1886 Lincoln County Kansas Obituaries

1886 Obituaries
Lincoln County Kansas

These obituaries were taken from the Lincoln County Beacon. Further information and clarifications were added as needed by the transcriber.

Thomas Adamson
March 25, 1886

In Lincoln Center, Kansas, March 22, 1886, Thomas Adamson, father of Smith Adamson, aged 76 years. [Born in 1809, according to cemetery records; buried in Lincoln Cemetery.]

Ann Eliza Allen
Dec. 2, 1886
Died at her home in Lincoln, Kansas, at 9:50 a.m., Nov. 29, 1886, of dropsy of the chest, Mrs. Ann Eliza Allen, aged 69 years and 7 days. She was the daughter of Jacob and Sarah Kissell, and the fourth child in a family of seven sons and two daughters. She was born near Chambersburg, Franklin county, Pa., Nov. 22, 1817, where she was married May 20, 1845, to William Allen, who, with their three children, survive her. In 1854, with her family she removed to Springfield, Ohio, where soon after, they were joined by her parents, brothers and sister, and other relatives. In the fall of 1877, with her husband and two sons, she came to Lincoln to be near her only daughter, Dr. Sallie A. Goff, who came here after her marriage four years before.
She was of a robust constitution and had enjoyed excellent health until two years ago when by an accidental fall she received injuries from which she never recovered and which doubtless laid the foundation of her fatal illness. All that the combined love and skill of her devoted daughter could suggest was done, and weeks of tenderest nursing and loving care of her elder son, Mr. Frank Allen, who left his business in Colorado to assist his sister in caring for her, proved unavailing. Five weeks before her death she rallied sufficiently to be taken to Hot Springs, Ark., and for a time the baths greatly relieved her intense suffering; but a change for the worse 10 days before her death made it apparent that her malady was too deep seated to be reached by any earthly agency, and on Wednesday, Nov. 24, just five days before her death, Mrs. Goff reached home with her. Her sufferings were so terrible that she prayed for death to come to her release.
She united with the Lutheran church with 13 years of age, and retained her membership in it till her death.
In her death the Lincoln Woman Suffrage Association also loses another of its most loved and honored members. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

Katie Ethel Allison
July 29, 1886
After three days sickness, fever and pain, Katie Ethel, daughter of Lon and Margaret Allison, fell asleep on Saturday, July 24, 1886, aged three years and eight months.
Many of the neighbors, friends and relatives gathered on the Sabbath at the funeral services at the Allison house. The very high waters of the river prevented many from attending. It was hard to say goodbye to Katie. There family were near overcome with grief. Her body was laid in Lincoln cemetery.

Ira Curtiss Best
Nov. 20, 1886
Ira Curtiss Best, son of M.B. Best, of Orbitello, died last Saturday, of a sore throat trouble, or croup. Rev. Williams of Wilson, conducted the funeral services Sabbath afternoon. The boy was six years old. [Burial not found in Lincoln County cemetery records.]

Jordan Bruster
June 3, 1886
Jordan Bruster was born in old Virginia in the year 1797 and in 1812 moved to Kentucky with his master. In 1818 he married Miss Lydia Prather. In 1840 he bought his time of his master, paying $750 for the same. In 1858 he bought his wife and paid $250 for her time. In 1872 himself and wife and children and other friends moved to Lincoln county, Kan., where he took a homestead of 160 acres, upon which he lived until his death. He died of a kidney affection [affliction]. He was sick but two weeks. He was the father of 12 children ' three sons and nine daughters. One son and one daughter preceded him to the spirit land. He leaves an aged wife, 10 children, 35 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and many other friends to mourn his loss. He died at the ripe old age of 89 years, 3 months and 10 days. He lived a consistent christian life for 46 years. A very large procession followed him to his last resting place. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

Earl Clifford
Oct. 7, 1886
At Shady Bend, Oct. 1, Earl Clifford, son of C.G. and Lydia Clifford. Deceased was 8 years and 8 months old. The bereaved family are but recently from Indiana, having arrived in Lincoln county only one year ago. The child died of diphtheria, and at the time of his funeral, two other members of the family were sick with the same disease. The remains were interred in the Lincoln cemetery. [Born in 1878, according to cemetery records.]

