1888 Lincoln County Kansas Obituaries

1888 Obituaries
Lincoln County Kansas

These obituaries were taken from the Lincoln County Beacon. Further information and clarifications were added as needed by the transcriber.

Ella Adkins
Jan. 12, 1988

Ella Adkins died at the residence of O.U. Hull, on Jan. 8, 1888, of spinal meningitis, at the age of 16 years.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Strange, at the resident of her uncle O. Rathbun.
Her kind and gentle disposition won the friendship of all who knew her. She was faithful to every duty and loyal to her convictions of right. While her living would have made brighter the lives of her friends, her dying strengthened one's faith in man's immortality and his duty to prepare for a better world. She was ready to die and her last words were, "Ina, meet me in heaven, make sure; O, make sure." [Not in Lincoln County burial records.]

George Allen
Feb. 9, 1888
Wednesday night, Feb. 1, 1888, in Lincoln, of typhoid, George, aged 2 years and 5 months, son of Dr. A.A. Allen and wife.
The funeral was from the Presbyterian Church and was conducted by Rev. John Medcraft. The interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery. The deceased was a very attractive child and will be greatly missed by all the friends of the family who were acquainted with him. Dr. Allen and wife have the sympathy of all our people in their great bereavement. [Tombstone gives date of death as Feb. 2.]

Thomas Barnhart
June 28, 1888
Thomas Barnhart died at his home in Lincoln, Kansas, June 18, 1888, of chronic diarrhea.
Mr. Barnhart was born near Columbus, Ohio, in 1809 and moved to Indiana when quite young, where he lived until the fall of 1872, when he removed to Lincoln, Kansas, where he resided until his death. Mr. Barnhart had been married three times and leaves quite a large family, the members being much scattered. His second wife came to Kansas with him and died in this place in the fall of 1877. Mr. Barnhart was a lifelong Democrat, but was elected register of deeds in this county in 1875 and re-elected in 1877, serving two full terms.
The funeral was from the M.E. church, upon Tuesday the 19th, the funeral discourse was preached by Rev. C.W. Caseley, and the interment made in the Lincoln cemetery.

Rozena Hoyt Robinson Bloomfield
Jan. 12, 1988
At her home in Orbitello, Kansas, Jan. 3, 1888, Rozena Hoyt, wife of Samuel Bloomfield. She was born Nov. 12, 1839, in Meigs county, Ohio. At an early age she united with the Church of Christ and was always very earnest and active in serving her Master. By her first marriage she had three sons, C.L.C., Eli and Ellsworth Robinson. She came to Kansas in 1871 and was married to Samuel Bloomfield Feb. 14, 1872. She made home happy. George Fredrick and Charles Hadden Bloomfield were the children of her second marriage. The last four years of her life she suffered greatly, but God gave her grace to rejoice in Him in her greatest pain. So thoughtful was she for the comfort of others that she would forget her own sufferings in thinking of her family. She made many friends, who more than filled the school house in Orbitello at her funeral. They wept as they saw their loved one, who had so often comforted and counseled them and ministered to their necessities, now lying cold in her coffin. She requested for her ' [rest is missing] [Note: First name spelled Rozina in the cemetery records; buried in Lincoln Cemetery.]

Frank W. Boyles
Sept. 20, 1888
At the home of his parents, near Beverly, Kansas, Sept. 14, 1888, at 11 a.m., Frank W., son of John W. and Josephine F. Boyles, aged 22 years, 8 months and 14 days. Frank was born at Urichsville, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, and has lived in Kansas since he was 5 years old. The cause of his death was dropsy from valvular disease of the heart, primarily induced by an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, about three years ago. [Buried at Monroe Cemetery.]

William Boyer
Aug. 30, 1888
William Boyer, aged 88 years, 10 months and 5 days, died at his home near Allamead, Kansas, Aug. 21, 1888.
He was born in Pennsylvania, and from there moved to West Virginia, and made that his home until about 10 years ago, when he moved to Kansas.
At the age of 52 years he was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church and has lived a consistent and exemplary life, laboring zealously for the upbuilding of his master's kingdom. He expressed the wish to be at home and at rest. He leaves an aged companion and seven children to mourn his loss. But what is their loss is his gain. His funeral sermon was preached by L.A. Dugger. [Buried in Spillman.]

