Bits of County History

From the Lincoln Sentinel, May 7, 1903
While riding home on the train Saturday, in conversation with our genial friend J.J. Peate of Beverly, the follownig bits of history were noted and they may be new and interesting to some of the readers of the Sentinel.
We were passing somewhere near the old Tripp farm and the point was brought that Twelve Mile Creek in Lincoln County got its name because it was about 12 miles from this place. Yauger Creek just east of the city of Lincoln was so-called because a gun known as the "Yauger" Mississippi Yauger, was found upon its banks one day. It had probably been lost by the Indians. Spillman Creek in the northwest part of the county was named after a civil engineer because his horse got mired down in it one day.
No doubt many interesting bits of history could be gathered if one could talk very long with such old settlers as Mr. Peate. There should be a history of Lincoln County written by someone. Who will volunteer to do it?

From the Lincoln Sentinel, May 14, 1903.

Battle Creek was named because of a dispute of the early pioneers over in that section. Southwest of the creamery, just west of the ledges near the mouth of Lost Creek, are to be found three holes in the ground, the scene of officers quarters, barracks and guard house of a part of the 19th Kansas, which was never organized into regiments but into battalions.
The log part of the old Pioneer hotel was the barracks of this camp.
Captain J.J. Peate was orderly Sergeant and acting Quartermaster.
In Grant Township, one half mile east and three-quarters of a mile south of Pottersburg school house, in 1868 was erected a block house of logs about 24 feet square, two stories high with the upper story projecting out over the lower one, to give full advantage to the occupants in case of an attack, and near this a corral and barracks with a good stockade. There is now only a pile of stones to make this rude fort of the frontier peace keepers.