Bible School (aka Bethel Gospel School)
which Charles F. PARHAM had founded in October 1900 when he rented the former
Stone mansion. This Pentecostal religious movement was well known for "speaking
in tongues" (glossolalia), the first documented event occurring on January 1,
1901 as the revivial got started. These revivals might go for days or weeks.
In 1920, Rev. Thomas GOURLEY left the Lopez Island "religious colony" that he
had founded in 1911 and was killed while riding on a train, the "Dixie Flyer,"
when it wrecked near Calhoun, Gordon Co., Georgia on February 26, 1923. His
mother, Julia, died the same year in Macon, Georgia - don't know if it was the
town of Macon in Bibb Co. or county of Macon. Julia may have been living in
Macon with Tom and his 5 sons when he died in the train wreck, as his wife had
died in 1917, and his father had died in 1902.
If you have additional information, please contact me directly by email.
Rob Swinson
Topic: Lars and Carrie Carlson in Jewell County
From: Margaret Rodland
Date: Friday, January 19, 2007 06:00 PM
Need residence information for Lars and Carrie Carlson - both from Norway - who
lived in Jewell County KS in 1888, where their son Gustaf B. Carlson was born in
March 1888.
Lars Carlson filed for naturalization in December 1884 in Republic County, KS
and they were married in 1886. Their second child was born in Superior county
Nebraska in April 1889.
Would like County tax, marriage or birth records and name of township where they
lived during 1886-88, or any other information confirming their living in Jewell
County KS.
Will reimburse for any copies available.
Please reply by email to
Topic: Flinn
From: Clara Jaramillo
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 06:33 PM
I'm searching for the FLINN families, Herman FLINN b.29 Jun 1906,Buffalo, Jewell
Co., Kansas, married 06 Oct 1926,Harper Co., KS j 416, Mildred Lewis , I have
found in the census Herman with his family in Jewell Co., Kansas in 1910, his
family moved there about 1880 as I found his grandfather John FLINN in Buffalo,
Jewell, Kansas in the census, from the census I have a list of the children, any
help on this family would be most welcome,
Thank you
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