Lincoln County Kansas Obituaries: Surnames starting with "Bl" to "Bo"

Obituaries of Lincoln County Kansas

Surnames starting with


The Lincoln Register, Jan. 9, 1880
---On the first inst. at his residence, in Lincoln county, Kans., John BLOUNT, aged eighty-two years. He was a native of Pennsylvania, removing thence to Indiana and from there to Lincoln county, Kansas in 1870, being thus one the earliest settlers of the county. His life was one illustrating the principles of Christian character in simple integrity; and the sincere regard for these qualities as seen in him was evinced by the unanimous respect displayed by his acquaintances in the last obsequies.
Lincoln County Beacon Thursday July 29, 1880.
---(From Topsy local news section) Died July 5, Leslie G., infant daughter of Josiah and Alivira BLOUNT, aged 15 months.
submitted by Bill and Diana Sowers (Note... We are not related to this person. We found this obit while looking through the paper.)
BLOYD --- Eureka BLOYD
Saline Valley Register Wednesday, April 19, 1876.
---Died on Saturday, April 15, Eureka BLOYD, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BLOYD, aged 10 years.
Submitted by Bill and Diana Sowers. We are not related to this person.
BLYTHE --- Lincoln Republican, November 1, 1917
Agnes FOLAND was born in Schoharie County, New York, January 20, 1842. When she bacame a Christian she joined the Baptist Church and served her master faithfully. She married Stephen BLYTHE October 30, 1860 at Sharion Springs, New York. This was a happy union. God gave them four children-- Herman, Bert, Lettie and Ida. They moved to Enterprise, Kansas in 1877 and to Sylvan Grove in 1878. Here she became one of the six who formed the church. It was of four different denominations and became a Presbyterian church-- "All one in Christ"--Gal. 3:28. This scripture is now inscribed on the cornerstone of the church--All One in Christ Jesus. In 1881 her husband took charge of the mill at Lincoln, Kansas. By sever exposure in the water of the mill-race he too the fever and died. He was a jolly, good-natured man, and a skilful miller. She always seemed young in her ways, even when she was 74 years of age she was so cheerful and kind. She worked hard to be independent but she built a little home near her children whom she so dearly loved.... The funeral services on Thursday, Oct. 11th, were held in the Presbyterian church at Sylvan Grove, and were conducted by her old pastor, assisted by the present pastor of tghe church, Rev. CLARK and Rev. WHITSET, pastor of the M.E. church.... The burial was in the Sylvan Grove Cemetery.
Note..... The "headline of this obituary said "Grandma Bender." The name, Bender does no appear in the obituary though.
submitted by Bill and Diana Sowers (Note... We are not related to this person.)
BOLTE --- August Henry BOLTE
Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, June 18, 1964
---The funeral for August Henry BOLTE, 80, was held Monday afternoon at St. Paul's Lutheran church near Westfall, the Rev. W.A. HONIG officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mr. BOLTE passed away Friday at Ellsworth Memorial hospital after a two-day illness.
He was born in Indiana and moved to the Westfall community in 1907. He had been a farmer and a carpetner. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Julia BOLTE; two daughters, Mrs. Velma BAST and Mrs. Lorna CHOITZ, both of Ellsworth; a sister, Mrs. Otto THIEMANN, and a half-sister, Mrs. Mary MEIER, both of Lincoln; and three brothers, Carl, Martin and Fred BOLTE, all of Lincoln.

