Gravestones Received
for Veterans

Lincoln Sentinel, Dec. 1, 1904

Where They Rest

The War Department recently sent in charge of Post Commander O.N. Green headstones properly marked with the name, company and regiment of the old soldiers who served in the late civil war, and who are buried in the cemetery near this city, and on last Monday the old soldiers who are members of the post went out to the cemetery and erected them at the head of the graves of the following old soldiers:
A.C. Allison, Co., K, 69th regiment, Indiana volunteer infantry; W.E. Bishop, Co. G, 126th regiment, New York volunteer infantry; Josph Bobinreath [sic; should be Bobenreith], Co. D., ordinance, Kansas; George F. Fox, Co. I, 51st regiment, Pennsylvania volunteer infantry; H.H. Gilpin, Co. A, 49th regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry; M.M. George, Co. A, 48th Wisconsin volunteer infantry; William Gafner, Co. C., West Virginia volunteer cavalry; M.L. Hutchison, Co. E, 34th regiment, Missouri volunteer infantry; M.A. Jackson, Co. E., 17th regiment, Indiana volunteer infantry; Alexander Newell, Co. A, 114th regiment, U.S. colored infatry; F.M. Shepherd, Co. A., 10th regiment, Indiana infantry; Thomas A. Walls, Co. F, 34th regiment, Iowa volunteer infantry; George A. Wolfkiel, Co. H, 201st regiment, Pennsylvania volunteer infantry; G.H. Whiteman, Co. G, 44th regiment, New York volunteer infantry; Robert Dudley, Co. H, 23rd regiment, Illinois volunteer infantry, and veteran of the Mexican War; William McCormick, Co. E, 50th Illinois volunteer infantry.
Comrade Joseph Bobinreath [Bobenreith] is buried in the German cemetery south of town [Emmanuel, south of Vesper], and comrades Shepherd and Whiteman are buried in the Vesper Cemetery.