Harmony Presbyterian Church Dedicated

Lincoln Republican, 20 October 1904
Sixteen years ago Harmony church was organized by Rev. S.L. Fleming in the woods near Mr. Prouty’s house in Battle Creek township, Lincoln county, Kan. It had preaching and Sabbath school at four school houses: Paris, Harmony, Surprise and Malone. Its Elders, Newton Lott and Wm. Course, developed into full pledged [six] preachers and filled regular pulpits. One of the Sunday school boys too, Herbert Course, after going through college and now almost through theological seminary, is preaching. His sister is going as a foreign missionary.
It was found very difficult to supply all these stations with preaching so lately under the leadership of Rev. James M. May who is carpenter, Sunday school man and everything, they laid the foundation and started to build a fine $1800 house of worship on the hills between Paris and the other stations. Every body gave and worked. Somehow the Gospel had entered their hearts. They love their pastor, Morgan Williams.
Last Sabbath was the crowning day of dedication. The building was full to overflowing with people. Some came from Saltville and Barnard and other places. After scripture, songs and a lovely anthem by the Barnard choir and a semon by Dr. Fleming about Christian principals as the foundation of our home and nation, came the dedication. The $200 debt was soon wiped out. H.C. Bradbury, their first minister, made the dedication prayer. There was great joy.
Then came the most wonderful love feast of all kinds of good things followed by a baptism, a letter from Rev. E. Wells, a former pastor, [and] a talk to the children old and young by Revs. Bradbury and May.
We rejoice to see another church building come in our county with such bright prospects of great blessing.
[To make this easier to read, the transcriber took the liberty of adding commas, which were sadly lacking in the original.]

Harmony Presbyterian Church Burns

From the Lincoln County News, April 6, 1933

Fire of unkown origin destroyed the Harmony Presbyterian church 12 miles north of Lincoln last Friday night. The building was partially insured, and the fire completely destroyed the building. It is another in a series of church fires in Kansas which has continued since last fall. The pulpit at Harmony was filled by Rev. W. Clyde Wolfe of Ellsworth.