Prairie Grove Presbyterian Church Dedicated

Sylvan Grove News, 23 November 1905
Prairie Grove was a scene of great enthusiasm last Sunday at the dedication of the new church. People came for miles from every direction to attend.
Rev. Stauber preached a powerful sermon on the dedication of the temple and at the close of the sermon, money to pay the balance on the church was solicited.
There was about $500 to be raised, so Rev. Stauber started a subscription. He received two $50 subscriptions, three $25 and two $20. Then for lesser amounts a great many subscribed and at ten minutes past 2 o’clock the dedication services began, the entire collection having amounted to $500.25. Rev. Laird, a minister who used to be on the Pottersburg circuit, and Rev. Crist, the present pastor, assisted in the dedication services, which were very impressive, especially the setting aside of the building to religious worship and service.
The church is a fine one. The main part being 24 by 26 and the wing 24 by 16. The pulpit is set out of the main room, and is large enough to seat a choir. It has a rear exit which adds much to the handiness of the building.
The church is lighted by gas lamps and heated by one large stove. A fine new organ stands near the pulpit, new pews and new chairs give ample seating capacity, and all paid for.
It is painted a clear white and stands on the corner of Ed Montgomery’s farm, and its tall spire can be seen for miles in that level country. And the new bell can be heard also for miles.
The Prairie Grove people deserve credit for their enterprise to raise $2000 in a neighborhood to build a Methodist church, where but a few years, say four years ago, there were but very few members, probably not more than half a dozen. It seems a miracle, but the blessed evidence now stands, lifting its spire heavenward.
There are now 13 country churches in our county. The Rosette Evangelical, Denmark Mission, Denmark Lutheran, Ash Grove Methodist, Prairie Grove, Harmony, United Brethren Green Valley, Emmanuel, Orbitello Free Methodist, Dry Creek German Lutheran, Pleasant Dale [several words?] Battle Creek.
[Previous paragraph was at the bottom of the page, and in the Sylvan newspaper filming, that means it was incredibly hard to read. Also, the Sylvan editors weren’t great with commas. I’ve done the best I could with it. – transcriber]
We think Lincoln County should take great pride in these country churches, for they represent sacrifice of time and money.
Yet church buildings are not so much as the spiritual life therin. Scattered over our country may be a few persons, who are unbelievers, prayerless and hopeless as far as Christianity is concerned but they are scarce compared to the multitude who believe but dare not back their conviction
We trust that Prairie Grove will keep the altar fervor strong, and never let animosity, jealousy and selfishness get in between them and their God.
The Roll of Honor
Montgomeries $413
Pfaffs $281
Brobergs $203
Goures $51.20
Dickensons $100
Eslingers $35
Knoxes $10
Howels [sic] $90
Rathburns [sic] $37.40
Spears $22
Titsworths $30
Askeys $6
Wills $42.50
Hobbs $17
Cooks $50
Websters $46
Burkpiles [sic] $10
Trambles [sic] $10
Maurers $25
Herrens $35
Gabelmanns $52
Browns $16
Felsbergs [sic] $7
Hansens $12
Chamberlains $10
Lessors $3
Buremans $2.50
Moffits $2.10
Coffmans $3
Weians $2
Whitmans $7
Cong. Reeder $10
Hylas Smith $10
Will Boyer $10
S.A. Altman $10
Alvina Nielson $5
George A. Cleaver $5
A.H. Lonberger $5
H.R.Wolf $5
H.R. Gouldin $5
William McCanles $5
Troup Robinson $5
W.L. Morgan $5
W.R. Lyon $5
A.J. Stanley $5
Niquette Bros. $15
Hattie Buttermore $5
Cora Kyte $5
Bro. McDonald $5
Mrs. Long $5
Mrs. Davis $5
Beloit Nat’l Bank $5
Saline Valley Bank $5
F. Bertelsen $3
A. Artman $2
Newton Davison $2
L.J. Dunton $1
W.L. McBride $1
J.C. Casner $2
John McCurdy $2.50
W.H. Bishop $1
Christ Munch $2
J. Albert Smith $1
B.G. Hall $3
Harry U. Porter $1
J.W. Behrman $2
C. Liss $1
John Olson $1
Will Mooney $1
Carl Christiansen $1
A. Fancher $1
J.W. Grubb $3
Susie Curson $3

There were others without doubt but this is the best we could do with the amount we had at hand.
The above donations don’t mention the donated work; the talk of the promoters to keep the thing going; Rev. Crist’s untiring efforts over the county; the sacrifices of the community; the haps and mishaps; the misunderstandings; and all other things that occur in the building of such an edifice.
Some of these amounts which are under one family name represent several families and all the children helped, and again they may represent only one family but repeated donations. Many gave little who may have been able to give more; and some who gave a little gave much more than they were able but a day of reckoning will come when balances will be adjusted and motives weighed.
We known Prairie Grove is most thankful for all outside help received.
The membership of the Prairie Grove charge is 30 but it is hoped and expected that this number will be doubled in the next year.
Beyond doubt the learning of the lessons of life with the Holy Spirit as a promoting influence bring the most practical, interesting and holy results in life.
The good Book says, “Cursed is he who putteth his trust in man.” Remember this and let no man rob you of your crown either by taunts or persuasion or negligence of duty, or by force. Ever fight a good fight.
Rev. Bradbury said the other day that after a new church is built the Devil goes around among the members and tells them that since they have the new church finished there isn’t any thing else to do and lots of the members believe him; so to guard against [can’t read one word] and a relapse, start a revival and meet the enemy in the new church.