Jewell County Kansas

Annual Report of School District No.50

11 April 1913

Thought this might be of interest and refresh memories of the oldtimers. I have a copy of the "Annual Report of School District No.50..on 11 April 1913." (Rose Hill School in Montrose Tp.) My mother: Effie KITE (KYTE) and her brothers are listed as well as many friends and neighbors. This gives the name and age of the child. (Some names were almost illegible.)
Submitted by Twylah Lemargie

NameAge NameAge NameAge
Mabel ADAMS6 Hazel BALL10 Robert REED18
Muriel BALL7 Elva BALL14 Lily BALL20
Frank BURNS8 Gladys DART13 Millie FREESTED (?)18
Howard ADAMS8 Mable ADAMS10 Glen JOHNSTON6
Leona BENNETT9 Ray BALL17 Lloyd REED19
Donald DART9 Erling DAHL14 Robert REED17
Doniss (?) DART9 Agnis DAHL15 Ethel BALLARD18
Minnie DYE8 George DYE15 Merl BENNETT6
Abbie WYSCARVER10 Vern DYE18 Leslie KITE6
Hazel WYSCARVER8 Martin DAHL18 Henry KITE5
Arbor BALL12 Ole JOHNSTON19 Effie KITE5

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