Elbridge Bradbury
July 12, 1888
Elbridge Bradbury died at his home in Lincoln, Kansas, Sunday, July 8, 1888, at 2 p.m., of paralysis, aged 82 years, 10 months and 17 days.
Mr. Bradbury was born in Medford, Mass., Aug. 21, 1805. He was a graduate of Amherst College and his life after his graduation was spent in teaching and in the ministry. He had lived in Lincoln since 1880, with his son, H.C. Bradbury.
The funeral services were held upon Monday, at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. Wm. Campbell, assisted by Revs. Medcraft, McMillan, Hall and Caseley, and the interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery.

Edward Burdick
June 21, 1888
Last Friday morning, at about 2:30 o'clock, lightning struck the house of Ed. Burdick, of Beverly, killing him as he lay asleep. A heavy rain was falling at the time, accompanied by violent lightning and thunder. Mr. Burdick's house was a story and a half frame, and he and his wife were sleeping upstairs. In an adjoining room were sleeping their four children, the eldest about 10 years old. Mrs. Burdick was awakened by the lightning striking the house with a terrific crash. The bolt struck the chimney, and descended into the chamber, where one part of it killed Mr. Burdick without awaking him. His wife, frightened by the uproar, tried to awaken him, but realized his condition at once and immediately aroused the neighbors. Mr. Burdick was found with a few slight burns upon her person, while his face bore the appearance of peaceful sleep, and there was no evidence of suffering or of his having awakened. A large part of the plastering in the room where the children slept was knocked from the walls and holes were knocked through the aiding in a dozen different places, upstairs and down, and pieces of siding were lying in the yard that had been blown off the house.
Mr. Burdick was about 34 years of age and had lived in this vicinity for 10 years. He moved to Beverly when the town was founded and lived there until his death.
He was industrious, economical and un upright citizen in every respect. He was personally very popular and his death is much regretted by all who knew him. [Burial in Beverly Cemetery.]

Bertha V. Burns
Jan. 5, 1888
At Sunnyside, Lincoln county, Kansas, Sunday, Jan. 1, 1887 [sic; should be 1888], a little daughter of Mr. Burns, aged three years. [Note: There is a Bertha V. Burns buried in Sunnyside, born 1884, died 1888.]

Florence Hart Campbell
March 15, 1888
Mrs. Florence Hart Campbell was born in Vago county, Ind., Dec. 14, 1867. She was married to Arch. A. Campbell in October 1885. She died at Lincoln, Kansas, March 10, 1888. Her husband and one little babe but two days old survive her. Mrs. Campbell was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. The funeral services were held Monday, March 12, conducted by Elder Geo. F. Hall, at the Church of Christ. [No burial in Lincoln County records.]

Lena Gertude Cline
Nov. 8, 1888
On Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1888, of pneumonia, at the home of Mr. Hanan, three miles north of Lincoln, Kansas, Lena Gertrude, infant daughter of George H. and Serepta J. Cline, aged 7 months. [Not in Lincoln County burial records.]

Lydia A. Doherty
Sept. 6, 1888
At her home near Lincoln, Kansas, Sept. 9, 1888, Lydia A. Doherty, wife of Geo. Doherty, aged 42 years and 8 months. She was an earnest Christian and the daughter of Rev. Benj. Henderson. She came to this county at an early time in its settlement. She bore up very cheerfully against her disease ' consumption ' and worked as long as God gave her strength. Three children survive her. The funeral services were held at the Disciple church, conducted by H.C. Bradbury. [Not in Lincoln County burial records.]

Ada Doll
July 26, 1888
Mrs. Ada Doll, of Scott township, Lincoln county, Kansas, died at her home on Tuesday, July 17, 1888, at 3:30 p.m., after an illness of 23 hours.
Mrs. Doll at the time of her death was 24 years of age. She came with her husband, Taylor Doll, from Iowa, about four years ago.
The funeral took place on Wednesday, and the interment was made in the Union Valley cemetery.
Owing to the unusually short illness of the deceased, and certain symptoms such as cramping and light spasmodic attacks which seemed to indicate the effects of arsenic or strychnine, it was thought best to hold an inquest, which was ordered by Coroner DeArmond and met upon Wednesday morning.
An autopsy was held, conducted by Dr. Henry Hall which developed the fact that the cause of death was as set forth in the verdict given below. [The verdict was that death was by "cerebro spinal inflammation brought about by excessive heat and overexertion."] We will mention incidentally that Mrs. Doll was of a very excitable nature, unusually energetic and high-tempered withal. She was capable, sensible and very devoted to the daily affairs of life. She left no family but her husband, to whom she had been married about seven years.

