The citizens of Pleasant township met at G.P. Ide's office, as per previous notice, for the purpose of selecting ground and providing means for a cemetery. On motion J.P. Grim was elected chairman and S.N. Norris, secretary. On motion a committee of three was elected, as follows: S.N. Norris, G.P. Ide, John Calene, to investigate for a site of location, and price, of a suitable place for a cemetery, and reoprt next Saturday, Nov. 21, at G.P. Ide's office. On motion A.R. Buzick and Peter Berger were elected to co-operate with the first committee in regard to site and location and price. On motion adjourned, to meet Saturday, at 2 o'clock, Nov. 21, at G.P. Ide's office, Sylvan Grove.