City Elections, 1881

[The following front page editorial, which comes from the Apirl 7, 1881, edition of the Lincoln County Beacon shows us that accusations of political shennanigans are not limited to larger governmental arenas nor to more recent times. An agressive editorial style is evident here as well, not seen much in today's newspapers. It was transcribed from a microfilm copy of the paper by Bill Sowers]

At the city election last Monday the election of Mayor and Councilmen was without opposition, as it appeared all were pledged to serve without pay, but quite a spirited contest arose over the election of Police Judge.

It seems that a caucus was held on last Saturday night to put in nomination a ticket for city officers in which M. GRAGG and G. W. ANDERSON were present and participated, and the following names were placed in nomination:

For Mayor---G. M. LUTES
For Police Judge---Lou A. MINX
For Councilmen---Nelson BRYANT, A. T. BIGGS, E. S. PIERCE.
On the personal solicitation of G. W. ANDERSON, Mr. MINX consented to become a candidate for Police Judge, and his name was presented to the caucus by G. W. FINCH and his nomination seconded by M. GRAGG, when he received the unanimous nomination of the caucus. G. W. FINCH manfully stood by the nomination he had helped to make. Mr. MINX is a terperance man, and believes in the strict enforcement of the law and inflicting such penalties for its violation as will deter wrong-doers from the commission of crimes, and consequently was not acceptable to the whisky element. M. GRAGG in violation of every sense of honor became the candidate of the free whisky party in opposition to the very man he had taken a prominent part in nominating. G. W. ANDERSON, true to his instinct, treacherously betrayed Mr. MINX and supported M. GRAGG, the whisky candidate.
By means of illegal votes and closing the polls before the lawful hour for closing, M. GRAGG received the majority. GRAGG was one of the judges of election.