Gleanings from 1881 Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1880's newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.
Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Jan. 6, 1881
  • We were pleased to receive a call on Saturday last from Mr. A.S. SUTTON of Vesper. Mr. S. is on of our largest wool growers and has about 2,900 sheep and expects the coming season to increase his flock by several thousand more.
  • E. CULVER of Lost Creek who has been spending several months in Nebraska near Fall City has retuned and thinks more of Kansas than ever.
  • Ira W. RUSSELL, formerly of this place, has traded his entire property here to M.M. George of this place, for property in Dallas County, Iowa.
  • Born, on Christmas Day, a son, to Hon. Volney BALL and wife.
  • Born December 31st, a son, to Serriff Harry TRASK and wife.
  • Married at the residence of the bride's mother, Dec 30, 1880, by Rev. H.C. BRADBURY, Mr. Calvin SHAFFSTALL, to Miss Emma H. SIMMONS, all of Lincoln County, Kansas.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Jan. 13, 1881

  • (From Pinon area local news) John LEWIS, age 11, had the instep of one of his feet badly blistered with cold by attending school this week.
  • (From Pinon area local news) Mr. and Mrs. RACKERBY left for Lincoln Center this morning, having been on a final visit to some of their old friends.
  • (From Monroe area local news) [A long story about an "oyster supper" held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John LABAR, Thursday evening, with 30 guests present. Those mentioned in the article are: Chas McGUIRE, John HENRY, Frank CHRISTIE and Dora WEBB].
  • J.L. NYGAARD assumed his duties as county commissioner last Monday in place of F.M. BROWN, retired.
  • E.S. BURTON and Miss M.H. WHITE, both of Lincoln County, were married at the Catholic Church Monday afternoon. (Salina Herald).
  • We are in receipt of a letter from our old friend, David HARDESTY, Jr., how in Porter County, Indiana, and who left this county last fall. He and his family are well.
  • Married at the Cottage Hotel in Ellsworth, on the 3rd inst., Mr. W.F. MORGAN of Sylvan Grove (merchant) to Miss Eula L. HARMAN of Vesper, all of this county.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Jan. 20, 1881

  • Report of school taught in Farfield District no. 68, Lincoln County, for the month ending on the 7th day of January, 1881.... Names of pupils perfect in deportment: Alice HERMAN, Martha DAVIS, Jane, Emma and Louella McCORMICK, Frank SMITH, Charles JACKSON, and Della CRAWFORD. Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy: William SMITH, Emma CRAWFORD, Tillie SMITH. Etta and Rosa COMPTON were tardy once each.
  • The old Dave PONTIOUS place adjoining town on the east has been purchased by a gentleman named STANFORD from near Anderson, Indiana. This gentleman, accompanied by his brother-in-law, Mr. CHALFANT, and Capt. SMITH gave us a pleasant call Monday last.
  • Legal notice: Frank G. CHEIZEEK, Pltf. [Plaintiff]. vs. Michael GROTT, Deft. [Defendant], in the 14th Judicial District Court of Lincoln County. [lawsuit concerning property]
  • Legal notice: Adelia A. ELY, pla'ff [plaintiff], vs. Dorman ELY, Deft. [Defedent], in District Court of Lincoln County, Kansas. [charge of willful desertion and petition for divorce]
  • Government lands notices:
  • Lydia A. DOHERTY, widow of William ESTES, deceased.... witnesses:
    M. BRITEGAM, David PONTIOUS, George GREEN and Joseph CHENEY, all of
    Lincoln County.
  • Levi HAUS... witnesses: John PINKERTON, Seth BACON, Mortimer GRAGG and
    Thomas J. SNELL, all of Lincoln County.
  • Silas STONEBRAKER... witnesses: Geo W. JOSTIN, R. JACKSON, J.
    and J. STANLEY.
  • Niklaus MAURER... witnesses: J.A. BROBERG, Hiram CLINE, Jacob CLINE,
    William F. SUMP, all of Herman, Lincoln County, Kansas.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, Jan. 27, 1881

