Lincoln in 1913:

Archie Hazen

It is too often the case that people of a small city are compelled to patronize an inferior workman or go abroad for their plumbing and heating. This is not the case, however, in Lincoln where Mr. Hazen has established his plumbing and heating shop. Here not only meritorious work is done in plumbing, heating, and tinwork, but where customers get a square deal. In doing a job Mr. Hazen believes in doing it just a little better than seems necessary and by this policy he is always on the safe side. Within a short time he will occupy a new building now being erected for him just one door west of his present location. When placing estimates for your plumbing, heating and tinwork let Mr. Hazen figure on them.

Wacker & Bosch, Harness & Saddlery

This popular firm contributes in no small degree to the business activity of this progressive city. They are energetic and ambitious men and have built up a reputation among the farmers and people generally that places them in the front rank. The firm is composed of John Wacker and Louis Bosch, and they deal exclusively in harness, saddles, and leather goods, and there is no better stock carried in this part of the state. They make a specialty of oiling and repair work and in this respect are rated as expert workmen and their charges reasonable.

Frank Mulloy

Lincoln is to be congratulated along the line of her entertainments. We refer here to the moving picture enterprise of Mr. Frank Mulloy, known as the Opera House theatre. Here nothing is shown but the latest reels and when it is possible to do so special features are given the public. Mr. Mulloy believes in giving the citizens the best there is and as a consequence he is receiving a well deserved patronage. He has as a special feature Quo Vadis, three reels, booked for Nov. 26. This is one of the greatest features in moving pictures and should be seen by every Christian in the county.

Geo. I. Robinson

One of the versatile mechanics of Lincoln is Mr. Geo. I. Robinson, painter and paper hanger. He is a workman of undoubted ability and controls the best trade of the city. His handiwork is seen in many of the best homes in the city and Lincoln county and he is prepared to estimate on work at any time. He carries a large stock of the latest wall paper samples, and your own selection can be had on three days� notice. Mr. Robinson is serving his fifth year as Justice of the Peace and as such has given litigants satisfaction.

C.E. Purdy

In its review of the business interests of Lincoln the Sentinel takes pleasure in mentioning the one operated by Mr. C.E. Purdy. This is the only exclusive dry cleaning plant in this part of Kansas, and everything is returned but the dirt. The plant consists of the latest system in dry cleaning and satisfaction is guaranteed in every respect. Mr. Purdy is an expert in his line and thoroughly understands the business from beginning to end. The plant does a nice out of town business, which we are pleased to note is constantly increasing.

E.P. Loso

Among the most painstaking and thorough workmen in Lincoln we find Mr. E.P. Loso, who operates a modern shoe shop on College avenue. He does shoe repairing of all kinds and has just installed a Goodyear stitcher, a nailing machine and a finisher, the first of their kind in the county. All the machinery is operated by electricity and enables him to handle the most difficult work and do it in a workmanlike manner. Mr. Loso also carries a line of custom made shoes for men, women and children, and his prices are most reasonable. He has been a resident of Lincoln for five years and is known far and wide as a gentleman with whom it is a pleasure to do business and one who gives his customers a square deal every time.

J.W. Dodds

The undertaking parlors conducted by this gentleman with its varied and compete stock, is one of the favorite houses of a large number of people who live in and about Lincoln. Mr. Dodds is a licensed embalmer of nearly thirteen years experience, and is practical in every detail of the profession, and gives his personal attention to every case he handles. He owns his own team and funeral car and will answer calls in any part of the county. He also carries a full line of musical instruments, and is sole county agent for the Singer sewing machine and its attachments. He has in stock Columbia [??] and records, linoleums, rugs, pictures and does picture framing. He also does repairing on sewing machines, graphophones and musical instruments. It is a rare occasion when the store does not present a scene of business activity that argues well for the enterprise of its proprietor. Mr. Dodds is well known in the community and his efforts have always been in the direction of advancing the interest and promoting the welfare of the county whenever the opportunity presents.

