Gleanings from 1900's Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1900's newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.

Lincoln Sentinel --- Jan. 4, 1900
---A Holiday Wedding: At thehome of the bride's parents, four miles southwest of Bevelry, Dec. 27, 1899, by H.C. Bradbury, minister of the gospel, Charles William Anderson, of Colbert, and Emma E. Miller, of Beverly. A very general feast followed the wedding, and good music for the happy guests.

Lincoln Sentinel --- Aug. 9, 1900
---Richard Herman, a son of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Herman of this city, and Miss Carrie J. Mongomery, daughter of Mrs. Eliza Montgomery, were married Monday evening, at the bride's home seven miles north of this city, Rev. F.M. Sexton officiating. None except immediate relatives were present at the wedding. The new Mr. and Mrs. Herman took the evening train for Waldo, where the groom is buying grain for the Peavy company. They are splendid young people, and deserve a generous portion of happiness and prosperity.

Lincoln Sentinel --- Sept. 6, 1900
---Chas. E. Baird, of Hunter, and Miss Della L. Mckinney, of Lincoln, were married Wednesday, Sept. 5, by Probate Judge Schofield.

Lincoln Sentinel, June 20, 1901
---John HOWELL can be called papa now. He is the father of a girl baby.
---Hurrah! Hurrah! Dewdrop is the place for base ball. Denmark came up last Saturday and tried the boys and went back defeated, 30 to 31.
---Mr. Albert WEINHOLD a graduate from the Midland college at Atchison returned to his home in this vicinity [Margaret], and now expects to try himself in a harvest field.
---Thomas YOHE is on the sick list this week.
---Bicycles are getting to be quite in demand in the country here [Freedom].
---Charley Walls has a chicken with four feet. Quite a curiosity to see.
---Mary BRIAND spent a few days visiting with Carrie MORRICAL last week.
---Harvest hands are scarce here [Freedom]. Tone BISHOP is going to have some shipped in.
---C.H. PECKHAM has just completed a new arch cave.
---The parsonage building near Ash Grove is nearing completion.
---Mrs. Samuel FANCHER is thinking of buying land here for herself and family [Yorktown].

Lincoln Sentinel, November 1901 (no date given)
-- There are a few children around this town who should be compelled to go to school. There isn't any sufficient excuse for boys from 8 to 15 years of age loafing on the street week after week. The school board should apply the law.

Lincoln Sentinel, July 5, 1906
---The following appears among the marriage notices in a Los Angeles paper of late date: "James B. GOFF, aged 65, a native of Indiana, and a resident of Sawtelle, and Carrie B. BROWN, aged 45, a native of Illinois and a resident of Los Angeles." This is Mr. Goff's fifth matrimonial venture.

Lincoln Sentinel, June 20, 1907
---Ed and Ernie JACKSON lost a fine horse Thursday night. It died of lung fever.
---Miss Ethel HOOVER went to Lawrence this morning where she expects to take vocal training.
---Mrs. Jennie RUSSLER started on an extended trip in the east Tuesday morning. She will visit her old home in Pennsylvania and also the Jamestown exposition.
---Mrs. R.B. GILKISON received a pair of Norwick canaries Friday, which she had imported from England through a firm in Kansas City.
---Mr. WOODY, the live real estate man of Barnard, was in town Friday.
---Mr. and Mrs. J.M. SHIPLEY started for Kansas City Monday morning to attend the Missouri State Photographers Association meeting. From there they will go to Excelsior Springs and return to Lincoln Friday.
---The Epworth League Social of the Methodist Church featured the following performers: Blanche TENNEY, Lou FARQUHARSON, instrumental duet; Sylvia TURNER, reading; Mrs. B.G. HALL, vocal solo; Bertie BEAUMONT, instrumental solo; Mary O. SMITH, reading; Hazel NIMMONS, vocal solo.
---Win and Frank DOOLITTLE and their families left for Cedro-Wooley Tuesday morning.
---Ben MARSHALL came home from Lawrence with a new "red devil wagon."
---[Dew Drop] Although many corn fields are of good stand, John BRANN reports a good one in his field.
---Frank and Archie HALL were at Barnard last Saturday playing base ball.
---F.M. STRANGE attended our Sabbath services last Sunday [Dew Drop].

Barnard Bee, Barnard, KS, Thursday Jan 18, 1908
--Arrested for Illegal Fishing

For some reason we can't quite understand men will violate the fish and game laws of the state and think nothing of it. The following hard luck story ought to be a warning to some of our local disciples of Walton.

Lincoln was this week treated to something of a sensation along this line. A week or ten days ago Chas. COSTELLO, of Topeka, a deputy fish and game warden dropped into Lincoln and quietly went to work, taking care to let no one , outside of a couple of county officials know his business.

COSTELLO is an old river man himself, and it did not take him long to read the signs of illegal fishing while on his strolls up and down the river. In fact he was surprised at the abundance of evidence. Tuesday he caused the arrest of Al RICHARDSON, an erstwhile resident of this place, but now of Lincoln, who was himself a deputy fish and game warden. COSTELLO found that RICHARDSON was dragging out channel cat by the wagon load, having sold around town something like 1,200 in six weeks or so. He also became convinced that others were emulating RICHARDSON's example in a mild way.

