Lincoln in 1913:

L.E. Hendrickson

Jewelry always possesses a charm, but when one views such a splendid stock as is carried by Mr. Hendrickson the effect is certainly entrancing. Mr. Hendrickson is an experienced and practical man in the business, having been identified with the jewelry trade for years. His motto is honest goods at honest prices and on this basis is building up a most excellent trade in Lincoln. He is an expert repair man and his prices are truly reasonable. He also carries a full line of optical goods and is making a leader of this department. He is a graduate optician and registered in the state of Kansas. He served as watch inspector for the Rock Island railway four years and the Santa Fe seven years.

Leldigh and Havens Lumber Co.

This is one of the foremost and most successful industries in Lincoln county, having been brought up to a solid basis by true merit, honest service and dealings. Today they do a business second to none in this part of Kansas, dealing in lumber, coal, lime, cement, silos and everything necessary in that line of business. The enterprising and capable manager is Mr. W.R. Beaumont, a gentleman who has had vast experience in the lumber business. The business that this firm does is not confined to the city of Lincoln, nor indeed the county, but extends out over this section of Kansas where they are favorably known to contractors, builders, and everybody interested in the building business. Their reputation is one of which any firm might be justly proud and which is synonymous with honesty, integrity and square dealing.

J.G. Cuddy

Whenever you need anything in the drug line you always want to be sure you are getting the genuine article and when convinced on this most important point you will trade at that store. This is one of the chief reasons why Mr. Cuddy and the Rexall store enjoy such a liberal patronage from the citizens of Lincoln and surrounding country. He carries one of the best stocks of drugs and sundries to be found in Central Kansas and by persistent and legitimate business methods has built up a splendid trade. Whenever you are in want of anything in his line you will be wise to give him a call.

Burgner-Bowman Lumber Co.

To conduct business on a paying and legitimate basis the methods pursued must be strictly honest and the character of those at the head of affairs be above even the breath of reproach. This enviable reputation has been achieved by the Burgner-Bowman Lumber Co., the subject of this sketch. Their business is not confined to Lincoln or Lincoln county, but extends out over a broad expanse of territory. They deal in lumber, coal, lime, cement and everything found in a first class yard. The business of the company is in the capable and energetic hands of Mr. F.W. Roswurm, and the purchaser can depend every time upon everything being just as represented.

E.H. Wicker

The subject of dress is one of personal interest and there is no one at all so solicitous of his outward appearance but will be pleased to obtain a few facts in regard to the establishment � The Quality Store � represented by the name of the gentleman at the head of this article. This establishment is the representative headquarters for the finest class of custom made garments. The clothing carried by this house is without question the best custom made and is sold at bed rock prices. The line of gents� furnishings is complete and here may be procured anything from that worn by those horny handed sons of toil to those articles worn by the most fastidious gentleman. This house also does cleaning and pressing and can take care of any class of work in this line.

Davis and Wilbirt

These estimable ladies have achieved a remarkable success in the business circles of Lincoln where their store is an important factor. They operate the fashionable [can�t read several words] city, which are patronized by the best people of this section. In fashioning hats and headware for ladies Davis and Wilbirt are true artists with a high sense of what is beautiful and becoming. The ladies of this section are quite convinced of this [large unreadable section]. Owing to the fact that Mrs. (Davis) Th[unreadable] will retire from the firm shortly the business will be conducted in the future by Miss Wilbirt. Owing to the dissolution of the firm they have inaugurated a special sale and all trimmed hats will be sold at one-half price for the next fifteen days.

The Racket

The Racket has become a household word in and about Lincoln. It is discussed at the home circle by the elders; it is joyously mentioned by the children, and everybody swears by it, so to speak. It is the collection of all their wants. � the proprietor, Mr. Ed M. Pepper, is a judicious buyer and an able manager, and no matter what you want the chances are that you will find it at this establishment. The people of Lincoln and Lincoln county should feel proud of a business of such widespread and [??] enterprise as the Racket, and indeed they are. This store will, as usual, be Santa Claus�s headquarters, and Christmas goods are now arriving on every train. Mr. Pepper urges early inspection of holiday goods, that intelligent selections and buying can be done.

Troup and Robinson

In the growth and development of a city there is no more important factor than the zeal and enterprise exhibited by her business men. Foremost among these in Lincoln is the gentlemen above mentioned. The firm is composed of W.W. Troup and C.E. Robinson who operate an up-to-date hardware and [unreadable line] stocked everything in the best lines carried by such a house including shelf and heavy hardware stoves, ranges, tinware, graniteware and the display would undoubtedly do credit to many a larger place than Lincoln. They carry a full line of farm implements; this being the home of the John Deere line in this city.

