Lincoln in 1913:

A. Artman

It is universally conceded that politics are purer today than at any time in the history of the country, and the travel is still progressing in that direction. When a man has amply justified the confidence reposed in him and has demonstrated his fitness for the official position he is filling, the tendency of the times is to retain him in office rather than to experiment. Men who have the courage to administer the laws as they exist, whether the amount is large or small, are especially valuable when called to such responsible public positions as that of probate judge, and in Judge A. Artman, Lincoln county has found such a man. He is now serving his sixth term and his re-election is the best evidence of his satisfactory administration of his office. In politics he is an active democrat, but commands the respect and good will of those of other political ideas.

S.H. Brunt

Few people recognize the importance of the office of county surveyor for the great responsibility it entails upon the occupant. An inaccurate survey made by him may cause the county or its citizens the loss of much money or endless litigation. The county surveyor, it will at once be seen, must not only be a civil engineer but a painstaking and accurate one. In this office in Lincoln county the present incumbent, S.H. Brunt, is serving his �steenth term, an evidence of the satisfactory discharge of his duties. Mr. Brunt, in addition to his duties as county surveyor, does an abstract and insurance business, and in the making of an abstract he is particularly fortunate in having at his finger tips every record for the correct transaction of an abstract. Mr. Brunt is of the democratic faith, but numbers among his friends hundreds of Lincoln county citizens who are associated with other political parties.

C.E. Booze

Method, accuracy and reliability are the essential qualifications in the man who is the incumbent of the position of county clerk. All these essential traits are combined in the personality and business methods of C.E. Booze, who is now serving his second term as county clerk of Lincoln county. Mr. Booze is accommodating in manner, energetic and thorough in his work and has proven to his political adherents and many friends that their judgment has not been misplaced and that he fully merits the confidence which he enjoys. In politics Mr. Booze is a republican and a staunch advocate of the principles of that party, but he numbers among his friends and supporters many men throughout Lincoln county who, though they may differ from him in politics, laid that aside when voting for him for county clerk. Mr. Booze is a former school teacher and taught five terms prior to accepting the office of county clerk and is especially well equipped for the position he occupies.

J.F. Jennings

Few people, until they stop to consider, realize the responsibility that devolves upon a county superintendent. First, he must possess the requisite education and familiarity with the textbooks; second, he should have had practical experience as a teacher, and most important of all he should keep in touch with not only all the teachers and students of the public schools, but also keep abreast of the times in all educational matters. In the person of County Superintendent J.F. Jennings, Lincoln county is fortunate in the possession of an official who fulfills all these requirements. Mr. Jennings received his education in Lincoln, has been identified with rural schools for eight years; two years principal of the Barnard schools; three years at Beverly, and two years at Philippine Islands. He is now serving his second term, which is ample evidence of the public approval of his work.

G.E. Hutchison

The county of Lincoln is favored with the possession of a corps of county officials who labor unitedly for the community. Economy, without unnecessary stint, has characterized the administration of Lincoln county affairs and is the direct result of the earnest efforts of those to whom the county affairs have been entrusted. G.E. Hutchison, who is now serving his fourth term as register of deeds, has won the favor and good will of the citizens of the county, irrespective of party, by the able, conscientious and courteous manner in which he discharged the duties of his office. He has had wide experience as a business man and the accurate and systematic manner in which the business of the office is transacted, and the courtesy that is extended to all who have occasion to call upon him, reflects Mr. Hutchison�s business training. Mr. Hutchison is of the democratic faith with hosts of friends and supporters of other political parties.

M.J. Healy

It seldom occurs to the casual observer the responsibility and business tact that devolve around the incumbent of the office of the clerk of the district court. First, his records must be accurate and at all times be in such shape that interested parties may not only have access but be able to give a clear, concise and correct comprehension of them; second, he must be accommodating and courteous to all. All this can be said of Mr. M.J. Healy, the present clerk of the district court. He is a former school teacher and in politics is a republican, and while he believes strongly in his party principles he is willing to admit that others have ideas as well as himself. He is a native of Lincoln county and received his education in her public schools. He was principal of the north school of Lincoln for one year, then accepted the principalship of the Beverly school where he remained two years, from where he came upon the acceptance of the office of clerk of the district court.

Boyd F. Gilkison

What greater mark of esteem and confidence can the citizens of a community show their fellow man than to elect him county treasurer? � a position requiring a man of undoubted integrity and more than average ability. Boyd Gilkison is now serving his first term in the office named. He is of the Republican ranks, loyal to his friends and generous to his enemies which attributes to his popularity and success. His business training together with his high sense of honor commands the administration of his many friends and respect of all who come in contact with him, regardless of political preference. He was formerly in the harness business in Lincoln for a number of years and has a host of friends all over the county who are ever ready to support him in any capacity. We predict for him a successful administration of the office to which the people of this county elected him.

S.C. Wolford

In 1871 there came to Lincoln county with his parents from Virginia the subject above named. He was not much in size at that time, but the free air and the work on the farm soon made a robust lad of him. He followed the life of the agriculturist until 1910 when his party � the republican � in casting about for a candidate for the office of sheriff placed him on their ticket for this honor. He was elected and made good. His fearless and efficient discharge of his duty during his first term ensured his re-election in 1912 by a greatly increased majority. He is regarded by many as one of the best sheriffs the county has ever had. He is a painstaking officer and with his pleasing disposition readily makes friends with everybody with whom he comes in contact.

Henry W. Rahmeier

The progress and standing of a country may be gained by the character of its bar, as from its ranks more than any other profession are selected the men who fill the highest public stations. Its members spring from no privileged class, but from the people whose aims and aspirations they share. Among the members of the bar in Lincoln county is the present county attorney, Henry W. Rahmeier, who is serving his first term. He was born in Germany, educated in the public schools of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Waymansville, Ind. At the age of 21 he came to Kansas and then to Lincoln county in 1890. He was elected clerk of the district court in 1894 and began the study of law. He held the office of clerk of the district court for two terms and was admitted to the bar in 1897. At the close of his term he began the practice of law and in 1912 was elected to the office of county attorney, the position he now occupies.

E.A. McFarland

Every man owes it as a duty to himself and mankind to attain as much distinction in life as possible. It may be in letters, the professions, or as a banker, merchant, farmer or whatever he is best fitted for. Whatever he may select he should persistently try to excel in and thereby gain the respect of his fellow men. In reviewing the career of E.A. McFarland we cannot fail to be impressed with the thought that the foregoing have been his ideas and principles through life. Born in Pennsylvania, he immigrated to Iowa at the age of 10 years. He read law in the office of J.F. McJunkin, attorney general of that state, and was admitted to the bar in 1882. In 1883 he took Horace Greeley�s advice and located in Lincoln and opened a law office. In 1884 he platted the McFarland addition to the town of Lincoln, the first addition to the townsite. He has been called several times to serve his county as its legal adviser, and during the Stanley administration was a member of the board of directors of the state penitentiary. Mr. McFarland is vice-president of the Lincoln State Bank, is a member of the school board and is the present mayor of the city. He has a general law practice, is progressive and is alert to everything pertaining to the educational affairs and the betterment of the town.

Lincoln County Farm

Lincoln County is particularly fortunate in having but few charges at her county farm, but what few there are who are domiciled there receive the best treatment and are regarded more as unfortunates than paupers. The farm comprises 160 acres of land, lying some six miles northeast of Lincoln. The buildings are all in good shape and are adequate for their needs. Its superintendent is J.H. McFarland, with Mrs. McFarland as matron, and no better persons than these could be found to manage the institution. They are kind and considerate in all matters and are the right people in the right place.