Ed Skiles Comes Home

Lincoln County News, June 18, 1936

Missing for 33 years and given up for dead long ago, Ed Skiles, 60, was recognized by his sister, Mrs. William Holman of Lincoln, when he returned here for a week's visit Sunday. He had stopped first at the home of a brother, Charles Skiles, of Sylvan Grove, who accompanied him to Lincoln and shared in the reunion.

The missing man had not been in Lincoln for 40 years and 33 years ago had left Kansas City, where another brother, since dead, lived. He was accompanied by another young man and they intended to go to Canada to work. No more was heard from them and all efforts to locate Skiles had failed.

He was finally given up for dead and it was supposed he had been robbed and killed somewhere and would never be heard from again.

His brother in Kansas City died a couple of years after his disappearance and an effort was made to locate him, but without result. His mother died about six years ago, but it was thought useless to make any further attempt to find him.

Then last week he returned to the Charles Skiles home at Sylvan Grove and Sunday the two brothers and sister were reunited in Lincoln.

Skiles, who has worked in Canada and throughout the west, is now located in Washington. He has traveled a lot during his absence and being of an individualistic disposition has lived his own life, free to go where he wanted to. He is unmarried and has "batched" during most of the 33 years of his travels.

He expects to visit about a week here, then go to Kansas City for a visit with his sister-in-law before returning to Washington.