Transcribed from the Jewell City High School Yearbook - 1914
Submitted by Linda Tremblay

Advertisers in
The Crescent

Eyes Count
Have them Tested and Fitted
W. W. Schumacher
Jeweler and Optician
After School Days
And Graduation come the business side of life with the household cares and joys.  With good substantial Furniture, Rugs, etc., such as are always carried  at this store, a great many of your cares will be turned to joy.
Here's hoping you will be numbered among our customers.
H. C. White & Sons
The reliable Furniture Dealers
J. O. Laffer
Successor to J. D. Robertson Merc. Co.,
Jewell City, Kansas
Clothing and Shoe Departments
Young Men
Young Women
Get on board the train of Opportunity.
It always stops at Laffer's
You will find a splendid assortment of Highest Class Clothing, Shoes and Furnishing Goods.
The Best of Eerything at Moderate Prices
"Time and tide wait for no man."
"To-morrow's regret will not remedy today's delay."
You will not be disappointed when you come here.
If you like
Good Coffee
Try Golden Sun.  We have this in 30, 35 and 40c grades
Frontier and Acropolis Brand Canned Goods.
The Stanley Grocery
Phone 29
Olinger & Sons
Dealers in
Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish and Poultry
Strictly Pure and Wholesome Products at the lowest prices
Phone your order to 108
Young Men's Clothes are our Specialty
You Young Men who are looking for the latest things better come here this spring and see our New Suits.
Youth's Long Pant Suits
$8.50 to $15.00
Young Men's Suits
$12.50 to $25.00
Hart, Schaffner and Marx Suits
$18.50 to $25.00
The latest in Oxfords, Shirts
Caps and Straw Hats
Always the latest and Best
Ely & Kreamer
The House of Good Clothes
Headquarters for
Hamilton, South Bend and Seth Thomas
No Better Watches Made
Libby Cut Glass and Pickard
Hand Painted China
The latest in Rings and Jewelry at
L. S. Grimm's
South side of Square
We sell Staple Groceries in Standard Quality
Candies and Confectionery
Fresh Fruits in Season
Trande Here!
Your Privilege
Our Pleasure
The Baird Grocery
Phone No 45
A New Rule is all Right
if the system needs a change;
if the Public has not been getting what
they deserve.
CHANGE the system, but we will make no change, for at our prices people are always sure of their money's worth.
We recommend these brands:
Advo-Quality Supreme
J. M. 1846, Choice Quality
Gavin's Grocery
Phone 157
Fred James
Practical Harness Maker
YOUR OWN IDEA of Harness carried out in detail if you want a buggy or team harness made to order different from common styles.  Our modern shop methods and years of experience make it possible to build harness to order to SUIT YOUR IDEAS.  There is no uncertainty about our make of harness.  We want your trade for we believe we deserve it in the high class harness which which we can make you at easy reached prices.  Yours,
Oak-Tanned, Fred James
Henderson Corsets
Miller Shoes
Dry Goods and Shoes
Phone 142
Armon Plate Hosiery
Francis S. Simmons Gloves
F. I. Drake
Jewell City, Kansas
Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Clothing
Groceries and Queensware
Carpets, Linoleums
Agency for the Famous
White Sewing Machine
With Vibrator or Rotary Shuttles.  This is the machine that brings good cheer in the Domestic Art Department.  Just ask the High School Girls.  They can tell you about it.
We invite you to visit our store and get in touch with our
High Grade Merchandise
and our method of doing business.  We welcome you.
Phone No. 25
Phone No. 31
For Nice Things to Wear
For Good things to Eat
Every Class Invited
WE ESPECIALLY invite the members of the class in Domestic Science to call and inspect our line of Sewing Machines, the STANDARD; of Kitchen Cabinets, the SPRINGFIELD and CARDINAL; and all other lines of Home Furnishings.
The better you are informed as to the best in home necessities and conveniences, and the more you strive to apply your information in your mother's home, the better able you will be to teach Domestic Science and the better able you will be eventually, to Practice the Science in your own home.
Call at our store.  We will be more than glad to demonstrate and to give you the benefit of our experience in these various lines.  We also invite all other classes of "Folks" to investigate.  Very Respectfully,
The Jewell Furniture Store
The Quality Store
The E. D. Fisher
Lumber & Coal
Keeps all Kinds
Building Material

Who, by their generous patron-
age, have made possible 
this book, we respect-
fully dedicate "The 

School, Board, and Faculty

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