Lincoln County Kansas Obituaries: Surnames starting with "F"

Obituaries of Lincoln County Kansas

Surnames starting with


Lincoln Sentinel --- Aug 4, 1910
---Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar FANCHER, talking from the their infant son, Saturday morning. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. KIER, at their home Sunday morning at 10. The remains were then laid to rest in the silent city of the dead.
Contributed by Bill and Diana Sowers. No relation to us.
Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Feb. 20, 1947
---In the death recently of J. D. Fancher at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ara Thomison in Wichita, another pioneer citizen and early day business man, was called to his reward. Little is known here about Mr. Fancher's early life, but from some of the stories he told friends about his early youth he was born in Kentucky along in the middle 1950's [sic], probably about 1956 [sic], and spent his early youth there, where he saw and delighted in telling of many incidents of the Civil war. After the war he drifted to Missouri where he lived for a number of years and received his education. Aside from these few brief and random incidents of his life little is known by his old friends here about his childhood or his family history. When Mr. Fancher had reached the age of 22 or 23 years, he came to Lincoln to visit his father, the late Dr. Newton D. Fancher, who was a practicing physician here at that time and is well remembered by many of the older residents of Lincoln. He liked it here and decided to become a permanent resident. During the first few years of his residence here Mr. Fancher followed the school teaching profession, teaching a few terms at the Trail Creek school and one or two other schools, and also engaged in farming for a number of years. Following his teaching and farming experiences he entered quite extensively into the windmill, pump and well drilling business in Lincoln. He always took a great pride in recalling that he erected more windmills in this part of Kansas than any other person. Some twenty years ago his wife became critically ill which left her a semi-invalid. Mr. Fancher disposed of his business interests and devoted his entire time in caring for Mrs. Fancher until she passed away about eight years ago. Since that time, until about two years ago, when he went to Wichita to make his home with his daughter, Mr. Fancher lived alone in his home in the north part of town. He was devoted to the cause of the Socialist party throughout most of his life and in later years the Townsend movement took up a good deal of his interest. Mr. Fancher was married twice, his first wife the mother of his two children, Mrs. Ara Thomison of Wichita and Lewis N. Fancher who is now living in California, died many years ago. Both his wives are buried in the Prairie Grove cemetery. It was Mr. Fancher's request that he be laid to rest there also, so in compliance with his desires, the remains were brought to Lincoln, short funeral services were held at the Methodist church and interment was made in accordance with his wish in the Prairie Grove cemetery.
Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Thursday, April 1, 1937
---Eler Helen MONTGOMERY was born in Johnson County, Iowa, January 16, 1855, and departed this life in Lincoln, Kansas, March 21, 1937, at the age of 82 years, two months and five days. She and her people came to Prairie Grove, Kansas in the year 1873 where she continued to live with her parents, then her widowed mother, until she was united in marriage with James D. FANCHER, January 16, 1893. They have made their home in Lincoln since then.
She had no chidren of her own but was a faithful and loving mother to her two step-children. Best proof of her devotion to them is the record of twelve years of tireless care lavished upon her while the ravages of arthritis made her more and more dependent upon others' help. During this time she lived four years with her step-son, Lewis, FANCHER and family in order that they might give her more personal daily care.... Her faithful husband shared fully in the care given her. To him it seemed that whatever he could do for her was her due, an expression of his deep regard for her.....

A host of good friends and relatives are living witnesses to her noble life. The following are the surviving nearest relatives: her husband, James D. FANCHER, her step-son, Lewis FANCHER of Lincoln; her step-daughter, Mrs. Ara A. DANNER of Wichita; two brothers, Edward MONTGOMERY of Salina and George MONTGOMERY of Lincoln; three sisters, Mrs. Mary POTTER and Mrs. A. A. KRUGG of Coffeyville, and Mrs. R.F. HERMAN of Abilene. There are 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The funeral service was held from the Lincoln Methodist Church... Burial was in the Prairie Grove Cemetery.
Contributed by Bill and Diana Sowers. No relation to us.
The Beacon of Lincoln County Thursday, August 9, 1883.
---Died Saturday, August 4, 1t 9 p.m., Birney, aged 5 months, and Tuesday, August 7, at 9 p.m., Bertha, aged 5 months. These little ones were twin children of Moses and Ellen Farnsworth of Franklin Township.

