Celebrating the Fourth of July in Lincoln, Kansas

July 4th, 1876

[A newspaper article from the July 5, 1876, edition of the Saline Valley Register covering the festivities of the U.S. Centennial Celebration in Lincoln. Transcribed from a microfilm copy of the paper by Bill Sowers]

A Gala Day at Lincoln Center
At early dawn the citizens of our village were awakened from their slumbers by the roaring of cannon, martial music and rounds of cheers for Columbia. Early in the morning long processions came pouring into town until every street and highway were filled. They were formed in regular order by the president of the day, D. W. HENDERSON, assisted by the Vice Presidents, and paraded the route marked out, halting at the Court House, where shady bowers and comfortable seats awaited them.

The Centennial Glee Club revived the audience with the Star Spangled Banner, Red White and Blue, Americas, and a number of other patriotic and soul stirring pieces. Prayers were offered by Rev. B. F. HENDERSON.
Dr. H. VERNON read the Declaration in a clear tone and forcible manner. Washington SMITH then read a historical sketch of the county which will be found on the first page of this paper.
The Lincoln Center Concert Band made the forests and prairies fairly ring with America's national airs. They made a fine appearance in their new regalia and brightly polished instruments. Dr. J. M. HODGE being introduced to the audience, held them with close attention for an hour, in a very interesting and pleasant speech. The Dr. is a good talker and was very highly complimented.
Col. W. W. BROWN also made a short but interesting speech. The closing oration was delivered by Dr. H. VERNON. The dinner which was spread made the oldest inhabitant blush at the thought of going through the entire bill of fare. Everything abounded in great variety and baskets full were carried away untouched. The entire day passed off pleasantly, with nothing to mar the enjoyment of the most refined.
The day's jubilee closed with a grand ball at the Court House in the evening, where all went merry until the night had faded away. It was a happy day, a grand day and one long to be remembered, by not only the people of this county but by millions of American freemen.