  • (From Cedron area local news) Mr. Thomas SLOAN has sold his claim in this township to J.H. NEARHOOD, consideration $300. R. WILLIAMS and Son sold last week three spring calves for $145.
  • [A list of some of the visitors to the paper office within the last week mentioned by the editor]: U.S. SHREEVES of Pinon, W.H. QUILLEN of Tower Spring, "Lawyer" DILLON of Ingalls, W.H. CLEVINGER, William BAIRD of Vesper, Thomas DEMPKER, J.C. CRISPIN of Pinon, C.W. PERKINS, Mr. STITES of Pleasant Valley, Mr. John REARWIN of Beaver, Wm GARNER and James SPURGEON of Bashan, E. CULVER, S. BLYTHE of Sylvan Grove, J.W. SHRADER and A.S. SUTTON.
  • Ira C. BUZICK arrived home from the eastern part of the state a few days ago.
  • W.H. GAMBER, examined last Saturday, is an immigrant from Ellsworth County.
  • Q.A. RUGGLES came up Monday last and has returned. He has removed his studio to Topeka where he will locate permanently.
  • J.L. HAPER, of Pinon, thinks of emigrating to Texas in the spring. Sorry to lose Joe, but Texas will gain an energetic citizen, you bet.
  • We received ... a letter from W.D. GOFF directing that his "Beacon" [newspaper] be sent to Oxford, Ohio, his old home, where he will shortly be. Mr GOFF has been at Osceola, St. Clair County, Missouri, since last spring.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- Thursday, February 3, 1881

  • [Some of the] government lands notices:
  • Lyman WETMORE... witnesses: Edson LAMPHER, R.H. BARLOW, J.B. GOFF, and W.G. PERRY, all of Lincoln, Kansas.
  • William DOTY... witnesses: W.D. MORGAN, Hiram DEEDS, E.B. WILLIAMS, and H.R. BROOKS, all of Herman, Lincoln County, Kansas.
  • [A list of some of the visitors to the paper office within the last week mentioned by the editor]: A. SHRINER, F. PROUTY of East Beaver, G.O. CHAPMAN and J.B. CANTRELL, a merchant from Milo.
  • Thomas STRANGE has been very sick during the past week but is getting somewhat better.
  • N. BRYANT has been very ill for some time... pneumonia.
  • A Mr. CRESKY, brother-in-law of BRYANT & WICKER, is spending a few weeks at this place.
  • Mr. FARQUHAISON, who has been seen driving the Ellsworth hack for several months, resigned his place to accept a lucrative position in a mercantile house in Chicago.
  • Married in Lincoln County, Friday, the 18th of January, 1881, L.H. MEAD of Greenwich, Huron County, Ohio, to Miss Fannie FILMER of Lincoln County. They were married by the Rev. BRADBURY at the bride's parents' house in Indiana Township.
  • Married in Lincoln Center by Rev. J. M. MILLER upon Tuesday, the 1st of February, Mr. C.H. HARRIS to Miss Mary WAIT, both of Lincoln Center.
  • Married at the residence of the bride's father, January 20, 1881, by W.M. CHIDESTER, justice of the peace, Frederick BROCKELMAN, to Sarah A. KINDERSPAUGER, both of Lincoln County, Kansas.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- Feb. 10, 1881

  • [A list of some of the visitors to the paper office within the last week mentioned by the editor]: Mr. D.V. LEWIS of Pinon; H.L. MERRIMAN, one of the proprietors of the Sylvan Grove Flouring Mills; Squire SHRINER, newly elected justice of the peare of Beaver Tp,; Thos DEMPKER of Pleasant Tp.; Mr. U. FARNSWORTH, Thos SHANNON of Sylvan Grove, P.J. POPHAN of Pottersburg.
  • B.J. SKINNER has returned form Colorado. His brother, E.T. still remains. A younger brother contemplates going to the mountains in the spring.
  • A few days ago Mrs. O. QUIMBY received a letter from Mrs. SHIELDS daughter of M.B. HATHAWAY and written at Bentonville, Ark and which contained information on the death of her mother Mrs. M. B. HATHAWAY at Bentonville, upon the 4th of Feb.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, Feb. 17, 1881

