Gleanings from 1880 Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1880's newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.

The Lincoln Register, Jan. 9, 1880
---List of Letters remaining in the Post-Office, Jan 1, 1880: W. W. Austin, B. W. Alexander, John Austin, Geo Albright, Dewitt Benham, Mrs. Susanna Dane, E. E. Edwards, O. K. Evans, Charles D. Frain, Stephen Francis, Geo. E. Gills, Mrs. Till Golvin, D. O. Gunn, Silas Hammers, All Hemminger, Charles H. Parker, Alooh Prinblin, R. S. Riddle, Lewis M. Rishee, Jacob Rugh, Joe Smith, J. Z. Springer, P. M., Miss Mary Stites, J. A. Terrill, Irwin Tomsworth, D. S. Vanse, L. A. Wilson.
---MARRIED--On Jan 4, 1880, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Charles STEINHAUS and Miss Emma E. ACHTERBERRY, by Rev. M. R. ERDMON; all of Lincoln county. The Register wishes them as bright a future as was their wedding day.
---Mrs. G. M. LUTES has returned.
---Dr. DAY, the Dentist is in town.
---Hon. C. J. BROWN, of Beloit, is in the city upon business.
---Mr. REED has moved his family to town, but his wife is very sick.
---Mr. BRADBURY's house is assuming imposing proportions.
---S. H. HINDS, representing H. M. BRIGGS, of Salina, has been in the city this week.
---Mr. H. HOLCOMB returned Wednesday from St. Louis, where he has been to buy goods.
---John O'MORRISON, of Elmira, in Mitchell county, remained in the city last Monday night. He is well pleased with our city and county.
---J. C. PEAVEY of Elmira, Mitchell county, for old times sake, wants the Register for six months.
---Mr. B. T. WINENS of California is stopping at the Quimby house and will most likely locate here. He is a gentleman of considerable means.
---Mr. Henry CIPHERS and Miss Sarah POTTER were married at the residence of the bride's parents by the brides father on New Years day.
Mr. CHESHER and Mr. PFOFF will soon open an agricultural store in the old Swinburg block.
---Mr. W. L. GILLMORE of Monroe, was up and invited the Register to his house another year. He reports the wheat down there as doing well.
---Hon. Sam. BERRY, Hon. F. M. BROWN, have been in the city this week and in company with Dr. BRYANT of this city have been guarding the purse of the county in the capacity of County Commissioners. They had the pleasure of looking at many bills and some of them were quite large.
---The Adams House fed 113 people New Year's Eve.
---Coal is now being delivered in this city, from the home minus at $5.00 per ton.
---Next Wednesday night, at the Court House. Every body turn out to take steps to secure a free bridge over the river.
---For final proof papers and all business in that line go to Judge Wellman in the Court House.
---There was a surprise donation at the Presbyterian church last night, in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Bradbury. It was well attended and was quite a favorable surprise to the Elder.
---Some change has been made in the police force of our town. Mr. Farley resigned his position as Marshal, and Mr. DeArmond was appointed in his stead, with Mr. Thomas Strange as assistant.
---The ice harvest, as harvested at the present time, and properly housed for Lincoln Center, amounts in aggregate to 75 tons. Strange and Sherman 50 tons, and R.A. Thompson, 25 tons.
---Misses Blanch and Alice Wellman, daughters of Judge Wellman, of the city received as their Christmas present and the token of parental affection, a beautiful Estey organ.
---The Vesper folks enjoyed themselves most magnificently on Christmas Eve. They met in the school house and had an 'arch,' which one reporter says was loaded with presents. There were over 200 persons present, and all enjoyed themselves as befitting of the time.

Lincoln County Beacon ---Thursday, April 1, 1880
---Born March 25 to John and Catherine KLEPPER a nine pound daughter.

Lincoln County Beacon ---Thursday April 29, 1880
---Married April 22, 1880, by Judge WELLMAN at his residence, Hugh A. OWEN and Amanda MILLER or Pottersburg.
---Married on Sunday, April 26th, at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Charles INGHAM, son of Geo INGHAM, to Miss Maggie POWELL, both of Colorado (Township).