Effie J. Cochran
Nov. 20, 1886
Of typhoid pneumonia, at Beverly, Kansas, on Nov. 9, 1886, Mrs. Effie J. Cochran, aged 20 years, 5 months and 22 days.
Mrs. Cochran, with her parents (Mr. Henry Tozier and wife) came to this city among the early settlers and remained with her parents until Feb. 15, 1884, when she married and removed to Shady Bend. When the town of Beverly was located, Mr. Cochran's family was the first to settle in the new town. The large procession that followed the corpse to its last resting place showed the high esteem in which the departed was held by her acquaintance.
At an early age she professed faith in Christ and has ever since lived an exemplary life. She met death without a fear, with a full trust in Jesus. While her loss will fall most heavily upon the husband, child and parents, yet the town of Beverly can but mourn over her early death.
Her funeral sermon was preached by Elder J.S. Henry, pastor of the Baptist church. [Buried in Lincoln Cemetery.]

Charles Irvin Dunton
Sept. 30, 1886
On Sunday, Sept. 26, 1886, Charles Irvin, infant son of John and Mary Dunton, aged 4 days. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

William George Eckhart
July 15, 1886
On Sunday, July 11, 1886, at the home of his parents, in Valley township, Lincoln county, Kansas, William Geo., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckhart, aged 2 years, 6 months and 9 days. For 19 days he suffered from abscess on the shoulder. Pleasant Valley cemetery was chosen as the place of burial. [Cemetery is now known as Hammer.]
Erickson, Ingman M.
April 29, 1886
At his home three miles southwest of Lincoln, Lincoln county, April 25, 1886, of dropsy and heart disease, Ingman M. Erickson, in the 62nd year of his age.
He was a native of Sweden and came to America over 30 years ago. He was one of the early settlers in Lincoln county, a kind neighbor, a good christian father, always very industrious. He leaves a wife and six children. [Buried in Lincoln Cemetery.]
Ada Foy
July 22, 1886
The infant child of T.C. Foy, of Pleasant Valley, died last Saturday, aged 5 months. It was buried in the Pleasant Valley cemetery. [Cemetery records indicate the infant's name was Ada, she was born Feb. 18, 1886, and is buried in Hammer Cemetery.]
Margaret G. Gaylord
Nov. 20, 1886
At her home three miles west of Sylvan Grove, Lincoln county, Kansas, on Sunday at 2 a.m., Margaret G. Gaylord, aged 62 years, 8 months and 26 days. She was born near Marysville, Ky.; was married Oct. 26, 1848.
Three years ago she had a stroke of paralysis; last year a second stroke, and a week ago last Tuesday the last stroke that caused her death. She received much comfort from trust in her Saviour during his sickness. Her funeral services last Tuesday were conducted by H.C. Bradbury. Many friends were present and followed her mortal remains to Blue Stem cemetery. [Buried in Lincoln Cemetery.]
Anthony Gross
Sept. 2, 1886
Anthony Gross, at his home in Salt Creek township, Aug. 29, 1886, of dropsy. The deceased was 47 years, 4 months and 26 days old. The interment took place in the Spring Creek cemetery, on the 30th.
George D. Harter
April 8, 1886
At his home in Franklin township, Lincoln county, Kansas, April 6, 1886, George D. Harter, aged 74 years.
He was a native of Kentucky, and served in the Union Army in the war of the Rebellion. He leaves a wife, three daughters and a granddaughter to mourn his loss. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Geo. Tenney. [Buried in Hammer Cemetery.]
Mary A. Hedrick
June 17, 1886
Sunday, June 13, 1886, at her home in Elkhorn township, Mrs. Mary A. Hedrick, wife of Thos. M. Hedrick.
Deceased was born Aug. 14, 1850, in Bartholomew county, Ind. Her maiden name was Mary Ann Sanders and she was married Feb. 11, 1869, to T.M. Hedrick, the marriage ceremony being performed by Rev. Thos. P. Hedrick, who preached her funeral sermon upon Monday last, at 10 a.m. The interment was made in the Lincoln Cemetery. Deceased leaves a husband and five children to mourn her loss.
Henry Kreiser
July 8, 1886
Upon Monday last, about 2:30 p.m., the report was circulated that Henry Kreiser, of this place, had taken poison, and was lying dead in his house, on Sixth Street. The known facts are as follows:
Between 1 and 2 o'clock Mr. Kreiser was conversing with a number of acquaintances, at the livery stable of Duncan & Frazell, near his house. He was very depressed in spirits and referred a number of times to his being discharged that morning from his situation as salesman in Green, Hammer & Co.'s store in consequence of the circulation of reports affecting his moral character, and which reports had served as the foundation for a criminal action which had been brought against him the day previous, he being at the time under arrest, having been in custody the night before. He seemed to be perfectly rational, but very badly broken in spirits. A little before 2 o'clock he went to his house and entered and in a few minutes called his sister, who was in their father's house, the two houses standing not over 15 feet apart. She came to him when he told her that he had taken poison, not being able to live under the disgrace brought upon him, but that he was innocent of the charges brought against him. Miss Kreiser at once ran up town and informed Mr. Kreiser Sr., who running across Dr. Newton at that moment, took him to the house, where they found Henry going into convulsions and too far gone to make efforts to save his life of any avail. He was able to answer questions for a few moments, however, and in answer to all inquiries only reiterated his statement that he was an innocent man but could not live under disgrace and had taken poison. He died within 10 minutes after the arrival of his father and Dr., at about 2:30 p.m. and as near as can be ascertained, about half an hour or less after taking the poison. No inquest was held, which we think was a very grave error. The symptoms, however, all pointed to poisoning by strychnine. The funeral was held Tuesday, by the Rev. W.D. Ward, and the interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery.
The deceased, Henry S.J. Kreiser, was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, April 17, 1855, and thus was 31 years, 2 months and 18 days old at the time of his death, on July 5, 1886. He lived with his parents, for a number of years, in Reikaivik, Iceland, and emigrated to this country in 1872. He came to Kansas in August 1884, and to Lincoln Center September last. He was very popular personally.
Sallie E. Lutes
Aug. 12, 1886
At her home, in Lincoln, Kansas, Aug. 4, 1886, Mrs. Sallie E. Lutes, of consumption after a lingering and painful illness which she bore with sweet patience and Christian fortitude and cheerfulness.
Though surrounded by the blessings dearest to every true woman, a home which her presence and care made an earthly paradise, a kind and appreciative husband, and two beautiful sons, the elder five years of age the day she died, the younger but 11 months old, yet, like a trusting child, she resigned herself and all she loved into his hands who doeth all things well.
Sallie Elizabeth Jones was born in Morgan county, Indiana, Dec. 12, 1852, and was at the time of her death 38 years, 7 months and 22 days old. She was the second child of a family of nine children, seven of whom attained years of maturity and six are still living.
In 1863 her father removed with his family to Nodaway county, Mo., settling near the present site of Hopkins. Here she resided until 1878, when she came to Kansas in company with the family of Mr. Luther Stewart, a former merchant of this place. She immediately engaged in the business of dressmaking, occupying a portion of Mrs. Stewart's millinery store. She was married to Geo. M. Lutes, of this place, on the 22nd day of June 1879, and has ever since occupied the happy home now rendered so desolate by her death. She joined the Baptist church in her 16th year, and remained a faithful member until after her marriage when she transferred her membership to the Methodist Episcopal church to be with her husband.
In practical church and temperance work she was ever active, and her private charities and neighborly kindnesses were only limited by her means and physical strength.
She was one of the three women who organized the Lincoln Woman Suffrage Association, Nov. 11, 1979, of which has had been a most helpful and honored member, and of which she has been President the past three years.
Though frail in body she was strong and fearless in spirit. To believe in the right and justice of a cause was for her to espouse it, and she ceased from her public as well as her home duties only when physical weakness compelled. The last work for the public good which she attempted was the circulation of a petition to the Mayor and Council of Lincoln center asking for the passage of an ordinance which shall effectually prevent the establishment or re-establishment of any billiard hall within the city limits, with or without license. That was in November last. Her rapidly failing strength prevented her from circulating the petition.
Her funeral was attended in the M.E. church, being the first funeral ever held there. A large concourse of sympathizing friends and neighbors attended and followed to their last resting place on the hillside her loved remains. In the absence of her pastor, Rev. I. McDowell, Rev. John Medraft officiated, assisted by Rev. W.D. Ward and Rev. H.C. Bradbury, who all bore testimony to the lovely christian character of the deceased.
William Edward Madison
Sept. 23, 1886
Sept. 1, 1886, William Edward, infant son of W.H. and Rebeka Madison, aged 3 months and 4 days. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