  • F. M DAVIS arrived in town last week from Salina.
  • H. HAMMER started Wednesday on a trip to New Cambria, Saline County.
  • Deeper snow-drists have accumulated in places than we have ever seen in Kansas before.
  • N. LAMONT and Will have been working some time at Sylvan Grove. They returned yesterday.
  • J. TOWNSEND, formerly of Marion township will reutrn shortly from Memory, Iowa, where has been wintering.
  • J. C. RYAN, of Beaver creek, has made preparations to remove to Riley county in the spring. He has puchased land ten miles west of Manhattan.
  • The location of the depot for the T.S. & W. R. R. is on a line drawn directly west through Lincoln Ave., 1/2 mile west of the court house, and at a point a few rods east of the first 'draw' west of twon. A good place, and lots in the locality will shorty beign to look up.
  • Dr. J. G. GILMER, of Condordia, has purchased the goods in the drug store of George GREEN and assumed control of the store on last Saturday. The Dr. comes well recommended as an experienced druggist and a skillful physician and we have no doubt will succeed. His family will arrive soon.
  • J. F. PIERCE, of Pinon, called a few days ago and renewed for the Beacon.
  • J. W. SCHICK, of Beaver township has this winter trapped on the Saline river between Beaver and Spillman creeks. He has caught 24 beavers, 8 coons and 2 otters, and a short time ago he secured 7 mink in two nights. Mr. SCHICK's experience as a trapper upon the Mississippi is serving him a good turn in sunny, sunny Kansas.
  • [From the report of the school at Rocky Point, district no. 35, Lincoln county, Kansas, for the month ending January 20, 1881]...... Pupils perfect in deportment: Georgia DOYLE, Gladys SWEET, Helen SWEET, Alice FOULK, Grant FLAKE, Anna FOULK. Names of pupils not absent: Georgia DOYLE, Katie DOYLE, Libbie SWEET, Grant FLAKE, Charles, Fred and Ella BISCONER, George and Sherman SMITH were absent but one day. Carrie MATSON, teacher.
  • [From the report of the school at Paris, district no. 42, Lincoln county, Kansas, for the month ending February 4, 1881]...... Pupils perfect in deportment: Emma JONES, Della LAMASTER, Anna WRIGHT, Hattie PARKHURST, Julia PARKHURST, Mary WEAVER, Eva CLIFTON and Hattie CHADD.
  • Notice is hereby given that Eddy L. WEBSTER, by his next friend, J. P. WEBSTER, will, on the 7th day of March, 1881, file his petition in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County, Kansas, praying said court at the next term thereof to confer the rights of majority on him.
  • Notice of final Settlement........ In the matter of the Estate of Robert ROE, deceased..... [notice of final settlement of estate to be held at county Probate Court on March 11, 1881]

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, Feb. 24, 1881

  • Notices of government land sales: Nathaniel C. MORRISON, William DOTY, Dennis K. NORTON, Norman FRYE, N. O. NELSON, H. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Eliza MONTGOMERY (widow of Robert), and Charles MONTGOMERY.
  • Capt. LYMPUS, of Monroe, called on us a few days ago.
  • H. L. MERRIMAN, of Sylvan Grove, was in town last Tuesday.
  • H. TRUMAN collided with one of our office chairs last Monday. He has finished his school in dist. 47.
  • [callers at the newspapers office within the last week]: Mr. Jas. WRIGHT of Monroe; Mr. T. B. CLINE of Bashan; Dr. John BOYLES and Stewart McCLELLAN of Monroe; Isaac HORTON of Orworth; R. S. (Rod) WILMARTH; J. A. SMITH of Indiana Township.
  • After nearly ten years have elapsed, the crossings of our main streets are being filled in for the accommodation of pedestrians.
  • R. M. ELLIS of Ingalls gave us a pleasant call last Tuesday. There is a new baby girl up at Bob's house.
  • Born to Capt. John BIGGS and wife of Pinon, a son, upon the 12th day of February. The Capt's loyalty and Republicanism could do no less than impel him to name the "coming man," James Abraham Garfield BIGGS.
  • There has been a new postoffice established at Rocky Hill and it is called Syria. It was established upon the 16th inst., with Robert E. GRAHAM as postmaster and Mr. WIGHTMAN as assistant.
  • D. FORREST of Indiana township came in a few days ago... Mr. FORREST and his family will shortly return to their old home in Delaware, to remain for some time; his brother, George FORREST, will take charge of their ranch in the meantime.
  • J. C. SKILES, proprietor of one of the Spillman coal mines, recently brought us a load of excellent coal last Saturday. Mr. SKILES has fifteen men at work in his mine, digging from 7 to 10 tons of coal per day.
  • Jas. WALLS, of Indiana township, has been east during the past month to various medical and surgical institutes with his little daughter, aged about two years, hoping to have the child successfully treated for a cancer or tumor in th eye. We understood he could get nothing done, it being a very strange and difficult case. No surgeons could be found who were willing to undertake an operation.
  • [From Cedron News section]:
  • On last Thursday another widow and widower were made happy in the holy bonds of matrimony. Mrs. Susan COOPER and John LENNON were the victims this time; ceremony performed by Rev. PUTNEY at his residence.

  • Married at the residence of George GREEN, Lincoln, Kansas, February 19th, 1881, by Judge WELLMAN, Mr. J. W. WILDE and Miss Mary F. ROBINSON.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, March 3, 1881

  • Notice of Court cases:
  • Wm. W. TUTTLE, plaintiff, vs Usebius OVERTON and Martha E. OVERTON, defendants

  • Wm. W. TUTTLE, plaintiff, vs Michael GROTT, defendant.