RICHARDSON pleaded guilty and was fined ten dollars and costs which he paid. Being submitted to the sweating process he turned informer and implicated Constable Wm. BRUMBAUH, Luther KNOBBY and Jim MARSHALL.

COSTELLO is no respecter of persons where his duty is concerned so he haled them into court, where they all plead guilty and were assessed five apiece and costs.

It seems to us that RICHARSON was let off pretty easy. He was a deputy warden entrusted with the duty of enforcing the fish and game laws of the state, who used his office as a shield for his own violation of the law, besides encouraging others to assist him in violating the law.

[submitted by Mike Woody, no relation]

Barnard Bee, Thursday April 2, 1908
---Report of Barnard School for Month Ending March 6, 1908
Average Daily Attendance..........34.2
Neither Absent or Tardy:      Harold KOHFIELD, Emmerson SHAFER, Dean GIBBS, Lloyd GIBBS, Nola PRICE, Haysel JOHNSON, Everett BABCOCK, George MURRY, Ethel PATRICK, Edith GRUNDMEIER, Etta BLANDING, Ben STOVER, Lloyd GRIFFETH, Mary SORBER, Lon HEWES, Howard BLAIR, Hattie MURRY, Hazel GILL     Ella G. MCBRIDE, teacher
Avg Daily Attendance..........29
Neither Absent or Tardy:       Gladys JOHNSON, Merle MESICK, Fay VAUGHN, Harry VAUGHN, Doyle BIGGS, Dorothy PERKINS, Elden BRACKEN, Grace KOHFIELD, Melvin PATRICK, Lew GILL      Maud KELLER, teacher
Eighth Grade:
Avg Daily Attendance..........12
Neither Absent or Tardy:
Craig BRACKEN, Everett BROWN      Mona PERKINS, teacher
High School:
Avg Daily Attendance.........11.1
J.W. MARSTON, principal

Lincoln Sentinel, Feb. 6, 1913
---County Attorney Rahmeier and Sheriff Wolford were at Salina on legal business Wednesday. This is a bad pair to lie to.
---The committee in charge of the soldiers monument is doing some hard hustling and the fund is growing fast. It now reaches $522 and will surely be ready for unveiling next Memorial Day, May 30.
---Dr. Songer had a surgical operation performed while in the city to improve his hearing, therefore he will not be here until the last of the week.
---Pottersburg: Bad colds and the grippe seem to be a common thing in our burg at present. The Rev. ZOOK got a cow from Roy SPEAK of Prairie Grove to milk this spring and summer. Wm. KIRCHNER drove his carload of fat hogs to Sylvan Saturday and shipped them to Kansas City the first of the week.
---Dewdrop: John Jorgenson butchered a beef last Monday. Heretofore it has been a common thing to kill a beef, but at the present time it is up to an oil king or a cattle baron to do so.

Lincoln Sentinel, Feb. 13, 1913
---Denmark: The stone work is all complete on the new telephone building and H.W. CASSERLY is now busy with carpentry.
---Freedom: Amil OTTE has a new arch cave.
---Vesper: Ci McCALL has bought out Joe SCHELL's store and his son-in-law Earl WALKER will have charge of same. They will move here from Salina soon.

Lincoln Sentinel, Feb. 20, 1913
---Dewdrop: J.W. Wilson spoke at the literary a good piece about "The Boy Who Cleared theGun" in the time of the Crimean War and won a medal from the Queen for his bravery. When we read the piece years ago we never thought it would one day fall to our lot to hear the man speak the piece who was "The Boy That Cleared the Gun." That boy is William Wilson of Dewdrop. Hurrah for William.

Lincoln Sentinel, March 13, 1913
---Rev. HANNA and wife moved in the Presbyterian parsonage last week.
---Art BUCHANAN was elected president of the County Poultry Assoc. Art is getting to have a fine lot of chickens. � Fred RYAN thinks that he has about the finest Rhode Island Red rooster in this section of the state.
---Frank STONER returned from Manhattan where he was purchasing his outfit for the soda fountain and ice cream parlor which he intends to install in the room now occupied by the Sterling.

Lincoln Sentinel, March 20, 1913
---The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. REES who had her eye accidentally put out by a hair pin one day last week is suffering no pain from the effects of the accident and has been able to keep up her work in school all the time.

Lincoln Sentinel, April 3, 1913
---Frank STONER is getting ready for the opening of his Bon Ton Ice Cream Parlor. He has ordered the very best of fixtures and will have the room fixed up in the very best style. He says it will be the most up to date ice cream parlor in this section of the state.
---Alvin LEWICK is the new clerk in the H.D. Hall Drug Co.'s store.

Lincoln Sentinel, Nov. 20, 1913 ---L.J. DUNTON received word from his daughter from Sedro Wooley, Washington, stating that C.B. CHENEY died there on Nov. 3. Mr. Cheney was one of the early settlers in Lincoln county and lived here for many years. He left here about 10 years ago and since resided in Sedro Wooley. The older settlers here all remember him and will be sorry to hear of his early death. He was about 54 years old.
---Lewis Martin Lovin, the little babe of Martin and Mary Lovin, was taken home by the Good Shepherd Nov. 17, 1913, aged two months and 21 days. The funeral services at the home were conducted by Rev. Jay Hanna and Brother H.C. Bradbury.
---A.C. Nelson underwent an operation for abcess of the glands of the throat. He is getting along nicely.

