Lincoln in 1913:
Dining & Groceries

Herman Knoch

Everybody who has been to an up-to-date bakery and confectionery will know just what kind a stock is carried by Herman Knoch, as no better stock or display can be found anywhere, and here can be secured anything from a gingersnap to a wedding cake. Herman Knoch has followed the bakers trade for over 30 years and is a master baker. Besides his large local trade he supplies a number of the nearby towns with bread and has standing orders for a number of baskets each day. The confectionery department during the season, serves ice cream and ices and a specialty is made of this department. Mr. Knoch is a German of the old school and is proud of it. He has been a resident of Lincoln for 12 years and has accumulated some of this world�s goods as he owns his business as well as his residence property, and is thoroughly identified with Lincoln and its best interests.

The Star Grocery

A grocery store is a necessity, but a first class grocery is a boon to mankind, and this is just the kind of a house the Star Grocery is right here in Lincoln. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and this maxim is strictly adhered to at this place. The store is under the proprietorship of Mr. C. Colden and his shelves are filled with all the choicest brands of canned goods, teas and coffees and fancy groceries. Besides these he carries an elegant line of imported and domestic queensware, notions, writing materials, etc. He caters to the best class of trade, and to those only who want the best there is. This store was established not quite two years ago and its rapid growth is only outclassed by the popularity of its proprietor.

C.W. McCurdy

People in this part of Kansas can afford to eat meat. There are other places where the people are not so lucky. One of the greatest necessities of everyday life for the sustenance of the human system is that of fresh meat. Good fresh meat of the finest quality should be eaten and none other. In this connection we would call attention to the meat market of C.W. McCurdy, the only exclusive house of its kind in Lincoln. Here the finest fresh and salt meats are carried, while sausages and steam rendered home made lard are the acme of purity and excellence. Mr. McCurdy is an extensive buyer and shipper of live stock, and as a consequence is in a position to retain many of the finest cattle and hogs to furnish his patrons the best in the market. Mr. McCurdy is a native of Iowa and came to Lincoln two years ago. He owns his own residence property and has other realty interests. He is always interested in anything for the betterment of Lincoln and is at all times doing and saying good things for his town.

The Bon Ton

This business under the management of Mr. Frank Stoner, would do credit to many a place larger than Lincoln. Here is carried a line of candies, confections, ices and cold drinks that will satisfy the most particular. Mr. Stoner is an expert caterer and knows just how to satisfy his large increasing patronage. The line of high grade chocolates comprise all the leading brands and homemade candies are made twice each week, thus guaranteeing their freshness. Here are served hot drinks of all kinds, dainty café lunches and ice cream in all the popular flavors. His box candies are put up in the neatest manner and range in price from 25 cents to $5.

H.C. Olsen

When you visit Lincoln and have time to eat a meal, go to the restaurant operated by H.C. Olsen and spent 25 cents on one of those home cooked dinners they serve. The meals around here are not the usual kind served at many of the public places of this character but good wholesome food is placed before each guest, and it is your fault if you do not get enough to eat. He carries an elegant line of cigars, tobaccos and candies and his trade has been such that customers are more than pleased with the service given. While Mr. Olsen has been located here about two years, coming from Racine, Wis., he has built up a good business and by careful and painstaking attention to details has made a success.

Henry Zink

When it comes to providing refreshments for the inner man, Mr. Zink is an artist in his line. He employs an excellent chef and there is no article in the culinary line he is not able to put before a person in an appetizing manner. Mr. Zink also operates a bakery in connection with his restaurant and his work in the bakery line cannot be excelled anywhere. White, flaky loaves, buns and delicious pies, like mother used to make, fill his shelves and many are his customers in Lincoln and Lincoln county. He has been a resident of Lincoln for over thirty years and practically grew up with the county and there is scarcely a child in the whole country who does not know him.

Lincoln Candy Kitchen and Restaurant

This city has many places where toothsome sweets can be had, but for unadulterated delicacies no better place can be found than the Lincoln Candy Kitchen and Restaurant, owned by Alex N. Poulsen. Not only will the purchaser find here the best brands of chocolates and bonbons manufactured by the leading candy manufacturers of the country, but also the best and purest homemade candies to be found anywhere. An experienced candy maker is employed, who is constantly making candies for the many customers for this place. The Lincoln Candy Kitchen is popular with the people, and the children especially, find it a good place to get pure candies because of the particular attention paid to the little ones. This firm will make a specialty of furnishing schools and churches their Christmas goods and it will be to the advantage of any organization to call on them and inspect their line before buying. They will make special prices to schools and churches on Christmas candy, but would ask that orders be placed at least two weeks before Christmas.