  • "Woman As Citizen", Program for meeting of L.W.S.A. to be held at S. O. HINDS' residence on the third Saturday evening in March: Legal Rights of Women, Mrs. Mary CRAWFORD; Poem, Mrs. Bertha H. ELLSWORTH; Essay, Mrs. Sallie A. GOFF; Selections, Mrs. BIGGS, Mrs. MATHEWS, and Mrs. WAIT; Committee on music, Mrs. BECK, Mrs. HINDS and Mrs. LUTES.
  • Capt. SMITH was obliged last Saturday to take all his stock from the stables in his barn at Cottonwood Glen on account of the high water.
  • [visitors at the newspaper office within the previous week]: Dr. PATTERSON of Allamead; H. J. PETERS and H. J. CRIST of Rosette; P. E. MOSS and J. W. McREYNOLDS of Tower Spring; G. W. HILL of Colorado [in Lincoln County].
  • Add. SPRINGER has purchased and now occupies the residence property upon auger street, formerly occupied by L. STEWART. We are pleased that Mr. SPRINGER has come here intending to be a permanent resident.
  • M. ROBERTSON has made for the Beacon office an imposing stone and also an ink table of our native marble. They can be seen at the office by all who have a curiosity to see what real, Kansas marble looks like. Come in and see them.
  • Last Sunday it was reported in town that MERRIMAN's mill, at Sylvan Grove, had been destroyed by the flood and that all the machinery, a thousand bushels of wheat and a great quantity of floor had been swept into the river. It has transpired, however, that the damage was very slight, and the greater part of the story a hoax. Had the destruction been as great as reported, the loss would have amounted to about $8,000.
  • We clip the following from the 'Dade County Advocate' published at Greenfield, Missouri: Married Feb. 6th, 1881, at the residence of Mrs. WALKER, in King's Point, by Rev. R. W. McMUSTER, Mr. Jno. A. SCHOFIELD, of Lincoln county, Kansas, to Miss Mattie B. WALKER, of King's Point, Mo.
  • Mr. A. T. BIGGS is seriously afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism.
  • Mr. Frank ALLEN, well known her, and who has been in Colorado nearly two years, is expected back in a few days.
  • A letter from M. B. HATHAWAY at Bentonville, Ark., received by O. QUIMBY, states that Mr. HATHAWAY's second daughter, Anna, is lying very sick.
  • J. B. GEHR, who has beens spending several months in McAlister, Indian Territory, is visiting with his parents at Vesper. He expects to return to the Territory soon.
  • J. T. FLEMING, a brother-in-law of L. A. MINX, has just arrived her from Ohio, and will probably locate here permanently. He contemplates going into sheep ranching and is just such a man as Lincoln County needs.
  • [from report of school district no. 63 [no location given], for the month.... ending February 11, 1881]: Names of those not absent: Virginia MILLER, Gustavus ERHARDT and Franklin B. ERHARDT.
  • [from the report of school in Big Timber, district no. 37, Lincoln county, Kansas, for the month ending on the 11th day of February, 1881]: Names of pupils standing highest in monthly examinations: Mary E. CRABTREE, 94; Ella CRABTREE, 93; Sadie LITZ, 88; Anna BURD, 85; Ella SPRAGUE, 85. Emma A. BINGHAM, teacher.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, March 10, 1881

  • [visitors at the newspaper office during the previous week]: L. V. JOHNSON of Indiana Township; George ATKINSON of Salt Creek; H. P. ANDRESON [sic!] of Denmark; H. PROUTY of Orworth; H. B. HARRIS of Logan
  • We understand that Mr. MILLSPAUGH, who left here last fall to return to his home in Orange county, New York, will return in a few weeks accompanied by Mrs. MILLSPAUGH.
  • Masters Walter WOOD and Clifton BACON manage a skiff ferry on the river a short distance above the mill. They are enterprising lads and we hope they will make piles of money.
  • Geo. HUDSON is now carrying the Salina mail.
  • Every vehicle with runners is being utilized while snow is on the ground. We have seen several bob sleds in town from the country and have heard sleigh-bells jingle a few times.
  • The only way of crossing the river now is with a skiff. Someone will start a ferry before long, and if it is properly managed will make money. In the meantime what's to be done about a bridge?
  • Frank RIDDLE, for a long time an employe in D. E. COOLBAUGH's store, started for his old home in Center county, Pa., Wednesday morning, having received word of the severe illness of his mother. He thinks of returning about the 1st of April.
  • Dr. COGSWELL is again in Lincoln Center, having arrived here last Friday, and he probably returned to become a permanent resident.
  • A man named GIBSON, living near Orworth, was so badly frozen recently, that a portion of his feet will be amputated and his life is in danger. He is unmarried and lives alone and was frozen nearly to death in his bed, where a neighbor who became alarmed concerning him found him.
  • Geo. HAWKINS, salesman for Ober, Hageman & Co., recieved word a few days ago that a brother and sister, living in Orange County, New York, were lying dangerously sick. He accordingly started home Wednesday morning, in company with Mr. RIDDLE.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, March 17, 1881