Earl Marshall
Sept. 2, 1886
Earl Marshall, child of John and Lucy Marshall, died at the home of its parents, near Garfield school house, Monday, Aug. 30, aged four months. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church, attended by many friends. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

Rachel Ann Metzger
April 29, 1886
At Lincoln, Kansas, April 22, 1886, Mrs. Rachel Ann Metzger, at the age of 41 years, 6 months and 15 days. Born in Lycoming county, Pa., Nov. 7, 1844. Married to Mr. Solomon Metzger 20 years ago. Mrs. Metzger died peacefully, trusting in Christ. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian church, on the day following her death. The remains were taken to the Lincoln cemetery, where they now rest awaiting the last summons of the dead.

Margaret Mitchell
May 27, 1886
Died, May 18, at the resident of her sister, Mrs. Nancy Jamison, in Madison township, Lincoln county, Kansas, of old age, Mrs. Margaret Mitchell, in the 89th year of her age.
Thus has closed a most useful and eventful life among the few who withstood the storms and battles of life for nearly a century, but at last obeyed the stern decree of death, which is no respecter of persons. About seven years ago Mrs. Mitchell moved with her children from Mifflin county, Pa.., to this county. Mother Mitchell rested her hopes in the doctrines of Christianity as taught by the M.E. church, to which she was a lifelong, devoted member. During her last illness, which was only a wasting away of life's "fitful dream" by old age, she never murmured or complained, but looked forward with that firm and unshaken hope which causes the Christian's end to be his best. To mourn her loss she leaves eight children, who were present at her dying bed with tearful eyes, while her spirit winged its flight to its future home. Her six sons, who all embrace the doctrine she did, tenderly bore the loving mother and wife to her final resting place. Her goodness of heart was by all admired and her many deeds of charity and kindness will be remembered with profound gratitude by all. To see her was to admire her; to know her was to respect her. [Burial not found in Lincoln County records.]

Anna Paulson
May 6, 1886
"Mother" Anna Paulson died at her son's on Trail Creek, Lincoln county, Kansas, of old age, on the 27th day of April, 1886, aged 89 years.
Sister Paulson was born in Sweden, moved to America in 1850, and was converted to God in 1850. She lived an acceptable member of the M.E. church until death. Husband and child preceded her to the spirit world. She leaves one sister, two sons, 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren to mourn her loss. [No burial found in Lincoln County records, although there is a "Grandma Paulsen" in Spillman Cemetery records that is a possibility.]

Nola Pinkerton
Oct. 14, 1886
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1886, at 1:45 p.m. at the home of her parents in Lincoln Center, of typhoid fever, Nola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Pinkerton.
The decease was born in Riley county, Kansas, and was 19 years of age. This young lady's death is a terrible blow to her parents, who are left childless, and causes much sincere sympathy among the people with whom she had been such a universal favorite since Mr. Pinkerton made this his home over two years ago. Miss Pinkerton's many amiable qualities and her devotion to her parents have always secured her the admiration and esteem of all who knew her here. Mrs. Stepp, a sister of Mrs. Pinkterton, and her daughter, Mrs. Smith, were summoned by telegraph from Russell; also Mr. E.E. Vincent, of Clay Center, a brother of Mrs. Pinkerton, to attend the funeral, which is held to-day at 2 o'clock. [Born July 25, 1867, according to cemetery records; buried in Lincoln Cemetery.]

John H. Reid
May 27, 1886
John H. Reid died at his residence near Monroe, Lincoln county, Kansas, April 26, 1887. He was born in Fayette county, Indiana, May 14, 1825, and moved with his family to Kansas in February 1877. He was the father of five children. His wife and two children passed over the river before him. Three children are left to mourn the loss of a kind father. Three sisters came to see him, only one was allowed to be with him when he died, the two others arrived too late. In his last hours he expressed a hope that this life of turmoil and disappointment would be exchanged for a better one at God's right hand. [Buried in Monroe Cemetery.]