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, May 13, 1880
---Notice: Lincoln County District Court: Josephus F. BAKER, plaintiff, vs. Mary T. BAKER; petition filed May 8, 1880. Mr. BAKER, of Lincoln County, charges M.T. BAKER, of Champaign, Illinois, with having willfully abandoned him for more than a year and asks for a divorce.

Lincoln Co. Register, June 4, 1880
Pleasant Hill and Colorado ---Wheat harvest commenced in this neighborhood the 4th last. Most of the wheat will be harvested this week, and generally with heading machines. Some pieces of corn look well, while others look as if they were almost dead. Oats will be almost a failure unless we have rain soon.

---Mr. RAPLEE has been quite sick, but is better now.
---Colorado is taking a boom [?] our merchant has built an addition to his mammoth store, and has a large cistern just completed, waiting for a "gentle shower," and Mr. TURNBELL is building a large stone black smith shop, and proposes to do first class work.
---Miss Hattie BALL is visiting friends in Salina.
---Mrs. ROGERS is enjoying green peas and other garden "sass" to her heart's content.
---Well, Mr. Editor, the Census taker has been around, and it made our heart go pit a-pat to have a lady ask us so many questions, but think we will survive it all, and thank our stars it will be ten years before Uncle Sam can send a lady to our bachelor den on such an errand again.
---The Pleasant Hill Sunday school has perfected arrangements for their picnic on the Fourth; five other schools joining with them in the arrangements, and expect to make a very enjoyable affair of it.
---Frank WILLIAMS will start for his old home in the East in a few days.
David JONES was in on Tuesday. He reports his cattle doing exceedingly well.
---T. L. WEBSTER was down on Tuesday and interviewed the Commissioners ? over assessment.
---D. SWANK, of Milo, was in and says that he is confident of a fair yield of the best wheat he ever raised.
---Elder SCOTT preached here last Sunday to a large audience, and at four o'clock p.m. he preached on Bull Foot.
---G. HARDESTY and A. C. JACKSON have returned from Chicago, but "Chief" JOSEPH remains in the East, as his wife is very sick.
---Dexter RUGGLES, of Beloit, and his brother of Salina, looked over Lincoln Center last Sunday and were astounded at its prosperity.
---M. A. JACKSON, Sam. BERRY and F. M. BROWN, members of the Board of County Commissioners, were in last Monday and held a session as an Equalization Board.
---Hon. V. BALL and wife, of Colorado, with Maj. C. F. SCHAFER and wife, of Shady Bend attended the strawberry festival in this city on last Friday night.
---Meeting at Putney's grove closed Sunday night. There were several covered wagons and tents on the grounds, some coming a distance of 120 miles. The meeting was conducted by Rev. Baker, of Chicago.
---Mrs. Wm. HARLOW, Postmistress, is suffering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism.
---Mr. SUTTON, from the Saline, is having his farm of 160 acres put in corn.
---Mr. T. C. SAFFORD is having some breaking done.
---Wm. MAHONEY has moved up in town.
---Mrs. ROLLINS, or "Mrs. Enumerator," is going her rounds, counting the children and getting the old maids, bachelors and school marms' ages. Of course, it has to be told. You know they don't like to think it has to be sent "clean" up to Washington, and there they will all learn how old "Eve" is and all the balance of 'em. Awful to contemplate! She is doing the work in good style. Mr. L. F. HOOPS started on the same business Monday.
Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, June 10, 1880
---Married Sunday, June 6, 1880, by Judge WELLMAN, at his residence, Mr. Lewis P. NELSON and Mrs. Mary NELSON VERNON.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, June 24, 1880
---Mrs. PARTCH of Delphos, Ottawa County, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. VINE, in this place.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, July 1, 1880
---(From Pinon local news section) Mr. Ai WOODWARD has recently taken in a new female boarder weighing nine and a half pounds. (Note... father's first name appears as "Ai" in article.
---Married on Sunday evening last at the residence of Thomas FAULKNER by J.L. HARPER, Esq., Mr. Alexander LEWIS of the vicinity of Pinon, to Miss Pauline M. BALDWIN of Washington County, Illinois.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, July 8, 1880
---born July 4th to Dr. and Mrs. HOLLOWAY a son.
---born June 23rd to Geo. W. and Sallie G. FINCH a son.
---born June 9th to N.B. and Ibba DeARMOND a daughter.
---born July 4th to Thomas and Sarah STRANGE a daughter. All (the above) of Lincoln.
---married July 4, 1880, by Judge WELLMAN at his residence, J.W. NEWLAND and Rebecca HAGER.

