Catholics in Lincoln County Kansas

These are various items from Lincoln County newspapers concerning the formation and operation of the Catholic churches there.

Saline Valley Register, June 27, 1877

Rev. Father H. Timphaus held Catholic services at the Court House, here, on Wednesday last, a good congregation being in attendance. Father T. is a very intelligent, social gentleman. He will hereafter visit this place monthly, the next meeting being on the 19th of July. Our Catholic friends are making efforts to erect a church building here, quite a fund being already subscribed for the purpose.

Saline Valley Register, Aug. 29, 1877

Our Catholic neighbors will commence work on their church building in a few days. They propose to finish it before cold weather. The site selected is north of the Pioneer House.

Saline Valley Register, Sept. 5, 1877

A large Catholic colony is soon to leave St. Louis for Kansas. They will either settle on the Santa Fe or K.P. road.

Saline Valley Register, July 4, 1878

The Catholics held services last Wednesday at the courthouse. We understand they will commence work on their new house of worship immediately.

Salline Valley Register, Nov. 13, 1878

A Grand Ball, Festival and Supper, combined, will be given at the Court House, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 20, 1878, for the benefit of the Catholic church. All are cordially invited to attend, and a good one is promised. The supper will be of the very best the country affords, while the ball will be conducted in the best manner. Tickets to the ball, including supper, $1.50, supper, per couple, without dancing, $1.00. Supper will be served at the Catholic Church. � J.C. Ryan, T. Kine, T. Foran, M. Haley, Committee

Saline Valley Register, Dec. 5, 1878

The Catholics now hold services in their new church. It is a very neat building.

Lincoln Banner, 2 April 1884

Rev. Father Brockard will hold services at the Catholic church, Easter Sunday. He is the regular pastor for the coming year.

Lincoln Beacon, March 14, 1885

The Catholic Festival was a decided success both financially and socially. About $250 was realized clear gain and beyond computation. A few of the recipients of the nice presents disposed of were as follows: Frank Wilmarth, carpet; Coleman Flaherty, bed spread and lady�s jersey jacket; Mollie Noon, rocking chair; George Dodge, fine large cake. Mr. John Keys received a pair of lady�s shoes; Patrick King, a baby�s dress; F. Downey, a pair of ducks; Mary Toole, a dressing case. The Catholic people desire us to convey their sincere and heartfelt thanks to their Protestant friends who so kindly contributed to the success of their entertainment.

Lincoln, Beacon, Nov. 14, 1889

Various improvements on the Catholic church property will soon be made. The church will be painted and a fence built around the lots upon which it stands. Father Maujay last week made a canvass of this vicinity and reports over 80 Catholic families � numbering over 400 people � residing within a radius of 10 miles of Lincoln.

Lincoln Beacon, Dec. 12, 1889

The fence around the Catholic church lots is finished and the third coat of paint put on the building, much improving its appearance. The interior has been repaired, also. We are told that the congregation is constantly being re-enforced by members of that church who reside in this vicinity.

Lincoln Republican, March 19, 1891

Tuesday was St. Patrick�s Day. No demonstrations were indulged by our Irish American citizens.

Lincoln Republican, June 25, 1891

Father Fogarty, the first Catholic priest in charge of this station, and in the Saline Valley, came over from Ellis Saturday to visit with old friends. He had a big reception Sunday.

Lincoln Republican, Aug. 27, 1891

On Monday the 31st of August, the Catholic cemetery south of the old town site, and one and a half miles from the Catholic church, will be blessed by the very Rev. Father Maurer of Salina at 11:30 a.m. The Rev. Father Hayden of Solomon City will assist on the occasion, and will also preach in the evening at 7:30. "Blessing of the cross," at the church. Everybody invited. C. Maujay, Pastor.

Lincoln Republican, Sept. 7, 1893

Tuesday night, according to rumors extensively circulated, the Catholic citizens were to rise up and wipe out all the other church people. They were to spare none of any age or size. Some people were much surprised Wednesday morning when they awoke and found themselves alive and well.

Lincoln Beacon, June 21, 1898

Our readers will all be interested in the discussion by John F. Watts [sic; the article was written by Frank J. Watts] of this place of the attitude of the Catholic church toward the present war. Mr. Watts gets at the subject in a very lucid manner, apparently free from any bias that would warp his judgment or conclusions. Read his article.

Lincoln Republican, Jan. 9, 1902

Rev. Father McNamara says the necessary funds for the erection of the new residence on the Catholic Church grounds. He hopes to have the work underway in a short time.

Lincoln Republican, March 6, 1902

Work is to commence at once on the Catholic parsonage. It is to be quite a good sized building.

Lincoln Republican, April 3, 1902

The new Catholic parsonage is being pushed along rapidly these days. It wil be a credit to the town when completed.

Lincoln Republican, June 12, 1902

The priest's residence by the Catholic church is almost completed and is a very nice building.