Hattie N. Einman
Aug. 30, 1888
Hattie N. Eiman, of Beaver township, died at the home of her parents, on Aug. 25, 1888, aged 7 months and 22 days, of summer complaint.
[Transcriber's note: Found in burial records as Hattie N. Einmen, with a date of death as Aug. 24, not 25.]

Sophronia Farnsworth
May 10, 1888
At her late residence, six miles from this city. Sophronia C., wife of Judson Farnsworth, died April 20, 1888, of cancer in the breast, after a painful illness of 14 months. Mrs. Farnsworth was born in Fairfield, Vermont, Oct. 14, 1833. She came with her parents to Buchanan county, Iowa, in 1855. In January 1856, she united in marriage. October 1870, with her family, she came to Lincoln county, Kansas. In May 1885, she, with her family, moved to Atchison county, Kansas, and remained there until March 19, 1888. By her request she was brought back to Lincoln county, Kansas, to die amng her friends. In early lfie she sought the Savior and united with the Baptist church; later she united with the Methodist Episcopal church. She was a true Christian, ever trusting in her Savior. She was much loved and respected by all who knew her. She was an affectionate companion and a kind mother. She leaves a husband and five children (three daughters and two sons) to mourn their loss. The funeral service took place at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. C.W. Casely. The remains were interred in the Lincoln cemetery.

Joseph H. Good
Nov. 22, 1888
Joseph H. Good, of Scott township, died at his home, on Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1888, of a sudden and acute bowel and stomach complaint. He was taken ill upon Saturday last.
His death is a great surprise and shock to a large number of people. The funeral and interment took place ysterday. [Buried at Sunny Side Cemetery.]

Margeret Fidella Hay
Aug. 23, 1888
Margeret Fidella Hay, daughter of Adam and Caroline Hay, was born in Jefferson county, Penn., July 11, 1864, and with her father's family came to Lincoln county, Kansas, in June, 1879, and has since resided here, excepting an absence of a year and a half in California, in 1864-66 [sic, could be 1884-86]. With a brother and sister she has the last two years resided in Lincoln Center.
The last week in June she was prostrated with catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, and during the eight weeks of her illness her sufferings were constant and intense, but she bore all with great fortitude and sweet patience, and at last quietly fell asleep on Monday, Aug. 20, 1888, at 4:30 p.m.
The funeral services were held in the parlors of the Grand Central Hotel, her home, on Tuesday at 9 a.m., Rev. C.W. Caseley, pastor of the first M.E. church of Lincoln, officiating, assisted by the choir of his church. The interment took place at Yordy, Ellsworth county, near the family home in Madison township, where her parents reside.

Ellen Hendrickson
March 15, 1888
Ellen Hendrickson, wife of Hans. C. Hendrickson, lived to be a little over 42 years old. She leaves a husband and four children: Willie, Josephine, Ellen and Anna, aged from 3 to 10 years. Mrs. Hendrickson was born on Zealand, near Holbak, Denmark, Europe, and came to the United States 12 years ago and to Denmark, Lincoln county, Kan., 10 years ago, where she has lived ever since, on a homestead, in rather poor circumstances, yet she was contented with her lot, always trusting in a merciful providence. She set a good example for the rest of us to follow.
It is both sad and hard to leave so many little folks to be cared for by the father alone, but I believe the Danes' sympahty will come in to help Mr. Hendrickson in case further trouble should befall him or his little ones. The funeral here, on the 12th of March, was the largest I have ever seen. The Americans joined in goodly numbers. From that we can safely judge that Mr. Hendrickson has the sympathy of a very large circle. ' C. Bernhardt. [No burial in Lincoln County records.]

Chauncey Ides
July 12, 1888
At Vesper, Kansas, on the sixth day of July , 1888, Chauncey Ides, aged 21 years, 3 months and 14 days.
The above deceased young man had been a great sufferer for nearly a year before death came to his relief. The first part of his suffering was caused by white swelling in one of his limbs, which had to be amputated to save his life. But afterward he was taken witih a throat and lung disease which finally ended his young life. Through all of his suffering he was patient. He died, we believe, in the hope of a blessed immortality beyond this life. The large number of friends who attended his funeral bore evidence of the high esteem in which he was held by all. Funeral services at Vesper church and cemetery on the 8th inst., by Rev. B.F. McMillan. [Name is Chancy Ide in cemetery records.]

