Lincoln in 1913:

Dr. Geo. McCulloch

Among Lincoln�s corps of excellent physicians we take pleasure in mentioning the name of Dr. George McCulloch. He is a prominent and worthy citizen and a practitioner of recognized ability. Dr. McCulloch was imbued with [can�t read] of a thorough preparation of his life work and is a graduate of the Kansas City University Medical College. While Dr. McCulloch is a general practitioner we find that he is especially successful in the practice of surgery. He has been recently located in Lincoln from Kansas City and has offices in the Shire building.

B.F. Spencer, O.D., D.C.

In reviewing the business and professional interests of Lincoln the Sentinel wishes to call attention to one of its worthy citizens, B.F. Spencer, O.D., D.C. Dr. Spencer grew up in Lincoln county and has been a resident of the city of Lincoln since 1899, and has been identified with its upbuilding and has practiced his profession, that of optometry, since 1894. Dr. Spencer is a graduate of the Southwestern Optical College, Kansas City, Mo., of the Natural School of Electrical Theraputics, Lima, Ohio, and a student of the National School of Chiropractics, Chicago. He is located in the Cummins block and as a citizen of the town takes an active interest in its advancement. His office is thoroughly equipped for his practice and his reputation as an eye and nerve specialist has brought him patients from many parts of the state.

Dr. J.J. Moffitt

Among the most successful practitioners of dentistry in this part of Kansas we find Dr. J.J. Moffitt in the front rank. His offices are located in the Lincoln State Bank building and are equipped in the most modern manner. Dr. Moffitt is a practitioner of 44 years experience and has kept abreast of the times during all these years. He has been a resident of Lincoln and vicinity for 13 years and is always found doing his part toward making Lincoln a better town. He has associated with him as assistant Dr. R.A. Sutcliff, a graduate of Washington University, St. Louis, who is a workman of the highest type.

Dr. Malcolm Newlon

Every city has its full quota of physicians, but Lincoln is particularly fortunate in having in her midst an array of the fraternity who indeed a credit to the profession. Among those who are actively engaged in the practice [is] Dr. Malcolm Newlon, a [??] practioner and a close student of all the modern methods and discoveries. Dr. Newlon is a graduate of the University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., class of 1910., and located in Lincoln in 1911. Besides his regular practice he gives attention to surgery and his office is well-equipped for this branch of the profession.

The Cole Sanitarium

To attain the greatest success in any avocation in life a person should be embodied with a love for their chosen calling. Such an inspiration is needed to develop the latent power of their nature and to produce the enthusiasm which spurs on to study and work. The physician filled with love for the work is constantly looking out for that which may help attain an increased proficiency and a deeper knowledge. Progress is their watchword and they are ever pressing on from one vantage point to another. It is to a physician of this order that we refer in this sketch, Dr. Sarah A. Cole, founder and proprietor of the Cole Sanitarium. To Dr. Cole Lincoln owes the existence of one of the best equipped sanitariums in western Kansas. This institution was established in 1902 with eleven rooms and enlarged in 1904 to sixteen and later the building was remodeled by enlarging the operating room, installing an elevator and adding to the building which now contains some twenty-five rooms. The operating room is equipped with all modern appliances, vibrators, electric batteries, etc., and patients are assured the best of service of nurses, quiet and pure air, the great essential to recovery. Dr. Cole is a graduate of the Homeopathic Department of the State University of Iowa, and also of Hahnamann Medical College, Chicago, taking full courses in both institutions. Dr. Cole is untiring in her efforts in building up this institution and her work in this matter is meeting with much commendation by the medical fraternity and the public. This institution belongs to the public and every effort should be continued to its greater advancement.

Dr. L.A. Kerr

Dr. L.A. Kerr is another citizen of Lincoln who has always taken a deep interest in its moral and civic upbuilding. He is a regular practitioner and has practiced in Lincoln for four years. He was educated in the Lincoln public schools and received his diploma from the University of Louisville Medical Department, class of 1909. Dr. Kerr does a general practice, is coroner of Lincoln County, county health officer and president of the Lincoln County Medical Society. He is progressive and is continually adding to his office that equipment which will aid him in becoming more proficient in his chosen profession.

Dr. G.M. Anderson

In reviewing the professional men of Lincoln we cannot fail of mentioning the name of Dr. G.M. Anderson, who recently located here from Beverly. Dr. Anderson is a regular practioner and has spent a number of years in his chosen calling. He is a graduate of the Medical Department of the Kansas University, class of �01. He has taken three post graduate courses and is especially equipped for opthalmic work. He was vice president of the Kansas State Medical Association in 1911, and is the present secretary of the Lincoln County Medical Association. He has cast his lot with Lincoln people and will always be found working for the town�s advancement.

Dr. Geo. W. Ryan

Dr. Geo. W. Ryan, the dentist, is a gentleman whose work speaks volumes. His plate, crown and bridge work is of the best and in the extraction and filling of teeth he is spoken of as being a workman of the highest type. He takes every precaution to alleviate pain, as he has feelings of his own. He thoroughly understands his profession and is building up a practice which is truly gratifying. He studies all the latest and modern discoveries and is using them in his practice today. Dr. Ryan is a young man, a graduate of the Western Dental College, Kansas City, Mo., class of �07. He takes an active interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the city and is always found pushing for a better Lincoln.

Lincoln�s Health Department

Lincoln is one of the cleanest cities in the state. The health regulations are among the best and every effort is made to protect the citizens. The water supply is good, the mortality rate is low and we do not hesitate in the least in saying that Lincoln is second to no other city in the state in regulations that are enforced to maintain the health of every person who makes this city their home. There has been no serious epidemic in the city and children who are absent from school on account of sickness are carefully examined before being permitted to return. This system has decreased the amount of contagion 75 percent among children of school age. Seeing is believing � come and be shown.

Dr. A. Hultner

This department would hardly be complete without the name of Dr. Alfred Hultner. You all know him. Of course, he is not practicing at the present time, having sold out his practice last spring to Dr. Sutton and since that time has been taking things easy. During his many years of active practice he has made friends in every part of the county.

Dr. H.M. Hall

Surely we are not going to leave this page without mentioning Dr. Hall, father of them all. Many of you who will read this article will recall this honored old gentleman as your physician when you were a little bit of a baby, too small to tell the doctor what ailed you, but he managed to diagnose your case correctly and brought you back to health and that is why you are a Lincoln county citizen today.