1875  Kansas Census of Lincoln County

The 1875 Kansas Census was to be taken on the first day of March 1875. Lincoln County had been organized less than five years earlier but was fast filling with farmers, merchants, attorneys and doctors.
I've added corrected spellings in brackets; names or information followed by a question mark means the copy or the handwriting was illegible. I did NOT include the illiteracy information, which included information on children attending school, simply because the pages became unwieldy and hard to read.
The first two columns of numbers are Dwelling, in the order of visitation, and family, in the order of visition. In some instances these numbers were not filled in; in others they were done incorrectly, but I've included the information provided. The rest of the categories should be self-explanatory.
Start with the index and then move on to one of the seven townships:






Salt Creek


In addition to the township schedules, there were two special schedules, products of industry and deaf and dumb, blind, insane and idiotic schedules (their words).


Deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic

Surname listings (PDF)