Lincoln County Beacon --- July 8, 1880
---Married, On Sunday evening last, at the residence of Thomas Faulkner, by J.L. Harper, Esq., Mr. Alexander Lewis, of the vicinity of Pinon, to Miss Pauline M. Baldwin, of Washington Co., Ill.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, July 15, 1880
---Born at Paris, Ks, July 2d to Mr. and Mrs. William O. PARMENTER, a son, weight 10 lbs.
---Report of Spring Valley School, district no. 11, for the month ending June 25, 1980... Mary SHELDON, Hattie DAVIS, Nellie HAMBLIN and Emerson NEWTON were perfect in attendance and deportment; Jennie and Clara WALTERS, Lorena WIKOFF, ALta NOBLE, Ellen BELL and George WATSON, Florence HAMBLIN and William LINNET were perfect in deportment... Cora J. McREYNOLDS, teacher.
---We are in receipt of a letter from A. I. DAVIS formerly of this place. Mr. DAVIS and family are now in the vicinity of Boise City, ID, and have their journey about 2/3 completed.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, July 22, 1880
---Mr. George BOOKING and wife and Miss BOOKING are visiting Mrs. B's sister, Mrs. D.C. COOLBAUGH, of this place.
---Married at the residence of the officiating minister, Reb. A.E. LITZ, on Tuesday evening, July 20, 1880, Mr. H. S. MANNING to Miss Lettie WALKER, all of Golden Belt Township, Lincoln County, Kansas.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, July 29, 1880
---(from Colorado area local news) H. WHEELER and family will start for Illinois in about three weeks.
---Monroe Sabbath School Picnic will be held July 31st at B.C. McCLELLAND's residence. Program to be presented includes the following individuals: Geo INGHAM, Rev. LAWSON, Mrs. ABBOTT, Misses WEBB and McGUIRE, Rev GOLDEN, B.C. McCLELLAND, Mattie EVANS, Peral LA BARR and May BELLEVILLE.... (submitted by) Ella McGUIRE, secretary.
---Mrs. Charles CHAPLER was seriously hurt a few days ago by being struck on the ankle by a stampeding horse.
---Mr. Luther TORREY and family start the latter part of this week for Lyons County, this state.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, August 5, 1880
---(from Monroe area local news) Born on the 26th of July to William and Rose VALENTINE, two little girls. They are so near alike.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, August 12, 1880
---Gen. J. S. BRISBIN, author of the life of Garfield, is the brother of Mrs. Col. BROWN, formerly of this county and now of Jewell City; also of Mrs. MORGAN of Cedron, this county.
---Report of school taught to Pottersburg dist. no. 19 for term beginning April 26, 1880 and ending July 16, 1880: Miss Minnie MARSHALL, most credits in spelling; Hilas SMITH, Minnie MARSHALL, Mary COFFMAN, Clarence RANDALLS, Lissetta MILLER, Clara BROOKS, Ida ROLLINS, and Mabel SMITH, perfect deportment; Orson HARLOW, Mabel SMITH and Oren HARLOW were present every day. ... Mary H. HENNIGH, teacher.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, August 19, 1880
---Married at Lincoln Center, August 14, 1880, by Rev. Henry C. BRADBURY, Eley R. DEYO to Emma B. IRICK.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, August 26, 1880
---The many friends of David HARDESTY, Jr., will regret to learn that he has moved with his family to his old home in Porter County, Indiana.
---David REED of Battle Creek started last Tuesday with his family for Chautauqua County and will make that county his home. Mr. REED was one of Lincoln's oldest and most esteemed citizens.
---J.C. STOGSDILL.... homestead application... witnesses: R.S. WILMARTH, Frank PRIEST, E.B. BISHOP and A.C. McKNIGHT, all of Lincoln, Lincoln County, Kansas.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, September 2, 1880
---Married in Franklin Township at the residence of J.S. PITCHER August 22 by W.M. CHIDISTER, justice of the peace, Mr. Allen A. HEMINGER to Miss Almira L. PITCHER, both of Lincoln County.
---Married in Franklin Township athe residence of the bride's father, August 29th, by S.J. EVANS, justice of the peace, Rolla H. McCANDLASS to Ruth J. COOPER