Lincoln Sentinel, Nov. 20, 1913
---Lloyd ASKEY left here the first of the week for Scott City on business.
---Askey TUTTLE and wife of Salina visited here over Sunday with Mrs. Tuttle's parents, Henry SMITH and wife.
---Mrs. Thos. MULLOY returned from a six weeks stay at Kansas City Monday Evening.
---Miss Mabel MIDDLEKAUFF of Veser was among the Lincoln shoppers Tuesday.
---Will DODDS was in Salina last Friday on business and visited his brother.
---Misses Pearl SHEETS and Sophia JORGENSON accompanied the basket ball team to Sylvan Grove last Friday evening.
---John WHALEN Jr. went to Lawrence last Friday monring to be present at the Kansas-Nebraska game which was played there last Saturday.
---E. REES returned from his trip to Idaho last Friday evening. He does not seem to be very highly pleased with that section of the country.
---Miss Vona LYON visited with Miss Fleta DECKER at Sylvan Grove over Sunday.
---Apples for sale. I have about 100 bushels for sale at from $1.00 to $1.15 per bushel. N.B. REES.
---A. Abbott and S.W. BLOOMHEART returned to Beverly last Saturday after spending a week here in court.
---John STOVER got tired of batching so took the train last Saturday evening and went to Lucas and brought his family back Monday morning. He says it's alright to batch between meals but al meal time it gets rather disagreeable.
---Sam BRUMBAUGH of Vesper was here on business last Saturday and made this office a very pleasant call.
---Mrs. A.R. SEDORIS returned to her home at Wellington after a short visit here with her sister, Mrs. Art ADAIR.
---Fred LUCK and wife left here last Saturday morning for Solomon to visit relatives and from there they go to Bennington. They expect to be gone two weeks.
---Norman FRYE left last Sunday for Kansas City, Mo., where he will take a course in the Kansas City School of Watchmaking and Engraving.
---Miss Lula FARQUHARSON is the new cashier at the Eagle store.
---Mrs. E.A. MONTGOMERY went to Salina yesterday for a short visit with her sister.
---Lost One dark bay mule colt, one year old, had a halter on. If seen notify this office or Martin DAMKER of Yorktown line.
---Many thanks to my kind friends who have given me another Gospel horse to take the place of my crippled animal on the circuit. Yours, H.C. BRADBURY.
---E.S. BOWER is in Topeka attending the meeting of the progressives. Mr. BOWER is pominently mentioned for the progressive nomination for congress from this district next year. He is one of the leaders of the bull moosers in this state.
---Lost: One real estate man, answering the name of WILLARD and weighing about 250 pounds. Has not been seen about his usual place of business for the past three weeks. If seen notify this office.
---The Lincoln high school girls went to Sylvan last Friday evening and played the Sylvan girls and came back with a report that they came out second best in the struggle.
---C.A. SMITH and wife of Luray were here yesterday. By the way they came here in the morning and were married by Judge ARTMAN during the day and in the evening returned as husband and wife.
---W.W. McCANLES and wife and J.J. McCURDY and wife spent last Sunday in Beverly with relatives.
---Mrs. Will FARQUHARSON left here the first of the week for Pratt where her husband has a position as undertaker with a furniture firm.

Lincoln Sentinel, Dec. 18, 1913
---TARRENCE and BARRINGER are making preparations for the building of a new laundry building just west of the present one. The new building will be all stone and modern in every particular.

---From a locally written death notice of Hermon HOLCOMB, 84, a native Pennsylvanian who died in California Sept. 30, 1913: "Twenty five years ago H. HOLCOMB and wife removed from Lincoln to San Diego, Calif., where his daughter Hester SPRINGER lived. ... For a long time he held the champion's belt of Lincoln. Because a great strong man, quite a bully, came into his hardware store at Lincoln and threatened Bro. Holcomb, then Holcomb rushed for him and sat him down in a tub and made him behave. This belt was handed to other Lincoln heroes, who won in battle. Where is the belt now, no one knows."

Lincoln Sentinel, Dec. 25, 1913
---Married: At the home of the officiating minister, H.C. BRADBURY, Lincoln, on Saturday morning, Dec. 20, 1913, Charlie CLARK and Anna G. SELLMAN, both of Lincoln. they have a house all ready in the north part of town.

---In the guessing contest at the A.L. Shire store on how long the candle would burn, Walter LEWICK won, his guess being 65 1/2 hours and the exact time was 66 hours and 20 minutes. In the guessing contest on how many grains of corn three chickens would eat in a specified time, J.H. McFARLAND was decided the winner. His guess being 700, and the exact number was 717.
---Pottersburg: E.J. HARLOW took a hog to town last week. O.T. HARLOW took his turkeys to Sylvan last week, and hauled a load of hogs to Vesper. N.A. COFFMAN and Elmer GEYER were breaking mules to drive first of the week.
---Trail Creek: Ed WEBSTER picked his turkeys Saturday and shipped them to Kansas City Monday. Ed HOBBS and wife and Mrs. Roy SPEAR went to town Monday.