N.B. and M.J. Rees

Forty-one years ago there came to Lincoln county the elder subject of this sketch, Mr. N.B. Rees. His father, Elias, and a brother, L.J., had preceded him two years, and, as is well known by all the old residents, built the first flour and saw mill in the county, and here N.B. Rees put in his first year sawing some 50,000 feet of native lumber, which went into many of the buildings of that time. Only recently an old building was torn down in Lincoln, the lumber being that furnished forty years ago, the timbers of which were still in a good state of preservation. Mr. N.B. Rees is a natural mechanic and operates a repair shop on Main street. He is an inventor and has three patents to his credit, the most important being that of an eight day time lock. He has associated with him a nephew, M.J. Rees, an electrician, who is the present superintendent of the city light and water plant. They carry a line of electrical supplies and are prepared to handle any business along this line.

Lincoln Roller Mills

American breadstuffs take the lead and are given preference in all the markets of the world. The cause of this supremacy lies in the fact that the grain used in its manufacture is carefully selected and the modern American milling machinery insures absolute purity and fineness at a minimum cost. Prominent among the mills in central Kansas is the one that forms the caption of this arcticle. The Lincoln Roller Mills was established in 1870, and was the landmark of the hardy pioneers in the early days of Lincoln county. Water power was used to drive the millstones for years, but later steam was added and today the mill is one of the best equipped in the state being supplied with all modern machinery, including its own private electric light plant. The output is 300 barrels per day, much of its product being exported. Their brands, Old Abe and Kansas Queen, are household words in Lincoln county and no flour stands higher in the estimation of bread makers than these brands, which have come to be regarded as standard in most of the households in this section. Mr. T.F. Brann, the manager, is a man of much experience in the business world of Lincoln and it goes without saying that the mill is on a solid and paying basis.

J.C. Cooper

The most scientific authorities in the world have decided that even the best of natural ice is more or less impregnated with disease germs, and that its use for domestic purposes is at all times dangerous. To this fact may be attributed the reason that even in the northern cities where natural ice is plentiful and cheap, artificial ice takes the precedence, even at the higher price. The people of Lincoln are to be congratulated upon being able at all times to purchase artificial ice at minimum cost. It is manufactured from distilled water by the most approved methods and is devoid of all impurities. Mr. J.C. Cooper built and equipped this plant in 1908. Its equipment consists of a six ton ice machine, a 15 horse power engine, a 120 horse power boiler and a 2,000 gallon condenser. In addition to the manufacture of ice, Mr. Cooper has a full line of feedstuffs, purchasing in car lots and supplying dealers in many other towns. He also carries alfalfa seed, oil and cotton cake, prairie and alfalfa hay. This is the home of the J.C. Cooper Chick food, which takes the lead wherever offered.

Hemminger & Fulmer

For some time the above gentlemen have been conducting an auto livery in Lincoln and furnishing the public with the most rapid transit. They have two automobiles and make drives no matter what the distance, and one thing is in their favor, they always get there and back. Both gentlemen are careful drivers, are pleasant and affable. They do not rant and swear if a patron is delayed a little longer than seems necessary, but take everything good naturally as it comes to them in the days run. They do all kinds of vulcanizing and repairs on tires. They have in operation a steam vulcanizing plant, the only one of its kind between Salina and Sylvan Grove. They keep their cars in good shape and it is seldom they are not right on the dot at starting time. We are for Hemminger & Fulmer good and strong and if you are wise you will throw some of your business their way.

C.J. Chandler

There is in every branch of the trades men who are experts in their lines, in fact many are born mechanics and can turn a hand at any kind of machinery, no matter how complicated. Here in Lincoln is a man, C.J. Chandler, who is an adept in his line, that of auto repairing and general machine work, he makes a specialty of auto repairing and in this respect is well equipped to handle anything brought to him. He carries a line of auto supplies, spark plugs, batteries, oils and greases. He is a Lincoln county citizen and takes pride in anything that will aid in its advancement. He asks a share of your patronage, guaranteeing satisfaction in every respect.

