Mr. Ed Pepper's Poem

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, 6 December 1962

Former Businessman’s Poem Lists Many Names of Lincoln Residents

Ed Pepper, who owned and operated the Racket Store in Lincoln about 50 years ago, was a born rhymster and brought endless pleasure to friends, relatives and acquaintances with his delightful verses. He always signed them “By Pepper Upper,” writing on a variety of subjects with special rhymes for birthdays, anniversaries and reunions.
After leaving Lincoln the Pepper family moved to Abilene. Upon retirement Mr. and Mrs. Pepper located in California. Mr. Pepper passed away recently and Mrs. Pepper, in very frail health, is being cared for in a rest home.
Going through family possessions after Mr. Pepper’s death, a daughter, Mrs. Joe Foust of Goodland, Kan., found a poem in his Bible. Believing it would be of unusual interest to Lincoln residents and former residents, Mr. Foust has given the verses to Lincoln friends.
Entitled “Reminiscence,” the poem recalls many familiar names. It follows:

By Pepper Upper

Jessie and I could actually cry,
Like any other sorry old pair,
If we get to thinkin’ of friends in Lincoln,
And the fun we always had there.

It really hurts, when we think of the Burts,
The Coopers, the Halls and the Dodds.
And the Mulloys, both girls and boys,
The Stanleys, Meinhertz and Elrods.

The Knocks and Kerrs and Dyers, and don’t forget the Myers,
The Hutchisons, Hedricks and Duntons,
McCurdy and Spencer, Shaffstall and Yenser,
You see it pays to keep huntin’.

There, too, is the Booze, and people like those,
The Andersons, the Grubbs and the Lyons,
With best of intention, I must also mention
The Montgomerys, the Marshalls and Ryans.

It now appears, I didn’t say Spears,
The Kohlers and Millers and Newlons.
And won’t have to hunt, to find Ralph Brunt,
The McFarlands and Artmans, no foolin’.

Also the Lebiens, and the Evergreen Greenes,
Hundertmarks, Stoner and Bower.
That’s quite a group, yet there is Troup,
Roswurm, Connolly and Hower.

Then come the Hermans, the Reeses and Shermans,
Gilkisons, Foreman and Brann,
The Graves and Cuddys, all were my buddies,
Try and best THEM if you can.

It’s a pleasure to recall the names of them all,
Especially when in such a hurry,
Some names are stickers, say like the Wickers,
Or Medcraft, Gordon or Bradbury.

There are the Goures, the Hoovers and Mohrs,
Smiths, Elgins, Webbs and Kearns,
Also the Proctors, the Dentists and Doctors,
And my good friend Tillie Stearns.

Then there are the Lewicks, dependable as Buzicks,
Veitengruber, Corrigan and Beaumont,
If you are willin’, I will say Brockett and Dillon,
Hendrickson, McCandless and Wandt.

I must not overlook Hinkson and Stover,
Must give them all their rights,
Angels and Abbotts, all with good habits,
So has Hoffman, Hunter and Seitz.

A big howdy doody to Purdy and Rhudy,
And Pete Moss without any trimmin’,
Jennings, Curtis and Cole, the dear old soul,
Adamson, Mason and Nimmons.

I could go on this way the rest of the day,
And the end would still be beyond,
Like Hazen and Minx, Colden and Zinks,
Shephard, Wolford and Bond.

Those are all my friends, upon whom descends,
My most fervent and ardent prayers,
May they each have and hold, a wealth untold,
And climb up the Golden Stairs.