Lincoln Mercantile Company

The modern merchandise house like the climatic plant, is the outgrowth of certain conditions. It meets the demand uppermost in the American thought of today for accommodation and selection. It is always located where shoppers have ready access to its doors and where it may maintain a close relation to the public. It must be progressive and uptodate and must ever anticipate, not follow, public sentiment. It must be the people�s store. Such a house is the Lincoln Mercantile Company, under the proprietorship of Mr. John Whalen. It is located on one of the best corners of the town and two large sales rooms and warehouse are used and everything needed by the housewife of today is found in stock. The store has on display everything in dress goods, ladies furnishings, dry goods, coats, shoes, groceries and the thousand and one items found in a department store. Mr. Whalen is a progressive merchant and by energy and thrift has built up a business that any man might well be proud of. During the Cleveland administration he served as postmaster of Lincoln, and as such an official made good. The floor management of the dry goods department is in the hands of Mr. Ralph Brunt, a capable and efficient gentleman, well known all over this section.

A.R. Hall

This is one of the most successful furniture establishments in the state of Kansas, standing in the front rank of the commercial world, of which this city is the central point. The stock here embraces everything in the furniture line, and it is truly said there is but one larger stock in the entire state. The store covers a floor space of some 18,000 square feet and it is a pleasure and a delight to take a trip through this house. Mr. Hall represents 12 different piano factories, all well known standard and reliable makes, and receives them largely in car lots. These goods go into homes all over central and western Kansas, and it will at once be seen that this firm must do some business along these lines in order to hold their agencies. Mr. Hall is an astute and level headed merchant, always awake to his own and his customers� interests and by fair methods has made a reputation that exalts him in the estimation of his fellow citizens. He does a most successful undertaking and embalming business and is expert in executing all orders. The management of the house rests largely with Mr. Burton G. Hall, a man whom it is a pleasure to meet.

A.E. Achterberg

That improvement is the order of the age is strongly impressed upon the person who visits a modern implement house today. The innovations in none of the industries have been so wonderful as in that of agriculture, and the crop productions of this country are a direct result of these many labor saving devices. A dealer who attains success in the implement business must be thoroughly posted on the relative merits of the many implements handled, make his selections with a view to the needs of the community, and be able to sell them on a basis that insures the fullest satisfaction. There are few men in the implement line in his section who have a wider range of experience than Mr. A.E. Achterberg, and fewer still who have demonstrated their ability in it. The premises occupied by the house of Achterberg cover a floor space 50x100 feet and is filled with a line of farm implements, buggies, wagons, ranges, cream separaters and heavy hardware. Here is a stock that one can not fail of making a selection that will give entire satisfaction. Prospective customers may always depend upon full information and right prices when purchasing articles at this popular establishment.

Hall�s Drug Store

In a city where there are a number of drug stores it is always a perplexing question where to place your patronage. Of course, you want to purchase the best that money will buy, and that being the case no better place can be found in Lincoln than Hall�s Drug Store, operated by Dr. H.M. Hall & Son. This store was established 16 years ago by Dr. H.M. Hall and H.D. Hall, a son, and the house has become a landmark in this section of Kansas. Dr. Hall, the senior member of the firm, is accredited with being the oldest physician in the county, and while the active management of the business is in charge of H.D. Hall, it is largely through his efforts the business has grown to its present proportions. Here is carried everything in the drug and sundry line, toilet articles, novelties, etc., and no bettter selected stock can be found in this part of the state. This house carries the celebrated line of Nyal family remedies and toilet articles.

Hub Clothing Company

This prominent and leading business house is one of the most prosperous in the city of Lincoln. It might be classed as one of the cornerstones of the city�s business interests, so important has it been to her growth and upbuilding. While the proprietor, Mr. T.E. Volles, has had charge of the business but two years, the house itself is known all over this section of the country as a reliable and trustworthy place in which to do your clothing buying. Honest and straightforward methods in all transactions are the cardinal principles that have primarily contributed to the Hub�s success in business. Here a stock of clothing, shoes and gents furnishing goods is carried, the quality and style of which cannot be surpassed in the larger cities. They specialize in ladies cloaks, carrying a very extensive line of these garments. The line of Hart, Schafner & Marx and Clothcraft clothes for men need no special mention at our hands as they are known everywhere.

Farmers Union Store

Lincoln is the distributing point and trading center for a large area of the country and the Farmers Union Store, under the management of Mr. S.S. Shaver, supplies a great host of people with the necessaries and comforts of life. They deal in dry goods, work clothing, shoes, groceries and they do an exceptional business, especially among the country people, whose custom they have sought and held by honesty and square dealing. Mr. Shaver is an old resident of both Lincoln county and the town and has witnessed their growth to their present proportions. The dry goods department is under the charge of Mr. C.C. Springe, a gentleman well up in his departmental line. He, also, like Shaver, is well acquainted over the county and has made many customers for the store.

The Eagle Store

Of the many well ordered and excellent general merchandise stores that have come into prominence in Lincoln, few have secured a firmer hold on public favor than this house. Purchasers are at all times assured of getting a reliable article, honorable treatment and polite attention at this place, while the patronage is fully commensurate with the name and standing of the concern. Mr. C. Munch, the proprietor, is especially worthy of mention in this review inasmuch as he is a straightforward and public spirited man and the people recognizing this fact, liberally patronize The Eagle Store. Here is carried everything in the general merchandise line, and first-class goods at the lowest prices is what enables them to hold their trade.

Lincoln Hardware Co.

