Submitted by Janet Tyler
School Board
D.K. Balch: Clerk
Oral Wagner: Treasurer
M.W. Hale: Director
Mary Jo Schnell: Economics & Commerce
Philip Gould: English & Speech
Virginia Winkler: Home Economics
Jack Hardin: Science
Willabeth Harris: English & Jr. Business
Dennis McKee: Industrial Arts
Wilma Jean Darst: Mathematics
Harley Doak: Music
Mabelle Vandeventer: Junior High Social Science
Gerald Knapp
Irma Loomis
Casey Howard
Marjorie Lansden
Donna Joy Hawkins
Robert McNabb
Betty Davis
Bud Handley
Lyle Blair
Thelma Collie
Lucille Schlagle
Milton Kramer
Hilda Collins
Charles McNabb
John Campbell
Rose Marie Boeskool
Bryant Clegg
Mildred Hancock
Lester Holloway Jr.
Margaret Waugh
Neva Mae Dyas
Marvin Hamilton
Neita Platt
Ralph Hamilton
Evelyn Rae Thompson
Bryon Walker
Connie Hoke
Mildred Stone
Ralph Collie
Jean Roth
Robert Blaylock
Loren Marmaduke Weltmer
Margaret Waugh owns the largest Beauty Shop in Denver. Although she does very little work she is always at the shop to see that things go smoothly. She specializes in face lifting.
Under the expert rule of Lady X, Betty Davis, Finland has expanded until she now controls all of Europe and Asia.
Marvin Hamilton and Neva Mae Dyas are opponents in the campaign for state governor. Marvin Promises to appoint Neva Mae Lieutenant Governor if he is elected.
Mrs. Evelyn Rae Thompson Blaylock was entertaining in her Long Beach home. Her guest of honor was Bernice Bennett, the famous authoress. Her most recent novel was "On and On Into the Night". The story is based on her own night life in high school.
When we looked for Marmaduke it took us nearly an hour to find him, in the meantime we glimpsed Gerald Knapp preparing for his stage debut. He is a coming ballet star for Carnegie Hall. Irma Loomis is his personal instructor. Sir Elmer Lloyd Handley of the English Courts was sitting in his box waiting for Gerald�s entrance. Among his boxguests were Mr. Milton Kramer, United States senate, and his wife, formerly Rose Marie Boeskool, and Donna Joy Hawkins Brown, the Hollywood singing star.
John Campbell is the president of Phillips 66. Johnny wants to live to a ripe old age so he has never married. He believes that is the surest way to a long life, and a happy one.
The McNabb brothers have joint partnership in the Dance and Live Nest, a nightclub on Broadway. This night club is patronized by such celebrities as Sir Elmer Lloyd, Donna Joy, and Gerald.
Playboy No. 1 is Lyle Blair. He made a fortune from an oil well project in which he invested with his first pay for being bellhop in the Continental Hotel.
The gay divorcee, Lucille Schlagle Carmody VonRieter Gibbons Graves, is playing first horn in the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
At last Marmaduke was found. He is a brilliant criminal lawyer and was working on his greatest case, The Case of the Banana Peel. The defendant, Bryant Clegg, was accused of stealing the banana from the "Dead End Kids". Further complications developed when Jean Roth, missionary to the little heathens of the outermost corner of the South Pole, slipped on the peel and dislocated her hip. Her assistants, Mildred Hancock and Mildred Stone, will take over until Jean recovers. Marmaduke assures us that it is a sure case with no chance of further sip-ups or downs. Bob Blaylock state judge of Kansas, refused to acquit Bryant, and Marmaduke appealed the case to the Supreme Court. Bryant feels sure that Supreme Court Judge Walker will see that he gets a square deal, as they were squad mates on the Mankato High football team of �39. Hilda Collins Hower was the efficient court reporter of the Supreme Court. She is also the indispensable private secretary to Marmaduke.