Lincoln County Beacon Thursday, September 30, 1880.
---(From Topsy area local news) Died on the 20th, Mrs. BOLTE, late of West Virginia.
submitted by Bill and Diana Sowers (Note... We are not related to this person. We found this obit while looking through the paper.)
Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Feb. 25, 1932
---It has pleased the Lord of Life and Death to call out of time into eternity the soul of Elizabeth BORGSTADTER nee Hobrock.
She was born in Beardstown, Ill., Dec. 26, 1861.
On the 24th of March, 1881, she entered the holy estate of matrimony with Fred Borgstadter. This union was blessed with four children.
In the fall of 1886 the Borgstadters moved to Kansas and made their home near Lincoln.
Suffering with cancer she, on Feb. 13, passed away at her home in Lincoln. She is preceded in death by her husband and four grandchildren.
She is survived by her four children; Mrs. Clarence CHANDLER, Henry and Herman BORGSTADTER and Mrs. Franklin MEIER, and by 11 grandchildren.
Interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Aug. 27, 1964
---The funeral for Herman Borgstadter, 73, was held Saturday afternoon at the Hall Memorial Chapel, the Rev. Theodore STOLP officiating.
Interment was made in Lincoln cemetery.
A lifelong resident of Lincoln county, Mr. Borgstadter passed away unexpectedly Wednesday morning while at work. He was born Jan. 29, 1891, near Lincoln.
Mr. Borgstadter farmed southeast of Lincoln until 1948 when he moved to Lincoln. Since then he had worked as a carpenter. He was a member of the St. John Lutheran church.
Survivors are his wife, Bertha, of the home, a son Jerry BORGSTADTER of Ellsworth; and two sisters, Mrs. Anna CHANDLER and Mrs. Frank MEIER, both of Ellsworth.