This reliable and progressive house controls a lucrative trade among the residents of the city and country people, their methods of doing business meeting with the approval of their customers. Thrift and progress have ever characterized their actions and the store is headquarters for hardware of all kinds and descriptions, stoves, ranges, tinware, etc. The store is under the management of W.W. West, who thoroughly knows the hardware business. He is an obliging gentleman and is always pleased to show his fine line whether you wish to purchase or not. Drop in and look around and if you need anything you are sure to be suited. This house has the agency for the Eastman Kodaks and supplies. They are also in a position to do developing and printing for the trade.

Chicago Lumber and Coal Co.

There is in every avenue of trade some business which bears the stamp of enterprise of its management, and which through a long period of success has attained a meritorious position. In the field of electricity Edison is an example of this condition; to mention steel manufacture invariably suggests Carnegie, and in Lincoln the name Chicago Lumber & Coal Co. and lumber are no less closely merged in the public mind. The Chicago Lumber & Coal Co., was established in Lincoln in 1882. A large and complete stock of lumber, sash, doors, cement, coal, etc., is carried and through the liberal policy and equitable manner in which the patrons are treated by its manager, Mr. J.D. Brockett, the yard has grown until today no other like concern in this section does a larger business. Mr. Brockett has been a resident of Lincoln for 26 years. He is a member of the city council and has made many business and social friends who appreciate his sterling worth as a citizen.

R.W. Bishop

It is now an exploded theory that just any one may become a successful automobile man. The progress made in this, as in other lines of business, demands that it shall only be followed by men who are reliable and who thoroughly understand every in and out of the business. This statement is true of R.W. Bishop, agent of the Buick automobile in Lincoln. A few years ago if a motor car got where it started for, it caused remark. Nobody expected it to get there. Today the motor car that doesn�t get where it starts for, is a car that causes remark. Everybody expects to get there � if it is a Buick. Did you ever stop to think how seldom it is that you ever see a Buick hung up on the road? If you have driven over really bad roads and haven�t seen a Buick plowing right through it where another car is helplessly wallowed, you are the exception. Buick power has pulled more cars out of holes than any other car on the market. Ask any Buick owner how far he goes on a gallon of gasoline. He�ll have you beaten with Buick economy. If you are thinking of buying a car let Mr. Bishop go over the proposition with you.

J.W. Grubb & Son

The citizens of Lincoln and Lincoln county can well congratulate themselves on the reliability of its leading mercantile houses and among that number is the one conducted by J.W. Grubb & Son. They carry a large and varied assortment of dry goods, ladies furnishings, shoes, clothing and groceries and their well selected stock furnishes every facility for conducting business under the most favorable circumstances. The management of this popular concern is an excellent buyer and being thoroughly conversant with the wants of the trade is sufficiently enterprising to take advantage of every means whereby patrons can be supplied with the best goods at the lowest possible prices. The store consists of two large rooms, together with a basement and warehouse used for reserved stock. The manager of this popular house is Mr. L.W. Grubb, a man thoroughly acquainted with every detail of modern merchandising.

A.L. Miller

The jewelry store operated by A.L. Miller is one of the most complete in the city and this is one of the chief reasons why he enjoys such a liberal patronage from the people of the town and surrounding country. He carries a line of watches, clocks and jewelry that is complete and his line of time pieces are among the finest to be found on the market. His stock of watches comprise the celebrated South Bend manufacture and is the time piece one frequently sees frozen in a cake of ice. In addition he handles the Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton, Dueber-Hampden, Illinois, Rockford and all standard makes. He does a general repair work and in this respect his workmanship is of the highest grade. Mr. Miller carries in addition to his jewelry stock, a strong line of string musical instruments and as a consequence is building up a business that is increasing each week.

Frobenius & Achterberg

The above named gentlemen conduct a marble and granite business in Lincoln, the only one of its kind in the county, and it is no unimportant factor in the commercial status of the town. The firm carries an immense stock of granite and marble, manufactures monuments and tombstones and does every class of marble and granite work. They are now installing pneumatic air hammers, the latest improved machinery for the rapid cutting of granite and marble. Mr. E.R. Frobenius, who has the active management of the house, is a workman of rare ability, as many specimens of his handicraft are to be seen in the several cemeteries of the county. As an evidence of their ability to handle anything in their line, no better piece of work can be found anywhere than that of the Old Soldiers and Sailors Monument standing in the court house yard, which was unveiled on Decoration day this year. Through the firm�s persevering efforts the business has assumed splendid proportions and ranks among the foremost enterprises of the county.

A.L. Shire

The estimate that a stranger forms of a town when first entering it is based chiefly upon the extent of its business interests. Persons coming to Lincoln are truly surprised at the array of different kinds of business represented and the air of thrift and progress that pervades the business section. Among the leading houses of the city is at once noticed the commodious establishment of A.L. Shire. The management of this prosperous concern has by indefatigable efforts and perseverance and devotion to legitimate and established business principles built up a trade that is indeed a credit to the city. The store occupies three large rooms and covers a floor space of 12,000 square feet, and a complete stock of dry goods, clothing, ladies furnishings, shoes, groceries, etc., is carried and the stock is unsurpassed in this section of Kansas.