Ellen Johnson Aug. 30, 1888
The funeral services of Mrs. Ellen Johnson took place from the residence of Jehu Stanley, of Franklin township, Saturday, the 25th inst.
The deceased was born in Newbury, Penn., Feb. 28, 1818, her home being with her son in Red Oak, Iowa. She was on a visit to Mrs. Stanley, her niece, and died of chronic diarrhea, Aug. 24.
She died in great peace, was of a gentle disposition, and had been a member of the M.E. church 53 years. Rev. C.W. Caseley conducted the service. [Burial not given, not found in Lincoln County records.]

Harriet Simmons Kiddoo
March 8, 1888
Mrs. Harriet Simmons Kiddoo was born June 27, 1844, in Stoddard county, Missouri. She was married March 9, 1871, to J.E. Kiddoo, at Monmouth, Ill. She united with the Church of Christ at Monmouth in 1869. Three years ago the family came to Lincoln. Consumption, of which she died, had already fastened upon her, and gradually she yielded to the dread disease until Monday morning, March 5, 1888, she passed away.
Her charms of person and manner, combined with rare intelligence and sweetness of disposition, endeared her to all who knew her. Her husband and two sons survive her. She was the last of her father's family. [No burial in Lincoln County records.]
Elam LaBarr
Sept. 13, 1888
Elam LaBarr, an old and much respected citizen of Beverly, died at that place Friday night, Sept. 7, and was buried upon Saturday. [Buried in Beverly Cemetery.]

Robert Lawson
March 29, 1888
Of pneumonia, in Highland township, Lincoln county, Kan., Robert Lawson, aged 77 years, 7 months and 6 days.
The deceased was born in Albany county, N.Y., Oct. 10, 1810. Was united in marriage to Marietta Losee Oct. 12, 1837. There were born to them four children; two of them, a boy and a girl, were taken from them in childhood. In 1857 he removed with his family to Oswego county, N.Y., and in 1856 removed to Oneida county, where he lived until 1864, then removed to Chautauqua county, N.Y. From there he came to Kansas in the spring of 1878, with the companion of his youth and two sons, Sidney R. and Joseph H., and settled on the farm on which he resided at the time of his decease, which occurred March 17, 1888, after a sickness of two weeks.
The deceased for more than half a century has been an active, energetic, live, representative man in society. Few men were so often seen among the active scenes of this busy world as was the familiar face, firm tread and erect form of Robert Lawson, always greeting each without regard to age, condition or sex, never content without taking some part in the responsibilities of the hour. He had never connected himself with any particular branch of the Christian church, but for many years had declared himself a Friend of Quaker, believing firmly in their doctrines and creed. He leaves an aged widow and two sons to mourn his loss, while the whole community has lost a worthy and most active member. [No burial in Lincoln County records; could be Sylvan Grove?]

Mary Jane Lewick
April 19, 1888
Mrs. John Lewick died at her home, in Indiana township, Lincoln county, Kansas, Friday evening, April 18, 1888.
Mrs. Lewick, in company with her husband, came to Lincoln county in 1878 from Center county, Penn., and resided in Indiana township from that time until her death. She leaves a husband and eight children. She was sick but two weeks. The funeral was upon Sunday last at 12:30, at the M.E. church in Lincoln, conducted by Rev. Caseley, and the interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery.

Alta A. Loy
March 15, 1888
Mrs. Alta A. Loy died Feb. 29, 1888, of consumption at her home near Milo, Lincoln county, Kansas.
Alta A. Saunders was born in Lake county, Ind., July 21, 1863, She came with her parents ' Daniel and Ella Saunders ' to Page county, Iowa, in 1867, and to Kansas in 1878. They settled in Lincoln county, near Milo. She was married to Milton H. Loy, Nov. 28, 1884. She leaves a husband and son, five brothers and father and mother to mourn her.
Her son, Charles Arthur Loy, was born Sept. 24, 1887 and died Dec. 29, 1887. They took the child up and laid mother and child in one grave. [No burial in Lincoln County records; perhaps in Milo Cemetery, unmarked?]

Isdell D.H. Lyster
Oct. 11, 1888
At his residence in Orange township, Lincoln county, Kansas, Oct. 5, 1888, of obstruction of the bowels and nephritis, at the age of 52 years, 2 months, 18 days, Isdell D.H. Lyster.
Mr. Lyster was born in the county of Wexford, Ireland. His father's station there was that of a gentleman. He emigrated to this country with his family in 1847, settled in Ohio, and later removed to Michigan.
In November 1868, Mr. Lyster enlisted in Co. A, Second Minnesota Cavalry, Volunteers, and served as 1st sergeant therein, and was honorably discharged from the service of the U.S. on the 2nd day of April, 1866.