Marjorie Lansden is the chief operator of the New York Bell telephone system. She does not buy newspapers anymore nor does she have the expense of a radio. She gets her news from the switchboard.
The little man behind the news is the scientist. But Ralph Hamilton is one little man who doesn�t stay behind long. His famous experiments that have revealed the causes and cures of the common cold have placed him as immortal to mankind.
This is all the Senior Class of 1940. Ralph and Lester are very happy about the result and expect to become wealthy and famous with the Television set.
We, the class of 1940, who are about to leave, or be released from this drudgery of work and routine which we will miss, after all is said and done, do publish and do declare this to be our last will and testament, cancelling all judgments and promises previously made by us:
I, Gerald Knapp, will my ability "to hook �em" (both women and baskets) to Wilbur Kier.
I, Mildred Hancock, will my "disinterest in boys" to Shirley Holloway.
I, Donna Joy Hawkins, will my "tall, dark, and handsome dreams," to Neva Joy Drake.
I, Robert Blaylock, will my temperament and "easy to get along with" nature to my little sister, Nola who will need it if she drives.
I, Neita Platt, will my 4-H trips to John Williams. "Some fun, kid."
I, Mildred Stone, will my slow, quiet ways to Neva Gates. "Here�s Hopin!"
I, Casey Howard, will my perfect attendance and "on time" record to the 1941 freshman class.
I, Lyle Blair, will my "early to bed and early to rise" athletic training to Gabby Davis.
I, Bud Handley, will my "reserved space on the bank corner" to LaVere.
I, Evelyn Rae Thompson, will my "giggles" to Jerry Jean Jacobs.
I, Jean Roth, will my ability to carry on the conversation to Joyce Balch.
I, Johnny Campbell, will my half in the Red Triangle to Meice, "Better gas, if it isn�t maybe you wanta fight?"
I, Marvin Hamilton, will my cleverness to Squire Walker. My nickname "Butch" to Albert Musgrove.
I, Marmaduke Weltmer, will my "safe and sane" driving to brother, Roderick.
I, Irma Loomis, will my winning ways and little mouth to Esther Beldon.
I, Connie Hoke, will my sparkling black hair and eyes to Beth Ferguson.
I, Bernice Bennett, will my "slow in action," walk to Lois Weaverling.
I, Thelma Collie, will my choice of "Formal" make-up to Cleo Handley.
I, Marjorie Lansden, will my "Hold your man," technique to Pauline Rose.
I, Charles McNabb, will my short, stocky physique, to Bill Dyas.
I, Byron Walker, will my ability to "drop off to sleep" to Dallas Nelson.
I, Ralph Collie, will an endless desire for discussion to Kenneth Dodd.
I, Lucille Schlagle, will my studiousness in Latin I to Yvonne Clement.
I, Margaret Waugh, will my "summers in Denver," to Anna Ruth Reystead.
I, Milton Kramer, will my "place" in the commercial room to Dean Walker.
I, Bryant Clegg, will my standing as quarter-back to Henry Lee Diamond.
I, Ralph Hamilton, will be attentiveness in class to Junior Vance.
I, Bob McNabb, will my name as "hall nuisance, Pest I," between classes to Junior Lanterman.
I, Rose Marie Boeskool, will my "faithful forever, mannerisms", to Barbara Teeple.
I, Hilda Collins, will my freckles to the Smith Brothers, as a contricution to their present supply.
I, Lester Holloway, will my paper route and salesmanship to Bill Hale. (Just to keep the paper in circulation.)
I, Betty Davis, will my "Voice for cheerleading and superstitious hair beau to Marian Smith.
I, Neva Dyas, will my "office work" to Dorothy June McNabb.
We, the senior class of 1940, will our reputation whatever it may be, to the junior class, to the sophomores our dignity and boldness, to the freshmen four long weary years, and to every class hereafter we leave our stupendous class quarrels.
We, the class of 1940, being of sound mind do hereby will and bequeath this our last will and testament, to the above assignees. Signed, published, and declared by the senior class as, in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses:
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