Lincoln Sentinel, Oct. 8, 1914
---On Tuesday night at the Court House, Mrs. George GREENE gave a very vivid and interesting account of early times here, when the Indians were in the land. She and the HENDRICKSON and STRANGE women in a little log cabin did some shooting and frightened the savages away when their men had gone to the Junction City land office, and the Indians made a raid and killed 13 of the settlers. Jodie GREENE is a very fluent speaker. She does not forget those old times.

Lincoln Sentinel, Nov. 12, 1914
---Miss Mabel LEWICK returned from Kentucky where she was this season as a trimmer in a millinery store. She says she had a good season and a very pleasant place to work Lincoln Sentinel, Jan. 7, 1915
---Avery A. PECK and Miss M. BURGER, both of Sylvan Grove, were married by Judge ARTMAN at the courthouse yesterday at noon.
---L.V. MINX visited the southern part of the state on business this week.
---Mrs. D.S. METZ visited relatives at Sylvan Grove the first of the week.
---Born to W.S. BAIRD and wife of near Vesper, on Thursday, Dec. 31, a girl.
---J.R. STEWART and wife left her yesterday for Iowa where they will visit relatives for a few weeks.
---W.A. McCLAIN and wife returned home Saturday evening from 10 days visit with the former�s daughter at Tescott.
---W.D. MORGAN has been ill and confined to his home for several days, but is reported as getting along nicely.

Lincoln Sentinel, Feb. 11, 1915
---Mr. J.D. BROCKETT left here Saturday for a short visit with relatives in Ohio.
---On Sunday morning a little before seven o�clock the pastor of the Presbyterian church performed his second early morning marriage ceremony, at the home of Mrs. LUFF north of the Windsor hotel, Jorgena Marie JORGENSON and Shirley C. PAGE were united in marriage.

Lincoln Sentinel, Feb. 18, 1915
---Pleasant Ridge: The following pupils of District No. 42 were neither tardy nor absent during the month ending Feb. 5th: Roy, May and Forrest ENGLISH, Johnny, Katie and Lillie CLEAVER, Elton, Emery and Ruth WATSON, Wayne HEALY, Wendell WATSON, Hervyl JONES, Mildred ENGLISH, Archie and Elmer MOSS.
---The Lincoln Dramatic Club put on one of the best plays in its five years� history on Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Princess Theater. In view of the fact that the first rehearsal with held just two weeks before the presentation, special mention should be made of the fact that the club put on the play wihtout a prompt. The cast: Blain HERMAN, Mrs. HERMAN, Mike HEALY, Pete HUTCHINSON, Frank HEALY, Ed PEPPER, Minnie OSTLAND, Bess WHALEN and Earl GOURE.

Lincoln Sentinel, April 15, 1915
---A revolver is a nickel-plated substitute for bravery, which has practically driven the original article out of the market. The revolver gives a puny man with a 5-8 inch brain and the pluck of a grasshopper a 100-year reach and makes him more deadly than a Sioux Indian. There was a time when this country had no dangerous animals, except bears and wolves, and life was safe except on the frontiers, but now vast hordes of 16-year-old boys with cigarettes in their face and portable cannons in their hip pockets, produce obituaries with the skill and enthusiasm of a cholera microbe; while it is not at all times possible to meet a personal enemy who has been chasing you for a week and who is reluctantly compelled to defend himself when he catches you by filling you so full of lead that your remains will require eight pallbearers. Revolvers are now so generally used in debate, in domestic quarrels and repartee of all sorts that 8,000 Americans die of them each year, it is said.

Lincoln Sentinel, April 29, 1915
---Mr. and Mrs. M.J. HEALY are the proud parents of a baby girl born Tuesday evening. Mother and the little girl are getting along nicely. It is doubtful about Mike�s recovery.

Lincoln Sentinel, July 22, 1915
---On last Wednesday morning, Spencer DONLEY was with his 12-year-old son, Roy, on his farm near Twin Mound, Franklin township. It was 9 o�clock and a rain came. They stopped cultivating corn, and they came to the barn for shelter. Roy was behind his father and he just tried to urge on his father�s mule, a tame animal. Looking back his father saw Roy, his dear boy, had received a terrible kick on the forehead from this animal which had become quite wild since their great hailstorm. Doctors O�DONNELL from Ellsworth and Drs. NEWLON and KERR were called and found the boy�s skull crushed in just over the eyes and they could give little hope of his recovery. He rested from his labor at 7 o�clock Friday evening.

Lincoln Sentinel, Nov. 11, 1915
---Married: On last Saturday evening, Nov. 6, 1915, at the home of the officiating minister, H.C. BRADBURY, Lincoln, Kansas. Miss Goldie E. HUNT of Barnard and Albert L. BENDURE. Rev. S.A. WHYSONG and wife and daughter assisted at the wedding. Albert is a painter by trade and has worked in Lincoln with William Sheets. The young bride is a daughter of John P. Hunt of Pinon neighborhood.

Lincoln Sentinel, Dec. 16, 1915
---Monday afternoon the corner stone of the Methodist Church was laid with appropriate ceremonies. Rev. STEVENS, the district superintendent, was present and spoke at the ceremony. Rev. HALL also made a good talk as he always does at any occasion. The work on the church is progressing nicely.

