Lincoln County Bicycle Club

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, June 24, 1926

A picture of the old Lincoln Bicycle Club taken 31 years ago recalls to some of the older residents the days of the gay nineties when bicycling was a popular form of amusement. J.D. Brockett, who owns the picture, in recalling the "good old days" said the club was organized by G.K. Smith, a brother of J. Albert Smith of this city, when safety bicycles first appeared in Lincoln. The club rapidly gained in popularity and at one time had 60 members.

Almost every night parades were held on main street. On special occasions, such as political demonstrations and rallies, bicycle drills were held.

"Mr. Smith," declared Mr. Brockett, "was good on organizing. He could get up different drills and always led the procession. The drills would usually start from the courthouse and we would parade down main street sometimes four and six abreast. Many times the parades have been a block long."

Evolutions formed in the street were demonstrations of fancy riding.

The ladies took as much interest in the sport as did the men and claimed about half the membership in the Club.

One Fourth of July the club took an active part in the celebration by featuring a series of bicycle races. Boys went into training. One of the most exciting of the races was the three mile. Lincoln Avenue had been roped off and a great crowd had gathered to see the finish. Elias Rees won the race and incidentally the prize.

In the picture, which is on display at Pedroja's drugstore, are to be seen a number of former Lincoln residents as well as some of our present day citizens. Among the former residents are Mrs. H.T. Bredes and her two daughters, William Cecil, Dora Strawn, Prof. O.B. Whitaker, Sidney Whitaker, Nattie Hoyt, Joe Pontius, Frona Farnsworth, Rena Dunton-Hedrick, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Smith, the Rev. Arthur and Albert Thompson. Members of the club who appear in the picture and still live in Lincoln are A.R. Hall, Harry Hall, Boyd Gilkison, Miss Maude Hall, Elias Rees, Joe Schellinger, and J.D. Brockett. The little boy to the extreme left is Fred Minx. The picture was taken at the river near the bend. The top of the old iron birdge is just visible. In the background, in his old buggy, is Dr. H.M. Hall and Mrs. Hall. Dr. and Mrs. Newton are also in the background behind the doctor's team of big black horses.

(If anyone has a copy of this photo, please contact Tracee Hamilton.)

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Bill and Diana Sowers, Lincoln County Coordinators
Tracee Hamilton, Lincoln County Coordinator

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Copyright 1997, 1998 by Bill and Diana Sowers