Rankin & Holmes

One of the most essential businesses in an agriculture section and one frequently visited by the farmers, is that of a general blacksmithing and repair shop. Lincoln has one that can handle and repair work that is brought to it, which is operated by Rankin & Holmes. Here nothing is too complicated to them, and a specialty is made of horse shoeing, which is done in a scientific manner, Mr. Holmes having served two years as farrier in the U.S. Army, a training school which embodies every feature of horse shoeing. This firm handles a complete line of the Case harvesting machinery, road machinery from a steam roller to a slip, three sizes of the Case automobile and their supplies, a line of which will be on display at their shop within a few weeks. The J.I. Case people have built a $1,500,000 automobile plant and have a $50,000,000 capitalization and will back every car put out by this firm. The Case people have agreed with Rankin & Holmes that with each and every automobile sold by them they will furnish one year�s service in keeping the cars in running repair. This line of machinery and automobiles will be one of the strongest in Western Kansas and it will be worth your while to look it over.

Lincoln Steam Laundry

If there is one thing above all others that people are particular about it is their laundry work. They want their linen done up in first class style � just the kind of work done by the Lincoln Steam Laundry. Messrs. Baringer & Tarrence, the proprietors, have had long training and experience in the business and guarantee and give perfect satisfaction to all their host of customers. They do an excellent home business, comprising flat and bundle work and family washings. The plant is well equipped with modern machinery and their intention is to keep it as such and to add such machinery as to meet the requirements of their growing trade in the future. Both gentlemen are well known in the city of Lincoln and are always ready to lend a helping hand tending toward the upbuilding of their town.

G.W. Phegley

Photography is not an uncommon art, but a good photographer, a real artist, is a rare article and when he becomes known and his true merits discovered the people are not slow to respond with their patronage. This is the case with Mr. Phegley, whose finished and artistic productions have so favorable impressed the residents of Lincoln and Lincoln county. His work is not of the mere mechanical sort that characterizes the pictures turned out by the general run of photographers, but happily blends the effects desired in true and natural licenses. When you or your folks need any pictures call on Mr. Phegley and inspect his excellent work. He is now placing on the market the newest thing in photography � the Red Tone.

Lyon & Williams Auto Repair Shop

In its review of the prominent and enduring businesses of Lincoln the Sentinel takes pleasure in mentioning in this issue that of Lyon & Williams. These gentlemen conduct a modern auto repair shop and are equipped to repair any kind of an automobile manufactured. They have no automobile agency and are in a position to furnish supplies and accessories for any machine, a line of which they carry at all times. Their plant is equipped with all the latest machinery and they guarantee and give perfection and satisfaction. Mr. J.D. Williams, the senior member of the firm, is a master mechanic and nothing is too complicated for him to handle. He has made a special study of the new electric starters, of which the 1914 cars are equipped, and will be prepared to take care of any work along these lines. Last May Mr. Joe Lyon became associated with Mr. Williams in the business, forming the strong combination it is. The hobby of this firm is furnishing independent gasoline to its patrons, a gas with the highest gravity test. They are located one-half block north of the Lincoln State Bank, and answer calls day or night.

George Hastriter

The greater the magnitude of the commercial and industrial enterprises of a city that reach out to various parts of the country the greater will be the attendant prosperity and advancement of that city. This is the effect that Mr. Hastriter has here and makes such a potent factor in the general prosperity of the city. He is a wholesale and retail produce dealer, prudent and far seeing in all his transactions, avoiding that element of speculation in the handling of produce that has so often proved destructive to the farmer and shipper. Mr. Hastriter buys and ships all classes of poultry, cream, butter, eggs and his business extends into various adjoining states where he has the trust and confidence of the dealers and shippers. He handles apples, potatoes and cabbage in car lots and his facilities and buying connections are such that he can meet any legitimate competition.

Our contemporary

It is with pleasure that we mention in this issue the name of our contemporary, The Lincoln Republican. Its editors and owners are C.F. Lebow and Cleo C. Hardy and while they advocate the Progressive principles, their columns are open for the free discussion of the best interests of the community. While they are in the same business we are, our relations are not strained and there is room for both of us in this thriving town.