Lincoln Sentinel, Dec. 23, 1915
---Married on Friday, Dec. 17, 1915, Miss Laura BACUS and Mr. B. McCORMICK, both of Sylvan Grove, were married at the home of the officiating minister, H.C. BRADBURY. Sunday, Dec. 19th, 1915, Miss Theresa KLAMETH and Mr. Lloyd ASKEY were united in marriage at the Pottersburg Parsonage by Rev. H.W. ZOOK. Miss Emma J. McKINNEY of Lincoln and Mr. Riley MARKLEY of Barnard were married at the home of the officiating minister, H.C. BRADBURY, Sunday, Dec. 19th; Miss Eva MASSENGALE and Mr. Elva L. GOENS, wed on Dec. 30. Miss Ida MEINHERZ and Mr. J.W. MAHER were married in Salina last Thursday and came on to Lincoln that evening and will make their home here.
---A surprise awaited the congregation at the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning immediately after the sermon and prayer, Miss SMITH began playing the wedding march and a bridal couple entered from the adjoining room, taking their place before the pastor. The ceremony of the Presbyterian church was used, and Daniel L. DODGE of Salina and Elnora L. AHRING of Lincoln, were united in the holy bond of marriage.

Lincoln Sentinel, Sept. 4, 1924
---A flock of dragon flies said to be two miles wide flew over the city of Vesper at 7 o�clock Sunday evening. The flock, flying from the north to the south, took nearly half an hour to pass over the town.

Lincoln Sentinel, Feb. 10, 1938
---From now on it will do telephone users in Lincoln no good to ask central "Where's the fire?" for the information will not be given. As a result of a resolution adopted by the city council at their rmeeting Monday evening, telephone operators are no longer permitted to give the information accept to firemen and those directly concerned. It is believed that the new system will enable the firemen to give much better service in case of fire since they will not be hampered by a large number of spectators and cars in the way of the fire hose.
---One of the largest weddings in the history of Lincoln county courthouse was solemnized in the office of Probate Judge A. ARTMAN Thursday afternoon when Miss Hazel CORNELLISON of Milo and A.Y BREEDEN, superintendent of schools at Barnard, were united in marriage. Every available space in the room was occupied and the corridor of the building was crowded by witnesses to the ceremony, practically every student of the Banard high school having been present for the wedding.

Lincoln Sentinel, March 10, 1938
---The world was made more lonely for many, many people this week when J.W. KIME, friend to all, succumbed to an illness of several weeks, dying at his home Friday night at 11 o'clock. Engaged in hauling freight to and from the depot, doing trucking of every description, Mr. Kime came in contact with practically every family in the entire community and there are none who were not his friends. He was born Jan. 8, 1882, in Cedron township. He died March 4, 1938, at the age of 56 years, one month and 24 days.

Lincoln Sentinel, March 17, 1938
---A deal was closed last week between Blaine McCURRY and Clay KING in which King purchased the Milo store from McCurry, also taking over the post office, depot and elevator there.

Lincoln Sentinel, March 24, 1938
---Denmark: A filling station is being installed at the Denmark Cooperative elevator. The telephone girls of the local exchange were guests Saturday evening of Miss Bess HOWARD at Ira's restaurant when 6 o'clock dessert was served. � Those present for the occasion were the Misses Dorothy RATLIFF, Gladys LIGGETT, Maybelle ERICKSON, Mable POWERS, Catherine RANK, Pauline PINNICK, Neva KILCOYNE, Bernita BOSCH and Bess HOWARD.
---The annual St. Patrick's Day program and dance held in the township hall at Beverly on Thursday evening was well attended with approximately 300 persons present. Father MULVIHILL extended a hearty welcome. At the program, Henry J. TOOLE, drawing on his support of Irish wit and humor, acted as toastmaster.
---Mr. and Mrs. Edward HAMILTON and child were guests Sunday in the home of Mr. Hamilton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.D. HAMILTON, in Glen Elder.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Dec. 8, 1938
---James D. CLINE of Shady Bend left last Wednesday for Russville, Ind., where he expects to spend the winter with his brother, Thomas M. CLINE. This is the first reunion of the brothers in 52 years.

---At high noon Sunday, Dec. 4, 1913, Miss Alma Kingan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kingan, became the bride of Mr. Dwight SPERRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin SPERRY.
---The Rev. E.L. BROWN informs the Sentinel Republican that he had the pleasure of performing the marriage ceremony which united Miss Ruth WOODY of Victor and Esbern LEACH of Manhattan Tuesday, Nov. 22.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Dec. 22, 1938
---Mr. and Mrs. Henry KRUCKENBERG will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, jan. 1, at their home, south of Lincoln.

