"A Storm and Starlight Wedding at Denmark"

From the The Lincoln Sentinel
June 11, 1908

At the home of the bride's parents in Denmark, Grant township, Lincoln county, Kansas, on Sunday night, June 7, 1908, by Rev. H.C. BRADBURY, minister of the Gospel, Louis C. TIMMERMAN and Anna C. ERREBO.

At eight o'clock, the time set for the wedding, drew nigh the dark storm clouds arose in the west so threatening that church meetings were generally given up and some even commenced to retire to cyclone cellars; but most of the wedding guests kept bravely on through the storm til they arrived at the [???] where all received a cheerful welcome and all was light. Nearly fifty were gathered there at last.

As the sweet tones of Mendelsohn's wedding march floated through the home we were all so enraptured by the music that we for the time forgot the musician, Celia JENSEN. Then came the flower girls, Mary and Martha ERREBO and Little Tillie BORGGAARD with the wedding ring. They looked so pretty with their long curls. Will WICK and Clara PETERSON were groomsman and bridesmaid. The mothers and fathers of Louis and Anna stood near them, and dear relatives from near and far. Old friends had come from Salina, Lincoln, Sylvan and other places.

The minister received from Louis and Anna true marriage vows that made both one. Oh, what joy there was then. [???] lovely time. Even the stars peeped out through the clouds, one by one, till all were shining bright and the moon, too. Time passed so quickly at the wedding feast and the feast of soul, that it was one o'clock in the morning when the guests went home.

We only wish we had time to tell of all the good wedding presents for housekeeping. Mr. and Mrs. Tom TIMMERMAN gave a second wedding feast next day. God was with us there, and blessed everything. Louis and Anna will have their home one half mile east of Yorktown, where Louis is a store keeper.

We hope and pray that they ever, amid sunshine and rain, storm and starlight, may live a life of love and joy, God always with them to bless.