Lincoln in 1913:
Real Estate & Insurance

W.T. Nimmons

To those who may be interested in the development of the resources of Lincoln county we recommend the gentleman whose name preceded this paragraph. The management of the business is in the hands of a gentleman of wide experience and acquaintance throughout central Kansas. He has improved and unimproved lands for sale and writes insurance. If you want liberal treatment write Mr. Nimmons, as all inquiries by mail as to title or value of property will be promptly answered. Mr. Nimmons also makes farm and city loans and has facilities for furnishing the money when the papers are signed. He is prepared to give special and liberal terms at low rates.

Joe Jackson

When negotiating for the sale or purchase of land or taking out an insurance policy once usually looks carefully into the business standing of an agent as much as into the advantages of the deal contemplated. Good news travels fast and far, and the real estate and insurance agent who is fair and liberal in a deal gains not only his client�s good will but other patrons through his influence. Among the several real estate and insurance agents in Lincoln we find Joe Jackson, who fits the above description. He located here in 1870 from Iowa and practically grew up with the county. For five years he served the county as its sheriff and during this time had occasion to visit all parts of the county, which has served him well and enabled him to come acquainted with almost every one in the entire county. Listed with him are many desirable farms in Lincoln county for sale and trade.

J.B. Marshall

Men who have been identified with a community practically all their lives in a business capacity, and who have invested their means in their homes and other realty, are the ones that inspire a feeling of confidence in their fellow townsmen and the public at large. Such is the character and career of the man we mention above. He operates a real estate and insurance business and has listed with him many of the most desirable bargains in farm and city property in Lincoln county. He gives his personal attention to every detail of the work and there is no red tape or vexatious delays in making a deal through him. In the insurance line he represents the best companies and clients for this branch of his business are many. Among these companies he is agent for the Indiana and Ohio Live Stock Insurance Company, a company that does an exclusive business in the insuring of farm animals.

Davison & Burt

This firm operates a real estate, loan, abstract and insurance business in Lincoln and enjoys a large share of patronage in their line. They are reliable business men, both being ex-county clerks. Mr. N.J. Davison, the senior member of the firm, has been a resident of Lincoln county for 25 years, while J.H. Burt, the junior member, has a resident of 36 years to his credit. This firm has the only complete set of abstract books in the county, these being posted from the records each day. They are prepared to lend money on farm property on most liberal terms and can furnish the money promptly. They are acquainted with every township in the county and a statement from them as to value or other conditions is as good as gold bond. They are bonded abstracters and are prepared to furnish a complete abstract to any piece of property in Lincoln county. Their large present business is a fitting monument to the honest and integrity and no more liberal firm can be found in the state.

Brumbaugh & Francis

The real estate agent plays an important part in the development of the country in which he is located. His prerequisites to success are fair and square dealing and a thorough knowledge of the country. An agent lacking in these qualifications does not last long in the community. The fact that the firm of Brumbaugh & Francis fill the requirements above is evidence of that correct business method. While this firm does a general real estate business, they specialize in farm and life insurance. In the farm line they represent the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance company, a policy being written that will protect every piece of property on the farm. In life insurance, they represent a Kansas organization, the Bank Savings Life Insurance Co. of Topeka, a company of which some Lincoln county men are stockholders. This company issues a policy that is most liberal and at a cost that is most reasonable. There is no watered stock in the Kansas Organization and every man pays the same premium according to his age. Their firm operates two offices, Mr. M.S. Francis handles the business in Lincoln.

George Hawkins

The building of a city and community depends upon the amount of confidence and civic pride its citizens have. If their confidence is such that they will invest their money, erect buildings and assist public enterprises, then it is an established fact that the community�s growth and future prosperity is assured. This is undoubtedly one of the characteristics of Mr. Geo. Hawkins, who for over 35 years has been identified with Lincoln and Lincoln county. He is in the real estate and loan business, and is prepared to loan money on farm and city property. Mr. Hawkins loans both company and private money, which enables him to make terms to suit the borrower, and parties who have money to invest, find him careful and conservative in the selection of securities.
Mr. Hawkins has had many years experience in the administration of estates. He is personally identified with Lincoln and Lincoln county and has always endeavored to do his part to advance their growth and prosperity.

Bowers and Rasmussen

What a wonderful amount of meaning there is in that one word "confidence." It applies to all walks of life and it is a pleasure for us to mention men who are full of it, and understand the meaning of the word. Speaking with the members of the above firm we found them to have confidence in their business and confidence in Lincoln and Lincoln county. They are in the real estate and insurance business and the one word confidence has stood for them in many a deal. Mr. E.S. Bower, the senior member of the firm, has been a resident of Lincoln and Lincoln county for 25 years and has been identified with their upbuilding in every stage. In politics he takes an active interest in the Progressive movement, and has done much hard work for the cause along these lines. Mr. E. Rasmussen is a native of Lincoln county, raised on a farm near Denmark. At the age of 15 he came to Lincoln and engaged in the mercantile business for eight years, then forming the partnership above. The firm is a strong [??] and reliable in every respect, and they have listed with them many desirable bargains in farm and city property. In the insurance line their business is a large one. They adjust all their own claims and have given satisfaction in every respect.

W.H. Anderson

A sensible community always values a live and wide-awake citizen who strives to advance the best interests of the city where he has cast his destinies. Mr. Anderson is in the real estate and insurance business and has greatly aided the material growth and development of Lincoln and Lincoln county. He represents the Farmers Alliance Insurance Company of McPherson, Kan., which writes more farm business than any other company in the state of Kansas. Mr. Anderson ranked fifth in volume of business done by the company last year. He also represents the McPherson Hail Insurance Company, and is a director of this company. This company is the leading mutual hail insurance company of Kansas, having a reserve fund at this time of over $100,000. Mr. Anderson attends to business for non-residents, collects rents, pays taxes and does a general conveyance business. He is a young man full of commercial vim and enterprise and is always found in the front rank pushing for the greater development of Lincoln.

W.E. Lyon

A great writer once said, "What would the West be without brag?" but with greater truth can it be said, "What would the West be without the real estate agents?" for it is in a large measure through their efforts that this vast productive country has been peopled and the lands reclaimed and made prolific. Prominently engaged in placing before investors opportunities for acquiring desirable city and farm property is the gentleman above named, and on his books are to be found many desirable bargains. He also does a loan business and is prepared to negotiate farm loans on the most liberal terms. He writes insurance for many of the strong, reliable companies, among them being the American of New Jersey, Columbia Underwriters, Michigan Commercial and American Surety of New York. Mr. Lyon takes an active interest in all educational matters. He served Lincoln county two terms as its county superintendent, and was secretary of the State Text Book Commission during the Hoch administration, and is president of the Lincoln school board. Mr. Lyon is a Democrat in politics and is prominent in the councils of his party. He is the present representative of Lincoln county at the state capital and is guarding well the interests of his constituents.