---Employees of the local telephone office held their annual Christmas party Tues. eve in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold SHUPP. Refreshments were served to the Misses Neva KILCOYNE, Mable POWERS, Bernita BOSCH, Dorothy RATLIFF, May Ellen ERICKSON, Iva BUCY, Pauline PINNICK, Mrs. Helen DAUM, Eddie PINNICK, Mr. and Mrs. SHUPP and daughter Norma Jean.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, Dec. 29, 1938
---During the past week, two well known and respected citizens of this community have been called by death. J.J. MAHER, for 61 years a resident of Lincoln county, passed away Friday noon, and C.C. SPRINGE, a retired merchant, answered the final summons Tuesday morning.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, March 2, 1939
---Central Building Terms "Fire Trap" Lincoln school district 6 is badly in need of a new or remodeled grade school building... Ray ALLISON, inspector for the Kansas department of inspections and registration, told members of the School board last week, following his inspection of the present building for the state�s division of fire. All of the school buildings in this city being satisfactory except the central building. Due to the existence of numerous extreme fire hazards, he wrote in his official report, it is a constant fire menace and the lives to 200 small children are daily jeopardized.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Aug. 31, 1939
---The DILLON family reunion was celebrated in the spacious country home of Mr. and Mrs. L. DILLON at Vesper on Sunday, Aug. 27. The day was wonderfully cool and pleasant. Dinner was served cafeteria style to the 55 present. The event was an especially happy occasion due to the presence of distant relatives coming to spend the day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harley WHALEY, Ravenwood, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Roy WHALEY, Mrs. Cora WHALEY, Elmo, Mo., Frank NEW Jr., Hopkins, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Ed DILLON and daughter Waneta, Mrs. A.E. GLOVER and daughter Estalene, North Branch, Kan.; Walter DILLON, Burr Oak, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd BROTHERS and daughter Ella May, Sterling; Gern NEW of Nickerson; Mrs. Laura WIRTH and sons, Emory and Francis, Waldo; Mr. and Mrs. Roy DILLON, Leo and Melva Marie, Sylvan Grove; Mr. And Mrs. Carl DILLON and daughter Erma Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Martin JOHANSEN and Russel Anglin, Mr. and Mrs. L. DILLON, Vesper; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis PISTOLE, Mervin, Melvin and Lois (??), Milo; Mr. and Mrs. Glen PISTOLE and son Clarence, Harold OETTING, Hunter; Mrs. Mary HANNEMAN and sons, Elmer, Roy and Delmar Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene SPEAR, Leola and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil PISTOLE, Virgil Jr. and Vivian, John HOLMQUIST, Ed B. DILLON, Miss Nannie DILLON, all of Lincoln.
---Miss Betty Jo HERREN, Russell, came Saturday evening for a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Johanna HERREN.
---Mrs. Ethel HAGBERG spent Monday in Wichita, transacting business and purchasing holiday merchandise for her store.
---Mr. and Mrs. T.O. SHIRK spent Sunday in Bennington at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira ROHLFING and Mrs. P.I. SHIRK.
---Honoring the birthday anniversary of Mrs. John LEWICK Jr., a picnic dinner was held Sunday at the city park. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John LEWICK and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. DRESSELHAUS and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Olen ECKHART and Sandra.
---A picnic was enjoyed in the City park Friday evening, when the following were present: Miss Margaret ROSE, Miss Agnes HEALY, Miss Elizabeth BURT, Mrs. Rolland PAGE, Mrs. John McCAULEY, Mrs. Eugene LEWICK and Mrs. Jay ELLIOTT of Augusta.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Aug. 24, 1939
---Mr. and Mrs. Olen ECKHART announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Lon Morgan BUZICK, the ceremony having been performed in Kansas City, Mo., Thursday, July 6. The young couple will be at home in Sylvan Grove after September 1.
---A family reunion honoring birthday anniversaries of members occurring in August was held at the C.A. GREENE home in Beverly, Sunday, Aug. 20. Those present were C.A. GREENE and family, Beverly; Niles GREENE and family, Mrs. O.M. CHILCOTT, Jewell; Mr. and Mrs. Joe GREENE and Larry Joe, Bird City; Mrs. Harold HOFMANN and daughter Jeannette, Hays; Miss Helen GREENE, Ness City; Mr. and Mrs. James WRIGHT, Lafayette, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. R.W. GREENE, Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell GREENE and children, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. George O. GREENE, Natoma; Mr. and Mrs. Ogden W. GREENE and family, Lincoln, Neb.; Mrs. Nellie McCOWAN and son Alfred and daughters Kathryn and Mrs. James FRANKLIN and her son Jimmy, all from Kansas City, Kan.
---The fourth annual reunion of the PECKHAM families was held at the city park in Lincoln Sunday, Aug. 20, attended by 71 relatives. A basket dinner was enjoyed at noon, followed by an afternoon of informal visiting and games. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George PECKHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Roy LIVINGOOD and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd LEMMONS and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim CURTIS, Eldon, and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Joe COUSE and family, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. LOUDER and family, Mrs. Ed LYSTER, Herbert KOBBEMAN and daughter Eileen, all of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Hans LARSEN of Vesper; Mr. and Mrs. Walter GORTON, Mrs. Hattie TAYLOR of Beverly; Mr. and Mrs. U.G. COIL and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene COIL and children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert TAYLOR and daughter, Charles PECKHAM of Salina; John CASE, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis PECKHAM and family, Mr. and Mrs. John PECKHAM and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl CASE and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willie KADEL and children, Jack and Dewey PECKHAM, Hunter; Mr. and Mrs. Glen LOUDER and daughter of Barnard.
---Mr. and Mrs. T.M. METZ entertained at a steak fry at their country home Wednesday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Donald LIVINGOOD of Los Angeles, who have been visiting here. An informal evening was spent. Present were Mr. and Mrs. LIVINGOOD, Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Dan CROMWELL and family, Mr. and Mrs. D.S. METZ and Misses Perl and Minnie METZ, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. DODDS, Mr. and Mrs. Roy LIVINGOOD and sons, Mr. and Mrs. METZ, Peggy and Daniel.
---General Hazen Post of the Women's Relief Corps met in regular session Saturday, Aug. 19, Pearl LOVIN, senior vice president, in charge. Roll call showed three officers absent. The resignations of Grace BERRYMAN, assistant conductor, and Laura HEMMINGER, secretary, were read. Mrs. HEMMINGER had been secretary of the W.R.C. since 1930 and while the organization is sorry to lose such a faithful member, they wish her success in her new home.
---Those who enjoyed a weiner roast Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. Bertha SHERMAN were the Misses Evelynbelle REES, Mary Agnes and Joan HEALY, Vera Mae MURRAY, Mrs. Olive HARTMAN and Mrs. SHERMAN.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, Dec. 7, 1939
---Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o�clock in Topeka for Mrs. Elma H. BRADBURY, widow of the Rev. H.C. BRADBURY, pioneer Lincoln county minister and circuit rider. She was 81. (Note: Mrs. BRADBURY had lived at Topeka for many, many years. She went there to take care of young grandchildren in the home of her son-in-law after the death of a daughter, and never returned to Lincoln to live.)

