Methodist Episcopal Church
of Sylvan Grove

Excerpts from chapter: "Faith Among The People" from "Honoring Our Heritage" by Marge Lawson, pg. 27. Used with permission of the author.

The early church records give the history of the three religions in Sylvan Grove.
Part 3 deals with the Methodist Episcopal church.

Historical records show the Sylvan Grove Methodist Episcopal Church was incorporated and a charter issued February 7, 1888. the directors were: John F. Seirer, H.S. Bard and J.S. Kaufman of Wilson, Kansas.
The church building was built in 1892, and served as a place of worship for the congregation until about two years ago, when the building was sold and converted into a dwelling. Eugene Cross had purchased the church and converted it into a home. It was located across the road east of Leonard Janssens's. After the death of Eugene Cross the church-converted home was sold and moved to Lincoln where it is now a residence.
The roll of early pastors contains the names of Dugar, Blundon, Frick, Nulton, Mitchell, Wollever, Tole, See, McKeever, Raby and Barton. The longest pastorate was that of M.R. Starbuck. Three names grace the rolls of first charge at Sylvan Grove: L.A. McKeever, V.V. Whitsett, and E.C. Allen.
The roll of pastors continues following Barton: Starbuck, Kerr, Templin, Scott, Whitsett, Allen, Cunningham, Branson, and the present pastor, Woertendyke.
The Sunday School was, at one time, under the able superintendency of William Coover. The outstanding work of the year is the work of the Woman's Missionary Society and the Ladies Aid. Mrs. Herman Blythe is the president, and the Aid is under the leadership of Mrs. William Booz.
In the "Year Book of Lincoln County Churches", the following ministers named were spelled differently: Whitsitt, Woolever, Fole and Lee. The name of McKean was added to the list. Ministers following Woertendyke were Rev. Nutter, Rev. Courter. The church was then united with the Presbyterian Church. The doors of the Methodist Church closed sometime in the early 1930's after 45 years.

Part 1: Presbyterian Church in Sylvan Grove
Part 2: Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Sylvan Grove