Mary Ann Rilly
June 17, 1886
Mary Ann Rilly, daughter of Wm. and Rhoda Rilly, of Pleasant Valley, Kan., on June 10, 1886, of consumption, as the effects of whooping cough. The parents had come to this county only a week ago from Washington county, this State. Mary was 15 years old, and fell asleep in Jesus ' a little christian. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

John Robinson
June 3, 1886
At the home of David Simpson, near Woody, Lincoln County, Kan., May 27, 1886, John Robinson, aged 24 years. Young Robinson was of Lochee, near Dundee, Scotland, and came to America March 7, 1885. He was a machinist and first worked in Chicago, but his health failing him he came to his dear old friends in Lincoln county. Mrs. Simpson watched over him as one of her own children. John Simpson was his old school mate and took great interest in his recovery, but the progress of his disease was very rapid. He has a mother and a brother and sister in Scotland. Quite a number of his countrymen and many neighbors came to his funeral. He was buried in Milo cemetery.
Sheldon infant
Dec. 16, 1886
On the night of Dec. 10, 1886, in Valley township, Lincoln county, Kansas, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheldon, aged 2 years, 1 month and 9 days. Disease, diphtheria. Another of earth's purest flowers has gone to bloom in the paradise of God. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

Eliza Jane Smith
Nov. 27, 1886
November 17th at Lincoln, Kansas, Mrs. Eliza Jane Smith, late of West Union, Iowa.
Deceased was born in Fayette county, Iowa, Feb. 14, 1856. In 1876, on the 17th anniversary of her birth, she was married to Mr. Albert P. Smith. The husband remains, with one child, a little boy. They had spent the past summer in Colorado, in the hope that Mrs. Smith's health might be benefitted. But their hopes were vain, and only a few days since she was brought to the home of her sister, Mrs. Julia L. Day, to breathe her last. On the day following her dissolution a short funeral service was conducted by Mr. Ward and the remains were taken by her husband to West Union, Iowa, for interment. Mrs. Smith died as she lived, a Christian, hoping in God and trusting him even in the valley and shadow of death. [Eliza's maiden name was Crowe.]

John S. Springer
Oct. 28, 1886
John S. Springer, aged 88 years, and 1 day, died on Oct. 22, 1886, at 2:15 a.m. at his home, in Lincoln Center, Kansas, of old age.
John S. Springer was born Oct. 21, 1803, in Washington county, Ky. When quite small his parents removed with him to Ohio, and in March 1811, to Laurel, Franklin county, Ind., in the immediate vicinity of which place he lived for 60 years. He was married June 22, 1837, to Hannah W. Burt, who having survived him, still resides in Lincoln Center, at the age of 68. This worthy couple became the parents of 11 children, seven of whom, Moses C., Frances M., Missouri E., John J., Julia A., Dennis and Albert C., are still living. Three died many years ago. Mrs. Hannah Hancock died at her father's home, about three years ago. Mr. Springer, with his children, Moses, John, Dennis, Albert, Julia and Hannah, removed to Lincoln county, Kansas, in October 1871, and resided about seven miles southeast of Lincoln for a number of years, and for several years in this place.
He had all his life enjoyed excellent health, with the exception of slight attacks of rheumatism, and of late years and affection [affliction] of the eyes, which rendered him partially blind. His death was from old age, without any conditions of disease being present.
Mr. Springer was honest and upright ' excelling in those qualities which make a good citizen and a man whose demise is a matter of public regret.
The funeral services were held at his late home at 3 p.m. of the 22nd, conducted by Revs. I. McDowell and W.D. Ward, and attended by a large assemblage of friends and relatives. Lincoln Lodge 154 AF&AM attended the funeral in a body, and the interment took place in the Lincoln cemetery. Mr. Springer became a member of the Masonic fraternity in 1844, at Laurel, Ind., which year he joined Laurel Lodge 24, of which lodge Judge Hedrick, of this county, was then the Secretary and assisted in his initiation.

Peter Striker
March 18, 1886
Mr. Peter Striker was born in Reading, N.Y., Feb. 9, 1802. Died at his home on the Spillman, Feb. 21, 1886.
Mr. Striker had been a member of the Disciple church for over 54 years. At the age of 84, God called him from labor to reward. He was buried at Vesper, Feb. 22.