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, September 9, 1880
---(from Pinon area local news) Mr. L.B. BALDWIN of Washington County, Illinois, is now visiting his relatives and children, Mr. and Mrs. FALKNER near Woody and J.C. BALDWIN Esq and Mrs. Pauline M. LEWIS of this vicinity. He is accompanyed by his son-in-law, Mr. J.C. SANDERS.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Sep. 16, 1880
---Married by Rev. A.D. GOODWIN in the Presbyterian Church in Lincoln Center at 8pm on September 14th, C.T. PICKETT and Minnie PIERCE. Mr. Sibley A. PIERCE of Chicago officiated as groomsman and Miss Minnie SCOTT of Leavenworth as bridesmaid. Guests from abroad: Rev. A.D. GOODWIN and two daughters from Ellsworth; Mr. Lyman GUNN, wife and daughter from Beloit; Mr. and Mrs. MORSE and Mr. and Mrs. WASHER from Milo; Miss Minnie SCOTT from Leavenworth; and Miss Rhoda PHILLIPS from Salina. (the article goes on to list many gifts and givers).
---Mr. M.B. HATHAWAY will leave Lincoln after a residence among us of a year and a half for Benton County, Arkansas.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, September 23, 1880
---(From Pinon area local news) Mr. RACKERBY has sold his farm.
---Results of last Monday's election to fill three vactated seats on the council (city council?): Winners were members of the Anti-Temperence Party, R.F. BRYANT, Ben WICKER and E.S. PIERCE. Those who lost are members of the Temperence Party: A.S. ROBINSON, G.M. LUTES and S.O. HINDS.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, September 30, 1880
---(From Topsy area local news) Peter NELSON has done nothing else this week but sing that Swede song of his. Cause-- it's a boy.
---(From Topsy area local news) Married recently at the bride's home, Mr. Gideon SHANNON to Miss GARDNER.
---Married at Lincoln Center September 22, 1880, by Rev. H.C. Bradbury, assisted by Rev. E. BRADBURY, William N. ROSS of Ellsworth County to Ida ALLBRIGHT of Lincoln County.
---We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Ella M. ROLLINS of Pottersburg has disposed of her property in that neighborhood and will take up her residence in Washington County.
---Dr. COGSWELL and wife left Lincoln Center Monday last for West Kansas City where Dr will locate for the practice of medicine... [after] his stay of about three years [in Lincoln County].

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, October 7, 1880
---John CANTRELL has been appointed postmaster at Milo.
---C. HORN formerly a resident of Victor, Mitchell County, has removed to Allamead.
---Mrs. A.E. DOOLITTLE has been appointed the postmistress of the new post office at No. 15. It will be called Bashan.
---Mrs. L. CULLENS and family, for eight years residents of Lincoln County, started for their old home in Indiana last week.
---Mr. Paris LONG of this place has disposed of his city property to L.F. HOOPS and will in a few weeks take up his departure to Eldorado Springs, Arkansas.
---M.B. HATHAWAY and family accompanied by his son-in-law, Mr. SHIELDS, started Monday last for Benton County, Arkansas. We are sorry to lose them.
---Married September 29th at the residence of the bride's parents in Ottawa County, near Colorado, Charles H. EARL to Miss Katie B. GRUND by Squire Thomas W. ADAMS, J.P.
---September 30, 1880 Land Office at Salina: Hiram DEEDS, homestead application. Witnesses: J.T. BRAADUATER, W.D. MORGAN, E.B. WILLIAMSON and William DOTY, all of Herman, Lincoln County, Kansas.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, October 14, 1880
---(From Monroe area local news) Born October 5, to Nery and Alice DAWSON, a girl.
---District Court actions:

---Coleman FLAHARTY vs Bridget FLAHARTY, petition for divorce.
---L. McCORMICK vs L. McCORMICK, petition for divorce. [reported as granted
later in this issue]
---M.S. STONER vs Wm STONER, petition for divorce.
---M.J. BACON vs D.G. BACON, petition for divorce.
---J.F. BAKER vs M.T. BAKER, petition for divorce. [reported as granted later in this
---Eliza McNALLY vs H. McNALLY, petition for divorce.
---Prof. ALLSWORTH moved into town last week and now occupies a residence upon Court Street opposite the QUIMBY house.
---Married at the residence of the bride at Paris, by W.O. PARMENTER, J.P. [i.e. Justice of the Peace], Ansel E. SYPHERS and Augusta M. MILLS, both of Lincoln County, Kansas.
---[Names of homesteaders appearing under "Government Lands" section of this issue]: Geo. P. IDE, John DESHAZER, John P. HARMAN, Josephus F. BAKER, Thomas D. KELLEY, John MEDCRAFT, Hiram DEEDS, Byron MOORE, Equa C. TWIBELL, Henry KERR and Joseph K. PITTMAN.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, October 21, 1880
---(From Monroe area local news) Married at the home of the bride in Colorado Township, October 10, George DUNLAP to Miss Emma COX, by whom report saith not.
---(From Monroe area local news) Born to R.H. and Edna TYLER on October 10, a son, which fills an aching void in the heart of the mother cused by the departure of little Rufus some three months since.
---District Court actions:

---C. FLAHARTY vs J. FLAHARTY, petition for divorce, dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
---Mr. Joseph RACKERBY of Battle Creek, who has been a resident of Lincoln County for eight years will start in a short time for Benton County, Arkansas.
---Mr. PRINDLE, a young lawyer from Michigan, has decided to locate in our town. Mrs. PRINDLE arrived a few days since.
---[Names of homesteaders appearing under "Government Lands" section of this issue]: John P. HARMAN, Josephus F. BAKER, Thomas D. KELLEY, John MEDCRAFT, Hiram DEEDS, Byron MOORE, Equa C. TWIBELL, Henry KERR, William PYE and Joseph K. PITTMAN.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, October 28, 1880
---We are sorry to learn that Mr. WATROUS and estimable wife intend shortly to leave for the east to reside there permanently.
---(From Pinon area local news) Mrs. McILVANEY, her 2nd daughter and three youngest children started to Randolph County, Illinois, where they intend making their home for the future. Mr. McILVANEY and other family members will follow in the course of a week or two.
---Born to T.J. BONHAM and wife, October 21, a daughter.
---Married October 8, by Rev. Bekker at the Danish Church at Denmark, Mr. L. JEPESON to Miss Kate LARSON, all of Lincoln County, Kansas.
---[Names of homesteaders appearing under "Government Lands" section of this issue]: Thomas D. KELLEY, John MEDCRAFT, Hiram DEEDS, Bryon MOORE, Equa C. TWIBELL, Henry KERR and William PYE.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, November 4, 1880
---Married in Franklin Township, Lincoln County, Kansas, by W.M. CHIDESTER, justice of the peace at his office, October 24, 1880, Mr. Madison S. ROOT to Miss Sarah E. JONES, both of Lincoln County, Kansas.
---Born to William and Bettie HENDRICKSON, late of Lincoln County, now of Brownsville, Oregon, a daughter in October.
---[Names of homesteaders appearing under "Government Lands" section of this issue]: Hiram DEEDS, Byron MOORE, Equa C. TWIBELL, Henry KERR, William PYE and Partick McNAMARA.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Nov. 11, 1880
---A. WEGLEY became a resident of our town last week.
---James HALL of Prosser Creek, one of our oldest settlers and extensive cattle dealers is now a citizen of Barbour County.
---[Names of homesteaders appearing under "Government Lands" section of this issue]: Henry KERR, William PYE, Patrick McNAMARA and William J. NIXON.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Nov. 18, 1880
---From Pinon (Lincoln County): Mr. James McILVANEY started to Illinois on the 11 inst,. in company with his oldest daughter and fourth son, leaving two of this sons in employment near Milo and one in the western part of the state. Miss Mollie McILVANEY has written back that she is well pleased in their new location though the youngest children thought the fences were very strange objects.
---Mr. William DAY, brother of Dr. C.D. DAY of Ellsworth and Dan DAY of this place, is here visiting with his brother. Mr. DAY is [a] jeweller by occupation and a desirable gentleman to meet.
---L.E. JONES, since last spring a druggist in this place left here one morning last week. It is supposed his absense will be premanent.
---Charles PRICE, a former resident of this county returned to Lincoln a few days ago upon business. Mr. PRICE has located in Rice County and is teaching school there.
---Report of School taught in District No. 8, for month commencing October 4 and ending October 29, 1880 ... Names of those prefect in attendance: Della BONHAM, Carrie BELL, Edgar BELL, Willie BROOKING and Home DONLEY. Names of those attaining a high percent in deportment: Eugenia and Stella SMITH, Minnie and Blanche FARNSWORTH, Katie and Emma STOCKWELL, Della BONHAM and James EDINBERN.
---John RYAN of Beaver Creek has sold his splendid farm to Messrs. HAWKINS and MILLSPAUGH of this place. Mr. M[illspaugh] is a recent arrival from Orange County, New York, while Mr. HAWKINS has been in our place in the employ of OBER, HAGEMAN and Co. for about two years. Mr. RYAN will not leave Lincoln County; he having bought a farm a short distance from Rocky Hill, known as the MELLENCAMP place.
---Government lands: William PYE, Patrick McNAMARA, William J. NIXON. Also a notice of complaint by Herman J. PIEROT against Henry D. BEMIS for abandoning his homestead entry.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Nov. 25, 1880
---(From Pleasant Valley area local news) Immigration still continues in a small way. The latest arrival is a son to J.C. WALLS.
---Notice of complaint by L.L. ALLEN against Edwin O'CONNELL for abandoning his homestead.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Dec. 2, 1880
---(From Monroe area local news) Squire Cullum was holding court on Saturday, November 20 and John P. Webb and W.F. LIMPUS were seeking justice in the law. They compromised by W.F. LIMPUS paying 25 cents on the dollar. Things appear to be depreciating.
---M.D. GREEN, nephew of Myron D. GREEN, became a resident of this town last week, together with his family.
---L.C. GUNN and family and Miss Frankie PURVIS, all of Beloit, came over last week and spent Thanksgiving with William PERRY of Lost Creek, brother of Mrs. GUNN.
---S.M WRIGHT was last Saturday bound over to the district court to answer to the charge of assault with intent to kill upon one SCHUYLER of Salt Creek, upon election day.
---Report of the school taught in Brooks District, No. 29, in the county of Lincoln, for the month ending the 15th day of October, 1880. Names of pupils not absent during the month: Ole SMITH, George WILLIAMSON, Trudie WILLIAMSON, Laura DEEDS and Katie JACK. - W.H. COURSE, teacher.
---J.H. WRIGHT of Paris, has been appointed postmaster of that place. This is a most judicious appointment. He succeeds W.O. PARMENTER, resigned.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Dec. 9, 1880
---Miss Ruth HEDRICK who has been lying very ill in the home of her sister, Mrs. Ed HARRIS, was last week recovered sufficiently to return home.
---Report of the school taught in Monroe, District No. 2, for the month ending on the 28th day of November, 1880... Average standing of those in the advanced grade at the month's examination was as follows: Alfred SKINNER, 100; Albert INGHAM, 90; Milo WRIGHT, 89; Carl CULLUM, 86; Lou RICKARD, 87; Mollie GINN, 85; Arthur JUDD, 82; and James RICKARD, 82.
---Report of the school taught in District No. 16 for the month ending November 26, 1880 ... The following attained the following percentages in the monthly examination: Emma GOODKONTZ, 87; Joseph McELROY, 74; Arthur DANTON, 79; and Gertie GLADMAN, 58.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Dec. 23, 1880
---Report of the school taught in District No. 40, Lincoln County, Kansas, for the month commencing November 2 and ending November 30, 1880. Names of those not absent: Mary and Delilah McKINEY, William CLOPTON, Arthur TREMAIN, William FARRELL and Thomas NEWTON. - James D. FANCHER, teacher.
---Report of the school taught in District No. 55 for the month begun November 15 and ended December 10, 1880. Miss Sarah SPENCER was perfect in deportment and neither absent nor tardy, and Franklin SPENCER, Sarah SPENCER, Minnie DANLEY, Belle WHITE, Harry DANLEY, James MARICAL, Clark OWENS, Albert HINKSON and James E. BUSTER did not miss a day during the term.

Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Dec. 30, 1880
---(From Cedron area local news) Mrs. KIMES has returned doubly bereaved by the death of her father who died while she was visiting.
---(From Cedron area local news) A sad accident happened [to] Mr. BROWN while riding after cattle near his home when his horse fell breaking one of his legs.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.