After his discharge from the service of the U.S., Mr. Lyster settled in Hardin county, Iowa, and there was married on April 19, 1866, to Eliza Patterson.
Mr. Lyster continued to reside in Iowa till 1878, when he removed with his family to Lincoln county, Kansas, where he has since resided.
He was an intelligent, well-informed man, taking an interest in all the great events of the world, as well as matters of more local interest.
He was an eminently peaceful and inoffensive citizen, and while he never hesitated to take a firm and decided stand on any important issue, he always did it in such a frank, candid and moderate manner that he never made enemies of those with whom he differed. Truthfulness, sincerity, frankness, strict honesty and integrity were leading traits of his character.
He was ever kind and thoughtful of others, ready always to lend his assistance in all cases of need or emergency. He was openhearted and generous. His manners and habits were plain and unostentatious, and he had no taste for anything like exclusiveness or snobbery. His disposition was unobtrusive and retiring.
Mr. Lyster was an Odd Fellow in good standing. Politically, he was a lifelong Republican, though of late his faith, like that of many others, was of a wavering tendency.
Born and brought up in the orthodox faith as taught by the Episcopal Church of England, Mr. Lyster in later years became a firm believer in Spiritualism, in which faith he died.
His illness was short, though painful, and the end was peaceful. He realized that the end was near and he gave words of instruction and comfort to his mourning family. He leaves a sorrowing wife and a family of eight children to mourn his loss.
His body was laid to rest in the Spillman cemetery, Sunday Oct. 7, followed by the largest concourse of citizens that ever attended a funeral in that part of the county. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Cedron Post No. 286, Dept. of Kansas G.A.R., in conjunction with the Lincoln Central Lodge No. 111, I.O.O.F.

Charles Milton
Dec. 6, 1888
Charles Milton, aged 44 years and 5 months, died at his home in Plymouth township, Russell county, Kansas, Nov. 30, 1888, of an affection [sic; should be affliction] of the heart. Rev. M. Dolphin, of Wilson, conducted the funeral services. The deceased was once a resident of this county. [Not in Lincoln County burial records.]

Beulah Mohr
Oct. 18, 1888
Beulah, the infant daughter of Nelson and Mary Mohr, died in Lincoln, Oct. 9, of a stomach complaint. The funeral took place at the M.E. church, Oct. 10, and the interment took place in the Lincoln cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C.W. Casely.

Eunice A. Moss
April 12, 1888
Miss Eunice A. Moss, of Lincoln, died of quick consumption, at 7 a.m., April 8, 1888, at the home of her mother, in Lincoln, Kan.
Miss Moss was born Jan. 2, 1865, in Monroe county, Iowa, and came to Lincoln county with her mother and youngest brother, in Oct. 1881, since which time she has been a resident of this county. She confessed her faith in Christ in March 1883, under the ministry of Rev. A.D. Goodwin, of Salina. While a resident of this county she taught 34 months of school in the county and was teaching her second year in the city's schools. Failing health compelled her to leave her post five weeks and one day before her death.
Elder Geo. F. Hall, her pastor, who was conducted a protracted meeting in Beloit, was sent for immediately upon her death, and arrived in time to conduct the funeral services, which began at 2 p.m. on Monday.
The city schools adjourned at 11 a.m. to make prepartions for a proper expression of regret for the loss pupils and teachers alike felt most keenly. The room occupied by Miss Moss when on duty in the school was draped in mourning and the casements and outer walls of the same room, as well. At 1:30 over 300 of the scholars, each department by itself and in charge of its respective teacher, formed in double file and proceeded to Mrs. Moss's home, and at 2 o'clock marched from there to the new Church of Christ. The Fourth grade, which Miss Moss had taught, was led by Miss Velma Dunham, who succeeded her as teacher in charge. On the way to the church the procession was augmented by a large concourse of people, and at the Odd Fellows' Hall by the members of that order, who turned in respect to the deceased sister, who was a member of the Order of Rebekah.
At 2 o'clock the church was filled to overflowing and many came who could not gain admittance.
The procession that formed for the Lincoln cemetery maintained the same order as in going to the church. At the cemetery the services were simple and appropriate.

Sarah S. Owens
Feb. 2, 1888
At her home at Rocky Hill, 3' miles southeast of Lincoln, Kansas, Jan. 25, 1888, Sarah S., wife of Andrew Owens.
Mrs. Owens was born in Wood county, West Virginia, Jan. 14, 1850, the daughter of Samuel and Yourkey Thornton. She joined the M.E. church at the age of 16, married Aug. 22, 1867. She was the mother of 10 children, none of whom are now living. The eldest daughter died last month.
Mrs. Owens was a very hard worker and kind, especially in sickness of others. In her last sufferings of five weeks, she was very patient. Her funeral services were conducted last Friday, at Rocky Hill school house, by H.C. Bradbury.