Mrs. M. Tilman
June 17, 1886
June 10, 1886, at her home in Elkhorn township, near Lincoln Center, Mrs. M. [Sarah] Tilman, aged 41 years. Deceased leaves a husband and four children.
The funeral took place from the school house near the German Lutheran church, upon June 11, conducted by Rev. George Tenney. [Buried in Lincoln Cemetery.]

T.T. Tyler
July 22, 1886
Last Sunday at about 12:30 p.m., T.T. Tyler, of this place, was standing in the back door of his house on Court street and called to Norman Payne, a neighbor, to come to him. Mr. Payne was on his own premises at the time and about 20 yards distant from Mr. Tyler's door. Mr. Payne walked slowly toward Mr. Tyler, when the latter turned around and entered his house. Mr. Payne followed slowly and coming to the open door looked in and seeing no one supposed that Mr. Tyler wanted him to come further into the next room. Mr. Payne walked through the first room to the partition door, and looking through into the next room saw Mr. Tyler, who had lain himself down flat upon the floor upon his back. Mr. Payne had just time to see Mr. Tyler pull the trigger of a large revolver which he was holding with both hands perpendicularly against the forehead. Mr. Payne's first glimpse at Mr. Tyler as the latter lay upon his back, was simultaneous with the discharge of the revolver and turning instantly Mr. Payne ran out and gave the alarm. A number of the neighbors were at the house in a moment, attracted by the loud report. Mr. Tyler was found lying upon his back in the same place and position as first seen by Mr. Payne. In his right hand, at his side, was a No. 45 Colt's pistol, with his thumb upon the trigger. His left hand was powder burned, showing that he had held the pistol close by the muzzle with that hand. The entire upper portion of his head and brains was blown entirely off, about a line drawn from the eyebrows to the occiput, and spattered about the room. One of the first to arrive was Dr. Cogswell, who lives but a short distance away. Mr. Tyler breathed spasmodically for about 10 minutes. The most astonishing extent of the wound shows that the pistol must have been held resolutely against his head, and thus the entire explosive force of the powder was expended in and against the skull. The ball of course went through the floor. Mrs. Tyler and the two little children had less than five minutes before left the house and gone to Dr. Cogswell's. The coroner being out of town and his whereabouts unknown, an inquest was held by Justice Tidball, which elicited the above facts.
The funeral for the deceased was held at the residence, at 11 a.m. Monday, and was conducted by Rev. W.D. Ward. The interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery. The funeral was attended by many neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Claussen, of Wilson, parents of Mrs. Tyler, attended the funeral and Mrs. Tyler and her two children, the oldest a boy about four years of age, returning to Wilson with them.
Truman T. Tyler, the deceased, was born June 6, 1865, and thus at the time of his death was 32 years, 1 month and 12 days of age. He came to Kansas in 1877 and was married March 30, 1880, to Miss Nettie Claussen of Wilson, Kan. He came to Lincoln center in the fall of 1881 and engaged in the furniture business, but during the last few months had been running a billiard hall.
As to the causes leading to the suicide there is no doubt but that the deceased was insane ' not temporarily, merely, but permanently deranged in mind. Dr. Cogswell in his testimony said, "I can say that the deceased had not drawn a sober breath for over two years," and "Most of his sickness was caused by intemperance." Mr. Tyler's intimate friends have long known of his repeated threats to take his own life and that of his wife. For the past two years it appears that his nervous system has been a complete wreck from alcoholic poison and he had long been a very wretched and unhappy man. According to his own statements to Dr. Cogswell, elicited during the inquest, he attempted to blow his brains out over a year ago.
This is simply another temperance lesson and to those who value human life and happiness more than blood-spattered dimes and dollars it is an incentive to redouble their exertions in the temperance work. With such a ghastly and disgusting tragedy before their eyes, it is difficult to make a certain portion of the community believe that God ever intended that cupidity and human weaknesses should forever run riot and trample down into suicides' graves all laws for the regulation of appetite. Every blow at the liquor traffic lessens the probabilities of the repetition of such horrors. With all decent, God-fearing and humane people it is only a question of "how" to abate the liquor traffic, not "should" we do so.