Lincoln Republican, July 17, 1902

The new Catholic parsonage is finished and practically furnished. It is an elegant piece of proerty. Rev. McNamara expects his housekeeper here in a few days and then he will be at home in his own house.

Lincoln Republican, Sept. 11, 1902

The Catholic church here is making plans ofr a big picnic in Rees' grove on the 16th. The purpose is to have a good time and raise some money to apply on the parsonage debt. If the weather is good it will be a big picnic.

Lincoln Republican, Sept. 18, 1902

The Catholic picnic was quite well attended Tuesday afternoon. The threatening weather drove the people from the grove early in the evening and many of them went home, but the dance was transferred to the opera house, and was quite a success. As a whole the picnic was fairly successful.

Lincoln Republican, May 28, 1903

Rev. McNamara, of the Catholic church of this place, started for Europe on last Monday. He will go to Ireland first to see brothers and sisters there in the county of Kilkenny at the town of Callan. From there he will go to Paris, France, to see a sister who is a sister in the service of the church. We are glad to see him have such a fine trip.

Lincoln Sentinel, April 19, 1923

Father Fitzgerald of St. Patrick�s parish, which includes the church at Vesper, will leave latter part of this week to succeed the late Father Francis J. Tief of Norton, Kan. A farewell gathering assembled in the Knights of Columbus hall Monday evening. People came in so thick that the meeting was moved to the American Legion hall. The affair was quiet on account of the death of the priest which has been at Norton, but was sadder by the fact that Father Fitzgerald has been here for about 12 years and has said that Lincoln was looked to as his home. Father Fox of Greenleaf, Kan., will succeed him.

Lincoln Sentinel, June 7, 1923

Rev. Father Fox, who recently took the place of Father Fitzgerald as pastor of the Catholic church here, was geiven a sick leave and left latter part of last week for Chicago where he entered a sanitarium for treatment. He expects to leave there in a few weeks and spend most of the summer north. Miss Mary O�Connor, his housekeeper, expects to leave at the end of the week for her home at Peoria, Ill.

Lincoln Sentinel, June 28, 1923

A reception in honor of Father M.P. Dreiling, who is taking the place of Father Fox who is on sick leave, was given Friday evening in the Knights of Columbus Hall. After spending a part of the evening playing cards, a short program was given. Miss Winifred Jennings played a piano solo and Miss Alma Linker and James Mulloy sang a duet. Father Dreiling was introduced to the people by John McCurdy. A large crowd was present. Ice cream and cake were served.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, April 1, 1943

Rev. Daniel B. Mulvihill, who has served as Pastor of the St. Patrick's church in Lincoln and the St. John's parish at Vesper for 13 years, this week was appointed pastor of Sacred Heart church at Plainville, Kan., the parish recently vacant by the death of Rev. Henry Baumstinler, who had served as pastor there for 38 years.
Father Dan would be beginning his 14th year in Lincoln in May. He takes this opportunity to extend to the community at large his heartfelt gratitude for their wonderful spirit of cooperation during these past 13 years. He will look back on these past years spent in Lincoln as some of the happiest years of his life and he will always have a warm corner in his heart for the people of Lincoln and Vesper.
Father Dan is moving into a much larger parish and one where he will also have charge of a parochial school.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, April 15, 1943

Father John Whittey, a former pastor in Salina, is expected to arrive here this weekend to begin his duties as pastor of the St. Patrick's and St. John's Catholic churches at Lincoln and Vesper. Father Whittey is at present in charge of the parish at Oberlin. He comes very highly recommended. A native of New York state, he has lived in Kansas for a number of years.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Nov. 14, 1946

Rev. John Whitty, who has been pastor of St. Patrick's Catholic church in Lincoln the past two years, is leaving this week for Ogden where he has been assigned to the Parish and Mission. Rev. Whitty has also had charge of the Vesper parish while in Lincoln.
Due to a shortage of priests, the vacancy left by Father Whitty's leaving cannot be filled immediately, it has been learned. Until a priest is available the Catholic churches in Lincoln and Vesper will be served from Beloit.
During his stay in Lincoln, Father Whitty has made many friends who sincerely regret to see him leave. However, his assignment to the Ogden church and mission is an advancement for him and friends wish him every success.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Jan. 16, 1947

After being without a priest for several weeks, St. Patrick's church in Lincoln is happy this week to welcome their new pastor, Father George Breekwell, who arrived Tuesday afternoon and is now at home in th St. Patrick's parsonage.
Father Breekwell formerly served the churches at Downs and Claudell but comes to Lincoln from Cawker City where he had been residing for some time. He will conduct his first service at St. Patrick's Sunday morning.
Honoring Father Breekwell, members of the parish and those from the St. John's parish at Vesper will give a supper Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Lewick.
For some weeks, since their former pastor, Father John Whitty, was transferred to Ogden, the Lincoln and Vesper Catholic churches have been served from Beloit.