Recalling Old Post Offices

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, June 9, 1938

With the recent discontinuance of the post office at Milo ' the town of Milo may join the ranks of many another Lincoln county community which formerly possessed a post office, a general store and other earmarks of a genuine town.

An examination of the marriage licenses issued at the court house here in the early days reveals the names and locations of a number of these former townsites which have now disappeared or remain only as the name of a schoolhouse located near the former site of the old post office.

In 1885-86-87 applicants for marriage licenses gave as their address such towns as Ingalls, Colorado, Bashan, Margaret, Union Valley, Pottersburg, Bacon, Woody, Mulberry, Paris, Tower Springs, Allamead, Lone Walnut, Pinon, Topsy, Rosette, Golden Belt, Herman, Monroe, Delight, Orbitello, Orwith, Nimrod, Noiesville or Noilsville, all in Lincoln county. In addition there were Big Bend and Syria, county unknown, Saltville, Mitchell county, and Dehli, Osborne county.

Ingalls post office was near the location of Pleasant Valley school and the elder Mr. Farquharson was postmaster at his home on the present Henry Bohling farm.

Mulberry was in the southeast part of the county, located on Mulberry creek.

Colorado was one mile east of Beverly and at that location Mr. Kernohan had a store on the south side of the road.

Woody was southeast of Barnard and Elder Woody, one of the early day settlers, was postmaster, the town bearing his name.

Lone Walnut, located south of Lincoln, was almost directly on the Lincoln-Ellsworth county line.

Herman was once a thriving community in the Herren neighborhood north and west of Lincoln, located on the divide.

Both Orwith and Nimrod were northwest of Lincoln, somewhere between the present Barnard and Lincoln post offices.

By reason of the fact that travel was slow in the early days, many post offices were established by the government to speed communication facilities. As better roads and improved means of travel were developed, need for closely spaced post offices gradually passed and smaller ones were eventually discontinued.

A portion of F.A. Cooper's cartoon feature, "It Happened in Kansas," is this week devoted to the many abandoned or lost townsites in Kansas and "Topsy" is listed as one of those with queer or unusal names. This location remains in Lincoln county, with others, as a present day school house.