Lincoln in 1913:

McCanles and Orr

One of the noblest professions is that of the law, and it is for this reason the ranks of the legal fraternity are filled with men of more than ordinary ability, men who realize the important part they play in the drama of life. Among the fraternity we wish to mention the firm of McCanles & Orr, the partnership being formed last June. Mr. McCanles scarcely needs mention at our hands, as he probably is one of the best known men in this section of Kansas and as an attorney ranks high in the profession. Mr. Albert W. Orr is a new man among us, having resided in Lincoln but a few months. He is a graduate of Park Academy, Parkville, Mo., 1904, and has an A.B. degree from the same college, and in 1908-09 he took post-graduate courses at Harvard. He holds an L.L.B. degree from the University of Wisconsin, and is also a member of the Wisconsin and Missouri bars, having practiced in Kansas City prior to locating in Lincoln. The firm is an exceedingly strong one with two such well equipped counselors at its head and will always be found giving their closest attention to their client�s cause.

John J. McCurdy

There are many people in the world today who will maintain that a lawyer�s work is unnecessary. Such a position is untenable, for as long as the human family exists, activity in the legal line in some form or another is indispensable. It is here that the law exerts its influence and its exponents are called upon to exercise their talents in straightening out complications, having due regard for justice. Among the legal fraternity of Lincoln a leading position is accorded to John J. McCurdy. He is regarded as a man of splendid legal attainments, of penetrating perception and steady judgment, whose counsel and services are invaluable in legal matters. His practice is a general one and he numbers among his clients many of the leading firms of Lincoln county. Mr. McCurdy is a native born Kansan and located in Lincoln 26 years ago. He is a graduate of the Kansas University and has taken post-graduate law courses at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. He served Lincoln county as clerk of the district court for one term and represented it as its county attorney for another and in this respect he is accorded with being impartial to every one alike.