Ranchers Register Livestock Brands in 1941

Lincoln County News, Oct. 9, 1941

76 Lincoln County 'Ranchers' Register their Brands with State Commissioner -- Brand Book Published

Replacing the 220 brands and livestock marks of all kinds registered from 1871 to 1937 under the old county herd registration law, the 75 cattle brands recorded by Lincoln county cattlemen in the new state brand book make up the official list of cattle marks to use in the county.

The new brand took contained more than 6,000 cattle brands. Most cattlemen register only one, but some of the ranches register more. The Robbins Ranch of Belvidere has 19 recorded brands.

Although in several instances two or more cattlemen record the same brand, its location on the animal, or accompanying earmarks, clearly distinguish the ownership.

The new brands in use in Lincoln county are much more complicated than those under the old county registry, which generally consisted of one to three initials, a number of some relatively simple marks. In some cases, Lincoln countians had to change their old brands before they could be recorded.

The state registered brands are recorded for a period of five years for $2, and are renewable thereafter. In general, western Kansas counties have the largest number of brands recorded, but Lincoln county clearly leads this part of the state in the number recorded.

Following is a list of the owners of Lincoln county brands, the numbers referring to the brands as illustrated. (For a table of the brands taken from the same edition of the Lincoln County News, click here.

1. Helen G. Abercrombie, Barnard
2. Homer T. Abercrombie, Barnard
3. R.E. Ancell, Sylvan
4. F.J. Askey, Vesper
5. L.L. Bacus, Vesper
6. Baker Bros., Lincoln
7. A.H. Benson, Vesper
8. Henry Bentrup Jr., Sylvan
9. Louis Block, Vesper
10. Harry D. Briscoe, Lincoln
11. Nellie A. Briscoe, Sylvan
12. A. R. Buzick's Sons, Sylvan
13. J.B. Cheney, Vesper
14. W. Harlan Coover, Sylvan
15. R.W. Cox, Vesper
16. Max Crawford, Lincoln
17. Carl Dillon, Vesper
18. Frank Donley, Lincoln
19. Kenneth Dooley, Barnard
20. Glen Eckhart, Lincoln
21. Ernest Ensign, Sylvan
22. Edwin Goldgrabe, Sylvan
23. Walter Goldgrabe, Sylvan
24. Elmer Gorton, Lincoln
25. J.R. Grimes, Barnard
26. Harve Hartzell, Lincoln
27. Andrew Heinze, Lincoln
28. Emerald W. Heller, Vesper
29. L.M. Hendrickson, Lincoln
30. Austin Hickman, Barnard
31. Eldor Hillmer, Sylvan
32. John W. Hynes, Sylvan
33. Harry E. Jensen, Vesper
34. J.C. Kissick, Beverly
35. Walter Kretzmann, Sylvan
36. H.H. Lawson, Sylvan
37. C.H. Lonberger, Lincoln
38. Earl W. Long, Lincoln
39. Ralph D. Long, Lincoln
40. Rex H. Mabry, Lincoln
41. Adam Mannel, Lincoln
42. Lewis McKinney, Lincoln
43. P.J. McQuillan, Vesper
44. George Medcraft, Lincoln
45. F.W. Meyer, Lincoln
46. W.T. Meyer, Sylvan
47. G.A. Morris, Lincoln
48. Henry Mueller, Sylvan
49. A.E. Nelson, Vesper (left hip), Harry E. Nelson, Vesper (right hip)
50. Charles G. Nelson, Vesper
51. Olaf R. Nelson, Sylvan
52. C.C. Nielsen, Vesper
53. Jens B. Nygaard, Vesper
54. Alfred Olsen, Lincoln
55. N.P. Petersen, Vesper
56. Walter Petersen, Vesper
57. Harold E. Rathbun, Vesper
58. T.A. Rhudy & Sons, Lincoln
59. Oscar Rosebrook, Lincoln
60. Sheldon Bros., Lincoln
61. Chas. Sheppard & Sons, Lincoln
62. W.E. Spear, Lincoln
63. J. Rex Stevens, Lincoln
64. A.J. Stewart & Sons, Barnard
65. F.A. Urban, Sylvan
66. Fred Vaupel, Beverly
67. Otto VonFange & Sons, Lincoln
68. R. Voss, Lincoln
69. Henry A. Walter, Lincoln
70. Theodor Walter, Sylvan
71. Fred A. Walters, Lincoln
72. R.W. Watson, Hunter
73. Howard West, Lincoln
74. Robert J. Wohler, Lincoln
75. Joe L. Wolsieffer, Lincoln