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, Dec. 14, 1939
---A possum which weighed 7 � pounds after being dressed for the vent, provided John QUINN with another southern feast this week. The possum presented Quinn by Ted LOHMANN, was the biggest yet, said Quinn, and had plenty of fat to grease the corn bread. Besides the meat and cornbread, Quinn had his usual sweet potatoes and buttermilk.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, Dec. 21, 1939
---The generosity of one of Lincoln County�s civic-minded citizens, John J. McCURDY, caused 55 youngsters to beam with happiness Sunday, Dec. 17. The boys, most of whom ranged from five to nine years of age, represented various communities scattered over Lincoln County. Mr. McCurdy apparently remembered the old adage, The saddest words are �it might have been,� because only two days preceding his seventh annual Christmas celebration for the boys of Lincoln county did Mr. McCurdy decide to give a party this year; as a result over 50 little chaps will remember Mr. McCurdy�s courtesy for many years to come. (The meal featured chicken served at the Star caf�.)
---Fred SPRAGUE, football captain of the Lincoln team this fall, was one of 11 high school football players of Kansas to be named one an all-state high school team presented Friday by the Topeka Daily Capital.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, Jan. 4, 1940
---Only 41 couples applied for marriage licenses in Lincoln county during 1939, records in the office of A. ARTMAN, probate judge, show. According to Judge Artman, this is a new low mark for marriage licenses in the county, and the first time since the �70s that the number issued has fallen below 50.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, Jan. 11, 1940
---One of the most colorful and historical lives of Lincoln county and central Kansas was closed last Tuesday, Jan. 2, when Christian CHRISTIANSEN, 85 years of age, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A.E. NELSON, leaving behind him a life rich and endowed with memories of a pioneer age and of the building of central Kansas from the dugout era to the present advanced stage. He was born in Slevig, Denmark, and came to the United States in 1867. As a boy of 14, Mr. Christiansen was one of those Lincoln county pioneers who experienced the terrible Indian raid of May 30, 1869.
---William John BERRYMAN, who homesteaded near Lincoln in 1876, died at his home on that original claim Sunday morning, January 7, aged 83 years, two weeks and two days. He was one of the county�s oldest residents. He and his wife, the former Susanna STEVENSON of Pennsylvania, homesteaded on a place northwest of Lincoln in 1876, and were the parents of two children.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, Feb. 1, 1940
---Mr. and Mrs. Lewis SKINNER, new managers of the Lincoln Electric Hatchery, are now at home in Lincoln having arrived several weeks ago from their former home a Neodesha.
---Fire believed to have started in the ceiling or attic about a stove, completely destroyed the five room resident of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. SEIBERT in the vicinity of the old fair grounds, early Saturday morning, the father, mother and their two children barely escaping from the blazing home in their night clothes.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, Feb. 20, 1940
---When H.H. BLAIR of Barnard applied for a 1940 license plate for his truck, it made the 26th tag the truck has worn. The vehicle, a 1913 Ford, is the veteran of all Lincoln county motor trucks and is three years older than the county�s eldest pleasure car, a 1916 Ford touring owned by August REMUS, who also purchased a 1940 plate for his machine. While it is possible that there are even more ancient trucks or cars owned in the county and run on their own power, Miss Helen FLAHERTY, who served as vehicle clerk, is doubtful.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, April 4, 1940
---That death loves a shining mark was again demonstrated Friday morning when H.J. TOOLE, county weed supervisor, died unexpectedly at St. John�s hospital in Salina where he was apparently recovering from a ruptured appendix and peritonitis. He was born April 1882.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, April 11, 1940
---P.W. HOLM, well known farmer of the Denmark commnity, has been named Lincoln county bindweed supervisor, succeeding the late H.J. TOOLE. Miss Thelma J. McMULLEN remains as office secretary.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, April 18, 1940
---At the annual school meeting held in the high school auditorium April 12, Edw. HAMILTON was elected director of the Board of Education for District 6.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, July 4, 1940
---Members of the LEWICK families held a reunion Sunday at the City park. A basket dinner was served at noon, followed by an afternoon of visiting. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lou MARSH, Beverly; Mrs. Mabel COOPER, Hollister, Calif.; Mrs. H.R. JOSLIN and Jo Ann, Batavia, N.Y.; Mrs. Robert BELT and Susan Lee, Arkansas City; Mrs. John LEWICK Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John LEWICK Jr., Miss Pearl LEWICK, Paul LEWICK, Mrs. Henry TOOLE, Mrs. Henry BOHLING, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin LEWICK and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. LEWICK and son.
---Mrs. L.A. TARRENCE and Miss Dorothe went to Emporia June 23 and stayed until Saturday. While they were there Miss Dorothe audited the courses for the Emporia State Teachers Training school, they also visited with friends.
---Harold STARBUCK, Lansing, came Monday to spend a few days with Mrs. STARBUCK and family. He will return to his work Wednesday.
---Mr. and Mrs. John SCHLAPPY, Arthur and Beulah, Delores RAPLEE and Dale BARINGER enjoyed a picnic in the Beloit park Sunday.

