Transcribed from: The Lincoln Beacon -- May 19, 1881

A tremendous thunder storm came upon us last Friday night about eleven o'clock from the northwest. The rain fell at intervals for several hours, coming in sheets blown by a high wind, and falling in torrents. The lightning blazed incessantly and the oldest settlers agree in saying that it has never been equaled in Kansas for brilliancy and frequency while the thunder kept the earth trembling for hours.

The lightning undoubtedly struck in the ground in many places though little damage was done by objects being struck. A fine calf belonging to Ed M. Harris and picketed in the south part of town broke its neck trying to stampede. H. Bartholomew lives about three miles north of town. His dwelling was struck by lightning but no damage done.

Jno. Klepper lives a half mile northwest of town. Himself and family and two visitors, in all, six persons, were sleeping in a room 12 x 14 feet, containing a stove, beds, etc. During the storm while Mr. Klepper was lying awake, a stroke of lightning came down the stove-pipe, unjointed it and cut it to pieces, knocked four holes through the floor in as many directions from the stove, and close to it, and went into the cellar. Two other portions separated at the stove and started for out of doors. One of them knocked five panes of glass from a window within a foot and a half of Mr. K's head, as he was lying in bed. The other knocked a hole through the opposite side of the house and took its chances out of doors with the one that went out of the window. Not one of the six persons in the room at the time were injured in the least except Mr. K., he being slightly stunned for a moment. Nothing was fired.
