Sylvan Grove Cemetery

Lincoln Beacon, Nov. 26, 1896

The citizens of Pleasant township met at G.P. Ide's office, as per previous notice, for the purpose of selecting ground and providing means for a cemetery. On motion J.P. Grim was elected chairman and S.N. Norris, secretary. On motion a committee of three was elected, as follows: S.N. Norris, G.P. Ide, John Calene, to investigate for a site of location, and price, of a suitable place for a cemetery, and reoprt next Saturday, Nov. 21, at G.P. Ide's office. On motion A.R. Buzick and Peter Berger were elected to co-operate with the first committee in regard to site and location and price. On motion adjourned, to meet Saturday, at 2 o'clock, Nov. 21, at G.P. Ide's office, Sylvan Grove.