Lincoln Sentinel Republican, July 11, 1940
---Working in his spare time over a period of several weeks, Frank A. COOPER, local artist, has been preparing a most unusual and interesting (four feet by six feet canvas) map of Lincoln county, giving a pictorial history of dates and events which have occurred over a period of years.
---The proposed budget for social welfare in Lincoln county will call for $81,300, according to the budget which has been prepared in the office of Miss Lucretia SCHOLER, welfare director.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Aug. 22, 1940
--- Monday, August 19 was not just merely another Monday for R.K. Crawford and his sister, Mrs. J.K. Stevenson, for it was an anniversary to them, marking the 63rd anniversary of their arrival in Lincoln county.
Mrs. STEVENSON, R.K. CRAWFORD and their brother, John H. CRAWFORD came to this county August 18, 1877, two months after their father, William CRAWFORD, arrived from their home in Williamsport, Penn., to claim a homestead for his family. The CRAWFORDS came by train to Ellsworth and from that point traveled overland to their new home in Lincoln county.
---Lincoln people were pleased last Tuesday to read the following Associated Press dispatch: "Paul GARRETT, 48, who was born at Lincoln, Kansas, has been elected a vice president of General Motors Corporation. Garrett, formerly financial editor of the New York Evening Post, has been director of public relations for General Motors since 1931."
Those who have lived in this community for nearly half a century recalled the Garrett family who moved from here to Ottawa, Kansas, in 1896. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.L. GARRETT, owned the present C.A. WATSON farm northwest of Lincoln and during their residence in this county the mother taught at Surprise school for a number of years. The SHAFFSTALL and S.A. ALTMAN families were neighbors of the Garretts and the children, of these families were among those attending the school taught by Mrs. Garrett. After leaving Lincoln, the Garrets lived at Ottawa only a short time, moving from there to Washington state where the father died. It is believed that the mother may be still living.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Oct. 29, 1942
---We are taking this means of saying "Thank You" to all our friends and patients for their kindness during the time we were in Lincoln. We expect to return to Lincoln after the war and will again be there to serve you. - Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. SONGER.

---Dr. H.E. KIRSCH, osteopathic physician and surgeon, has located in Lincoln. He has rented the former Lincoln hopsital building from Miss Hannah Cole and has his office at his residence. It will be recalled that Dr. A.C. JOHNSON was located there a number of years ago. Dr. Kirtsch comes to Lincoln from Beloit but before that practiced at Sylvan Grove.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Nov. 5, 1942
---Mrs. Jennie BROCKETT announces the marriage of your youngest daughter, Lois Irene, to Mr. Charles R. MANBECK, son of Mr. C.R. MANBECK of Blue Rapids, Kansas. The ceremony was performed Saturday afternoon, Oct. 31, at Wamego, Kansas by R. Cleinbach. Until recently the bride attended Lincoln high school where she was a member of the senior class. Mr. Manbeck is employed by the Union Pacific railroad company as operator. The couple will be at home in Onaga, where he is employed at present.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Nov. 26, 1942
--- W.W. URBAN, Lincoln attorney, has accepted an appointment as U.S. government investigator for the OPA [Office of Price Administration] and OEM [Office of Emergency Measures], starting his work last Friday. For the next 60 days, Mr. Urban will be located at Wichita, the state director's headquarters for the investigating service. Later he will probably be assigned a regular district in the state which he will be required to cover for the two government agencies.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican, Dec. 3, 1942
---Dr. C.E. MITCHELL, who left here in March 1934 for Kiowa, Kansas, has returned to Lincoln and is again practicing his profession, having his office in the Sutton building the first block south of the city hall. The Mitchell family have rented one of the B.G. HALL houses in the northeast part of town, on north Second street, where they are now at home. Dr. Mitchell is an osteopathic physician and surgeon and when here formerly enjoyed a large practice. His friends are happy to welcome him again into the community.

---For the first time in a number of years, Lincoln will not light up the skies with myriads of colored lights in an effort to spread or reflect the Christmas spirit. The decision was made Monday evening at the regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce as a result of requests from the War Production board that merchants, individuals and cities refrain from using outdoor decorative lighting this year.
Due to the sugar shortage, the Chamber of Commerce was also forced to cancel plans for the annual Santa Claus Day. Candy in any quantity could not be purchased for the free treats for the kiddies.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.