Old Settlers Reunion of 1886

From the Lincoln Beacon, Sept. 23, 1886

The Lincoln County Old Settlers Reunion held last Wednesday at Boyles' grove, 12 miles northwest of Lincoln, was a success in point of numbers and interest. The grove, the finest in western Kansas, is well suited for picnics, reunions, rallies and all outdoor meetings. It was a general time for aspirants to spread the eagle and (as one who was present remarked) "show how little they did know." Much that was said was anything but appropriate for such an occasion. The welcoming address delivered by Ira C. Buzick was in excellent taste, well timed and appropriate. Col. W.W. Smith made a fine talk that was well received, and when we consider that he is comparatively a stranger and not acquainted with the early history of the county it was the best that could have been made. Reminiscences of the county were well presented by Judge Washington Smith, an early and important actor in its history. His account of the rescue from death of a boy (the grandson of Mr. Zeigler, of Cedron), whose back was pierce by an arrow in an Indian raid through Lincoln County in May 1869, was listened to with much interest. The arrow penetrated the boy's back just below the shoulder blade and penetrated the sternum or breast bone and became so fastened that the Judge required the assistance of two men to extract it. The boy, but four years old at the time, lay with the arrow through his body two days before it was taken out. The boy, now a young man of about 21 years [Willis Daily], was present on the stand where the statement was being given by the Judge. It is to be regretted that these meetings are not used more for perpetuating the early history of the county rather than listening to a very recent comer relating how he had married his wife the second time, back in the Indiana swamps. This uncalled for reference to his once unhappy domestic relations was in very poor taste, to say the least. It would have added much more to the enjoyment of the occasion could the audience have listened to the personal reminiscences given by such actors in person as Thomas Boyle, George Green and wife, J.S. Strange, Thomas Strange, M.N. Hendrickson, Mr. Zeigler, Dick Alley, the Colorado boys and many others of the county. Such reminiscences would not only be highly interesting but useful in perpetuating history. We were too late on the grounds to hear all the speeches, but we heard many encomiums passed on Mr. Coad's remarks, as being in good taste and appropriate. We hope to see these meetings more generally participated in by the early settlers, in the future.