James E. Payne
Aug. 16, 1888
James E., son of Edwin and Eliza J. Payne, died Aug. 12, 1888, aged 9 months and 9 days, and was buried on the 18th. [No burial site given.]

Isabel Poff (Pfaff)
Feb. 2, 1888
Isabel Poff (Pfaff) died at the home of her parents, in Lincoln, Kansas, Jan. 29, 1888, at the age of 37 years.
Deceased had been afflicted from early childhood. She was carried to the family burying ground in Orange township, for internment.

Elizabeth Pfaff
March 15, 1888
Elizabeth Pfaff, wife of M. G. Pfaff, died in Lincoln, Kan., March 14, 1888, aged 75 years and 15 days.
She embraced christianity in early youth, maintained a christian character through life and passed away in the triumph of a living faith. The funeral service was held at the Pfaff school house, on the 16th, conducted by Rev. J.S. Strange, assisted by Elder T.M. Strange. [Buried Prairie Grove Cemetery; disagreement on death of date between obituary (3-14-88) and tombstone (2-14-88).]

Infant Phillips
Dec. 6, 1888
At the home of its parents, in Lincoln, Kansas, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1888, the infant daughter of Alvin and Maude Phillips, aged 5 weeks. The funeral was held at the Baptist church at 2 p.m. of the same day, E.V. Swartz officiating. [Not in Lincoln County burial records.]

Lee Spurgeon
March 29, 1888
Lee Spurgeon, of Beverly, died March 20, 1888, at Eldorado Springs, Mo., of dropsy of the heart. He was taken to Eldorado Springs lately for treatment, which proved unavailing. His body reached Beverly upon Saturday last, in charge of Morgan Green. [Buried in Beverly Cemetery.]

Washington Smith
April 5, 1888
At his home near Shady Bend, Lincoln county, Kansas, of consumption, Judge Washington Smith, on Thursday morning, March 29.
His funeral was conducted by Elder J.S. Henry, pastor of the Baptist church of Lincoln, after which his remains were buried in the cemetery at Beverly. Thus one by one the first settlers of Lincoln county are passing over the river of death. [Tombstone gives March 22, 1888, as date of death.]

Mary Ann Stites
Sept. 6, 1888
Mrs. Mary Ann Stites (nee Sultzer) was born Sept. 15, 1837, in Butler county, Ohio. She was married to George Stites, Dec. 15, 1854. She died at her home four miles southwest of Lincoln, Kansas, on Aug. 29, 1888, after an illness of 24 days, of dysentery. She was buried Aug. 30, in the Lincoln cemetery. Her funeral was conducted by Rev. C.W. Caseley. The deceased had been a member of the Baptist church for 34 years and was universally loved because of her sympathic helpfulness in cases of sickness, and the church filled with sorrowing friends attested the affection of hosts of acquaintances.

Sylvanus T. Weirbach
Jan. 26, 1888
Sylvanus T. Weirbach died Sunday morning, Jan. 22, at his home in Lincoln, Kansas, of typhoid pneumonia, after an illness of about 10 days. He was 40 years and 4 months of age.
Mr. Weirbach was born in Bucks county, Penn., in Sept. 1848, and had lived in Kansas several years. He came to Lincoln county from Yordy, Ellsworth county, about three years ago, and had lived in Lincoln about a year and a half. He leaves a wife and daughter. Mr. W. was a good citizen; industrious, honorable, kindly and exemplary in his family and business relations.
The funeral was held at the Church of Christ, Elder G.F. Hall officiating. There was a large turnout of the Masonic fraternity. The interment was made in the Lincoln cemetery.

John E. Wilson
July 19, 1888
July 14, 1888, at 5 p.m., John E. Wilson, aged 9 years and 9 months, died at the home of his stepfather, John Crawford, in Marion township, Lincoln county, Kansas.
The funeral services were held at the Lincoln cemetery, at 4 p.m., July 15, conducted by Rev. T.M. Strange.

Mamie Wooldridge
Jan. 26, 1888
Wednesday, Jan. 18, near Allamead, Orange township, of heart disease, Mamie, daughter of F.M. Wooldridge, aged 12 years. [Buried Spillman cemetery]