BOWEN --- Mrs. Hattie BOWEN
Sylvan Grove News October 6, 1904
"A Sad Death"
---On October second Mrs. Hattie Bowen died of congestion of the heart. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss. The deceased was born March 24, 1883 in Catasaqua, Pennsylvania. She was married to Wm Bowen September 22nd, 1901. She was a quiet, loving wife and had lived in her young home in Sylvan Grove since her marriage, and had a bright future before her. Yet the brittle thread was broken, and the bright young home made desolate. All Sylvan feel the loss as well as those who mourn her most, and extended their deepest sympathy to the sorrowing ones.
Luci Baker, Seattle, WA ---
BOWER --- Bradley BOWER
Lincoln Sentinel, June 11, 1914
---Last Saturday afternoon at about 1:30 a message came to E.S. BOWER that his son had been drowned while swimming in the Saline river at the rocks southeast of town. Several automobiles started for the scene at once and in a few minutes after the message was received between 20 and 30 men were in the water seeking the body of the boy. Pulmotor from Salina was ordered and Matt PRICE and George PORTER were on the road toward Lincoln in five minutes. In the meantime the search for the body continued and about about 45 minutes of searching Mr. ADAMSON found the body lodged against one of the rocks in the river. It was taken out and Dr. NEWLON who was on the scene began to work with it and continued until the Salina Pulmotor arriverd. Then George Porter applied the machine and for several hours worked with the boy, but at no time did he show any signs of life. The body was then brought home from where the funeral services were held Monday afternoon, Rev. HANNA conducted the ceremony. The interment was in the Lincoln cemetery.
There were five other boys with Bradley, Ross BROCKETT, Howard LOUNSBURY, two KILMER boys and a grandson of Mr. FILMER, the latter of Salina. The boys did all they could to save him but all were too small to do much. The BROCKETT boy had hold of him and was pulled under water twice in an attempt to save him but his efforts were vain.
The deceased was nine years old and the only son of E.S. BOWER and wife. The bereaved parents and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in this hour of sorrow.
BOYLE --- George W. BOYLE
Lincoln Sentinel, Dec. 11, 1924
---Constable George W. Boyle was shot four times by bandits last Friday evening when attempting to arrest them in the Main Garage in Kingsburg [California] at about ten o�clock p.m., one of the bandits, Purio, being shot in the face and neck by Nightwatchman Victor Linman, who was with Constable Boyle at the time.
The full story of the affair which culminated in Constable BOYLE being fatally shot is a difficult one to get correct in all details, but the main facts are easily determined. Three state convicts, Gregg, Purio and Canton escaped recently from a road camp where they were working in Kern county, made their way southward and near Saugus are said to have held up Woodworth, a taxi driver, and caused him to drive for them under compulsion. The officers doubt the compulsion part of it, at least after the first. In any event he was with them for three days, during which they came back into the San Joaquin Valley, where a series of robberies were perpetrated by them. Near Lodi in a gun battle with some Japanese they had robbed was killed. Last Friday evening, before reaching Kingsburg they had committed three robberies in the Fowler and Parlier districts, at one place exchanging automobile number plates with one of their victims. The number plates they were using was reported to Fresno officers all over the Valley, including those at Kingsburg. The gang headed for Kingsburg but got a couple of flat tires before reaching here and drove into the Main Garage on the state highway for repairs.
Reports vary as to the movements of the gang while repairs were being made on their tires, but it seems they had overheard some remarks to the effect that they were being looked for, so were probably suspicious and keyed up for desparate measures. Just as their repair work was completed and one of them was paying for it Constable BOYLE accompanied by Nightwatchman Victor Linman, stepped into the Garage and Constable BOYLE informed them that they were under arrest. Without waiting or warning the desperadoes commenced pumping lead at once, four shots all taking effect in the body of Constable BOYLE, two about the shoulders, one in the neck and one in the abdomen, the latter entering in front and passing out at the side and supposed to be a mere flesh wound. Officer Linman got behind a car in the garage as soon as the shooting commenced, and himself took part in it, hitting the gangster�s car several times, and one shot getting Purio in the face and neck. Purio was loaded into the car and the gang made their car, Canton leaving it soon [typed as written] and Gregg leaving it near Fresno. Woodworth got Purio to a hospital and was himself held under arrest. Purio is expected to recover. Canton has not been found, but Gregg was taken from the tome of a freight car at Fressno as it was about to pull out.
Stories here differ as to Constable BOYLE, but it is said he got into a car with little aid and was taken to the Kingsburg Sanitarium, where he got out and walked in by himself. Two bullets were extracted, but one had passed near or lodged near the jugular vein, too close to make it safe to go after it. After a couple of days the abdominal would bagan to make trouble, and an operation revealed that the large intestine had been twice pierced. He failed to fully rally from this operation, and finally passed away at about 10:00 p.m., on Tuesday evening, almost exactly four full days from the time of the shooting.
The funeral will be held this Friday afternoon, and will be in charge of the local Masonic Lodge.
The deceased was a brother of Mrs. Ellen HUNTER of Lincoln, Mrs, Elizabeth GEYER of Scott City and Mrs. Minnie PATTERSON of Salina.
[George W. Boyle was born in 1858 in Missouri. He moved to Kansas as a young boy with him parents, Thomas & Mary LOWERS Boyle. He married Mary L. Paulsen on September 13, 1887 in Lincoln Co., KS.]
BOYLE --- James H. BOYLE
Lincoln Beacon, Oct. 13, 1887
---James H. BOYLE, aged 31 years, of Pottersburg, died Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1887, at the house of his father, Thomas BOYLE. The interment was made in the Pottersburg cemetery.
BOYLE --- Mary Lowers BOYLE
Lincoln Sentinel, April 11, 1907
---Mary LOWERS was born in PARKERSBURG, W. Va., April 14, 1844. On Oct. 15, 1854, she was married to Thos. BOYLE, whom she lived [with] for nearly 50 years, sharing with him the hardships of the pioneer days of Kansas, coming to this state in 1857. Seven children came to bless the union of this brave couple, four of whom remain to mourn the loss of both father and mother.
She had been a sufferer from paralysis for about four months but was not thought to be dangeroulsy sick until about seven weeks ago when she was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. HUNTER, that she might receive the loving care so needful to her comfort.
The funeral services were held at the home of her daughter, being conducted by the writer. Interment being made in the Lincoln cemetery.
-- Neal Overman