Adeline Van Valkenburg
April 29, 1886
At her home in Lincoln county, April 21, 1886, Mrs. Adeline Van Valkenburg, aged 42 years and five days. Deceased was born at Hunter, N.Y., April 26, 1844. She was married 21 years ago to Mr. F.H. Van Valkenburg who still lives to mourn her departure. Since 1884 she has been a resident of Kansas, where she has become favorably known to many. For 25 years she has been a member of the M.E. Church. The funeral services were held Thursday, April 22, at the Presbyterian church. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to their resting place in the Lincoln cemetery. Her friends mourn but she is at peace.

Ivy May Ward
Sept. 2, 1886
Aug. 29, 1886, of cholera infantum, Ivy May Ward, daughter of Rev. W.D. and Hollie O. Ward, aged 3 months and 14 days. The funeral took place in the Presbyterian church, Aug. 30, Rev. H.C. Bradbury officiating. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

E.L. Webster
June 17, 1886
Mr. E.L. Webster, son of J.P. Webster, died at his home in Lincoln county, Monday, June 7, of quick consumption, aged 23 years, 7 months and 2 days. The deceased was a member of Deering lodge No. 717, I.O.O.F., Chicago, Ill. Was buried Wednesday, the 9th inst., under the auspices of Beloit lodge No. 130 I.O.O.F., the members to the number of 23, with Rev. J. A. Antrim as chaplain, attending. There was a very large concourse to pay their last tribute to the deceased, who, for his noble and manly qualities, will be greatly missed. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

Ruby Welty
July 22, 1886
At the home of her parents, Jacob and Sadie Welty, near Pinon, Lincoln county, Kansas, Ruby Welty, aged 15 months. She was sick hardly a week, and finally died of spinal meningitis, on Saturday, July 17, 1886. [No burial found in Lincoln County records.]

Horace Williams
Jan. 7, 1886
Mr. Horace Williams was born in the year 1812, Oct. 18th, and departed this life Dec. 26, 1885, being 73 years, 2 months and 11 days in the flesh. He was reared in Granville, Vermont State. He united with the Presbyterian church at the age of 19 years. His religious faith was the same all through life, yet it was not sectarian. He loved to read his bible as long as he could. The last time he attended church was at Madison class in the morning; afternoon at Freedom preaching, and again at Madison at night. About four weeks ago he remarked to a friend, "I may have to lay here a long while or it may be but a short time, yet it matters not to me. 'The Lord's will be done,' not mine," and with a quiver of his lip, repeated "Not mind." Some time after the disease went to his brain and his sufferings were great until near the last, when he fell asleep to wake no more. Several times during his illness he would sing part of the hymn "Jesus Lover of my Soul." He resided for a time in [New] York State, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Kansas; located in Madison township, Lincoln county, in 1879, and walked among us as an honest, upright citizen. His funeral discourse was preached by the Rev. James Blondon, at the Freedom school house. His remains were followed to the Monroe Cemetery by a large concourse of people. [Tombstone not found in Monroe Cemetery, so grave is likely unmarked.]

Ulysses S.G. (Grant) Wolfe
Nov. 20, 1886
A week ago last Saturday, Charles Wolfe and his son Grant, a young man 21 years of age, were loading wheat at their home, three miles southwest of Sylvan Grove. The father soon went off with his load of wheat to Wilson, but quite a while after Grant was found lying helpless on the ground. Doctors Crieghton and Penney came to his aid, but as it was a case of rupture that required the immediate services of a skilled surgeon, they sent to Wilson for one, but he came too late. Already mortification had set in. He told Grant he had little time to live. He was soon willing to die and at peace with God. He bid all one by one, an earnest good-bye, and was very calm in his mind. "I'm going to a land that is fairer than day," was his joyous exclamation as he neared the bounds of life. His death on last Monday week made a lasting impression on the minds of his young comrades, with whom he was such a favorite. No tongue can tell the grief of his parents at home, and his brothers and sisters. Ulysses S.G. Wolfe was born in Franklin county, Pa., Oct. 9, 1865. [Burial not found in Lincoln County records; one of the Sylvan cemeteries likely.]