Old Friends Meet After Quarter Century

From the Sylvan Grove correspondent's column in the Lincoln Republican, Dec. 30, 1897

Some 25 years ago two young men, Henry Mueller and Christ Meyer, who had been conscripted, deserted from the German army and came to America. They found employment in Chicago and were both on the police force there for a few years. They then drifted apart and lost track of each other, each supposing the other had returned to Germany. Mr. Meyer came to Kansas and resides near Sylvan Grove. For 20 years he had not heard from his old companion. Recently a peddler came along and stayed at Mr. Meyer's overnight. During a conversation he spoke about having stayed at the home of a Mr. Mueller, in Washington County, Kan., but a short time before Mr. Meyer made such inquiry about Mueller as he could, and became convinced that he was his long lost friend. He wrote him a letter and in a few days Mueller answered the letter by coming in person to visit Mr. Meyer. Such a visit! It lasted night and day at first. They talked and talked and talked. It is said that they tired out two languages, then rested and started in again. It seems strange that they should have been so close together all these years and not know anything about it.