submitted by Bill and Diana Sowers (Note... no relation to us.)
Lincoln Beacon, Nov. 30, 1882
---At Ekhorn, Lincoln county, Kansas, November 21, 1882, of asthma, Mrs. Ophelia Farnsworth, aged 87 years, 4 months and 21 days.
Mrs. Farnsworth was born in Fairfax, Franklin county, Vermont, June 30, 1795, daughter of Gould and Hannah BUCK. At the age of twenty she gave her heart to God and became a member of the Episcopalian church. She has ever since lived a devoted christian maintaining a firm faith in God. In November, 1829, she united in marriage with David L. FARMSWORTH, of Fairfield, Vermont, residing in the east after marriage near 26 years. In the spring of 1855 she with her family, emigrated to Buchanan county, Iowa. The same year, upon Oct. 11, four weeks after arriving at their journey's end, she buried her husband, and was thus left along with her children, in a strange land, with no kindred nigh. In the fall of 1870 she with her two sons and daughter, emigrated to Lincoln county, Kansas.
Her religious faith found beautiful expression in a remark she often made, "Trust in the Savior, it will all be well with you." Long will her memory live.

Lincoln County Beacon, April 2, 1885
---At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eliza Doolittle, at Bashan, Lincoln county, Kansas, on Monday, March 30, 1885, Mrs. Pettie Farnsworth, in the 89th year of her life. The funeral services, at Bashan school house, were conducted by Rev. John Medcraft and H.C. Bradbury. The whole neighborhood was present.
"Grandma" Farnsworth was born in Westford, Chittenden county, Vt., May 16, 1796. She had lived also in Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. She has three children living: Mrs. Eliza Doolittle, Mrs. Walker of Chicago, and Judson Farnsworth. Fourteen years of her life she had been blind, but five years ago her eyesight was restored at the eye infirmary at Chicago. She was struck with paralysis a few months ago. The return of this caused her death. She was always cheerful amid her troubles. Speaking of her paralytic part, she said, "I have one limb that does not belong to me, for it is always grumbling." She was so very thankful for any little favor it was a great pleasure to do anything for her.
She had become a christian when only 18 years of age, and the fruits of the Spriit were always hers. More and more she grew pure and holy, til now she departs to reign with her Savior and be like him.
FEAKES --- [Millie] FEAKES
Lincoln County Beacon Thursday, July 15, 1880.
---(From Pinon local news section) One of the little twin daughters of Mr. Thos FEAKS [sic] who were born and bereaved of their mother in February last, died on the night of the 5th inst., and was buried on the evening of the 6th. Mr. FEAKS was absent at the time.
submitted by Bill and Diana Sowers (Note... no relation to us.)
Lincoln County Beacon Thursday, August 26, 1880.
---(from Pinon area local news section) Mr. Thomas FEAKS' [sic] other infant daughter was buried last week. Mr. FEAKS once again was not present at the time of death and had not been happy when the other child was buried without his presence. They waited all day but he never showed so they finally had to bury her. (This is a summary of the death notice found in the paper.)
submitted by Bill and Diana Sowers (Note... no relation to us.)
Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Nov. 12, 1942
This obituary encompasses three deaths: Lon McKinney, Mrs. J.K. (Rebecca) Stevenson and William Feldkamp. ---Within a period of 24 hours, three persons in or near Lincoln died early this week.
Lon McKinney passed away early Monday morning at the county farm where he had been cared for the last few days of his life.
Mrs. J.K. Stevenson, a resident of Lincoln since 1877, died at 9 o'clock Monday evening at her home.
William Feldkamp, living south of Vesper, died at 4 o'clock Tuesday morning.
All three had been in ill health the last several weeks. Funeral arrangements for Mr. McKinney and Mr. Feldkamp have not be completed. Mrs. Stevenson's funeral is to be held this Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Lincoln Presbyterian church of which she was a member. The minister, Dr. R.L. VANCE, will be in charge.
Mrs. Stevenson was born Rebecca CRAWFORD at Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 6, 1856. She was one of 15 children, four girls and 11 boys, born to her parents. In 1877 she came to Lincoln but returned to Pennsvylania to spend several months with an uncle and aunt, finally coming back to this community in 1878 to spend the remainder of her life. Five years later, in 1883, she was married to Jesse Stevenson and they established their home west and north of Lincoln, living there until they retired to Lincoln which remained home.
Although she was 86 years of age, Mrs. Stevenson remained active until five weeks ago when she suffered a stroke of paralysis from which she never recovered. Her condition gradually became more critical until the end. She is survived by two children, a daughter, Mrs. Lydia Hower of Denison, Kan.; a son, T.c. Stevenson, living on the homestead farm northwest of Lincoln. Her husband and a son, Frank, preceded her in death.
Mc. McKinney had been an invalid for the past few years and had been cared for in Sylvan Gorve until recent months. When no one could be found to care for him, Mr. McKinney was taken to the county farm.
Mr. Feldkamp was one of the well known early day settlers of the south Vesper community. In failing health for nearly five years, he was taken critically ill two weeks ago. He is survived by two children, Miss Lenora Feldkamp and Frank Feldkamp, both of the home, and by four brothers and two sisters, Fred Feldkamp, Louis Feldkamp, Lincoln; Ed Feldkamp, Plainville; August Feldkamp, Natoma; Mrs. Barney Dohe, Mrs. Henry Huehl, Lincoln.

