James S. Jacobs Obituary

Lincoln Republican, June 18, 1891
James Jacobs (J.S. Jacobs)
Mr. James Jacobs died Thursday morning (could be Tuesday) and was buried Saturday. His death was the result of a complication of diseases brought on by the grippe. He was a good citizen and an upright business man. The funeral Saturday was very largely attended.
(Also from that edition: Mr. Albert Jacobs of Omaha, Neb., the son of Mr. Henry Jacobs, arrived at Lincoln Saturday morning to attend his brother James' funeral, and after calling on a few of his friends, started for his home Monday.)

Lincoln Beacon, June 25, 1891
James S. Jacobs

James S. Jacobs of this place, died, aged 43 years and 4 months, at 4:30 a.m. Thursday, June 11, 1891, at the home of his father, after a long and painfull illness from a complication of heart and lung troubles. During the last few days of his earth life he was delirious much of the time, but when rational realized his condition and that his time here was short, and expressed himself as ready for the great change that confronted him. There were no repining or complaints his resignation and his hope seemed to be completed.
Mr. Jacobs was born in Waynesburg, Pa., in February 1848. He united with the Christan church in his boyhood and with the Christian church in this place last fall. In 1876 he was married to Miss Maggie Bell, who died in 1881, leaving two children, the youngest of which died shortly after. The elder, a daughter aged 14 years, was with her father in his last illness. Mr. Jacobs came to Lincoln in Jaunary 1890 from New Jersey.
The funeral was held in the Christian church on Saturday, at 11 a.m., and was conducted by Rev. W.L. Thomas.
Mr. Jacobs was an earnest, quiet and industrious citizen, enjoying the respect and confidence of those who knew him.

More on J.S. Jacobs and The Suitcase Tombstone