Lincoln County Democrat, 20 September 1900, page 4, column 3
---Mrs. Charity M. (SMITH) FITZGERALD died at the home of her son, Lorenzo FITZGERALD, at Lincoln, September 13, at 10 p.m., of Bright's disease after an illness of several weeks. The funeral was held September 15 at Prairie Grove school house conducted by Rev. J. S. Strange, and the interment was made in the Pfaff cemetery in Battle Creek township.
Mrs. FITZGERALD'S maiden name was SMITH and she was born in Wayne county, Michigan (actually, born in New York) in December, 1831, being therefore 68 years and 9 months old at the time of her death. With her husband, John FITZGERALD, she came to Iowa in 1853 and to Lincoln County, Kansas, in 1878. Her husband preceded her to the Summerland in July, 1890. They were the parents of seven children--J. E., Hiram E., Ernest, Lorenzo, Eugene, Nancy and Maria--all of whom we believe are living.
Mrs. FITZGERALD had been for many years a member of the Christian church, and her daily life exemplified its teachings and requirements. She was a hospitable, kindly, Christian woman, simple in her life and loyal in her friendships and will long be missed.

This information was submitted by Marjorie Fletcher. (Charity M. (SMITH) FITZGERALD is my grandmother.)
Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Aug. 27, 1964
---Funeral services are to be held Thursday afternoon at the Hall Memorial Chapel at 2 o'clock for Mrs. Echo May FLOREA, 75, who died Sunday at her home in Denver. The funeral will be conducted by the Rev. Leroy SMOOT and interment will be in Vesper cemetery.
Mrs. FLOREA, a former resident of Lincoln county, is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Grave KEMP of Ellinwood; two sons, Paul J. FLOREA of Denver, and Leo R. FLOREA of Fountain, Colo.; two sisters, Mrs. Grace MONTAGUE of Logan, Utah, and Mrs. Neva BOLLIER of Littleton, Colo.; 14 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

FORD --- John Montgomery FORD
Salina Journal, Dec. 22, 1939, Page 3, Col. 4
"Elderly Saline County Retired Farmer Passes Away Here"
--- John Montgomery FORD, 71, a retired farmer who had lived in Salina since 1921, died at 12:10 o'clock this morning at St. John's hospital. He was born November 12, 1868, at Collierstown, Virginia. He is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Wanna FUNK, San Francisco, Calif; Miss Juanita FORD, New York; Mrs. Avis GRAY and Miss Betty FORD, Salina and Mrs. Mary MAYFIELD, El Monte, Calif. and four sons Arthur of Fresno, Calif., John of San Rafael, Calif., and Joe and Claude of Salina.
The body was taken to Ryan-Sullivan Mortuary where funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. W. E. SIMMONS in charge. Burial will be in the Lincoln cemetery.

Submitted by Shirley Rogers ---
FORD --- Rosina (DILL) FORD
Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, October 30, 1930
--- Mrs. Rosina FORD, wife of John FORD of Salina, died Monday morning at 9:45 o'clock in Asbury Hospital, Salina less than a week following the birth of her youngest daughter, Dona Lee. The baby died Thursday, two days after birth, and burial was made Friday afternoon in the Lincoln cemetery.
The body of Mrs. FORD was brought to Lincoln Tuesday and funeral services were held this (Wednesday) afternoon. Interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery beside the grave of the infant. Mrs. FORD, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. DILL, was 44 years old at the time of her death. She was the mother of several children including three sets of twins. Numbered among these were Mrs. Roger FUNK and Miss Juanita FORD; Claude and Clema AVIS; Joe and Betty. There is one other son, John FORD. All the children live in Salina. The immediate family circle also includes the husband, John M. FORD, Mrs. FORD's parents of Lincoln, one sister Mrs. Ernest HAYES, of Salina and four brothers, Joel DILL of Kansas City, Bryan DILL, Eugene DILL, Salina and Arthur DILL, Lincoln. Mrs. FORD was a member of the Christian Church.

Submitted by Shirley Rogers ---