  • [Government lands notices]: Nathaniel C. MORRISON, Norman FRYE, N. O. NELSON, Thomas WATSON, William H. HAYWOOD, Michael N. STEARNS, George DUNLAP, John M. BALL, Franklin PRIEST, H. H. CHAMBERLAIN.
  • T. M. SHANNON, of Sylvan Grove, called yesterday and reports that in digging a cellar on his place, at the depth of four feet he found the earth still frozen.
  • Enos MATTHEWS started for Missouri a few days ago.
  • F. M DAVIS has locate in town permanently. Wse are glad of it.
  • Dennie ALLEN is still in Leadville, where he has been for nearly a year.
  • Mr. Joseph RACKERBY is travelling in southern Misouri, so we understand.
  • [Names of visitors at the newspaper office during the previous week]: D. K. NORTON of Pottersburg; L. P. NELSON of Denmark; Mr. Thos. NOON
  • H. TRUMAN thinks of going to Louisville, Pottawatomie county, this spring. Robt. PURVIS is at Louisville now and will probably return to Lincoln Center the coming summer.
  • S. A. PIERCE, son of E. S. PIERCE, of this place and well known to many of our readers is located in Kansas City, conducting a branch establishment of Barnhart Bros & Spindler, type- founders, of Chicago.
  • We learn from a private letter that G. W. CRUSON, now a resident of Lebanon, Oregon, was a short time ago elected police judge and city recorder of that place. Mr. CRUSON was universally respected here as a citizen and county official, and we are glad to hear of his political preferment by the citizens of Lebanon.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, March 24, 1881

  • [from Pinon local news section]:
  • Mr. DILLINGER has returned to his former residence, having finished his school in

  • Mitchell county.

  • Mr. WILKINSON has occupied the place he purchased of James HALL. He hails

  • from near Unionsville, Iowa.

  • Rev. J. H. PRICE administered immersion to five persons, and sprinkled as many more

  • on Sunday last, ast the initiatory into the church of the United Brethren.

  • [from Cedron local news section]:
  • During high water in Spillman, Mr. WHITESIDE, accompanied by a man and his

  • two little girls, endeavored to cross the stream; the latter came near drowning by the

    wagon box floating off, but fortunately were rescued by the accompanying gentleman.

  • Mr. BROWN is building a nice frame house.

  • Some of the Cedron folks are removing their dead from the Pottersburg cemetery

  • to the Cedron cemetery.

  • Spelling school at the Porter school house, district 54, conducted by Mrs. LORD, was

  • broken up by three boys who went there, swore, made threats, etc., in the school house,

    and continued their row after spelling in the yard. They were arrested the next day, taken

    before J. P. LEACH, from there their case was removed before J. PUTNEY, J. P., and

    were fined $1 and costs.

  • Mr. S. FRANCES continues to lose horses from unknown casues. [Note: in the

  • April 14th Beacon his surname is spelled FRANCIS]

  • [from an historical article, listing the first Lincoln County officers elected in November, 1870]:
    County-wide officers:
    County commissioners: John S. STRANGE, Cornelius DEITS, James WILD.

    County clerk: A. S. POTTER

    County treasurer: Volney BALL

    Probate judge: D. C. SKINNER

    Register of deeds: T. A. WALLS

    Sheriff: R. B. CLARK

    Coroner: Dr. F. SEIBERS

    County attorney: M. D. GREEN

    Clerk of District Court: J. A. COOK

    County surveyor: Patrick LOWE

    County supt.: John LYDEN

    Colorado Township Officers:
    Justices of the peace: Orlando WERD, W. L. GILMORE

    Constables: Jno. BELL, R. H. TYLER

    Elkhorn Township Officers:
    Justices of the peace: A. E. DOOLITTLE, John SPURGIN

    Constables: J. DOBSON, J. CLARRY

    Trustee: John B. WALLS

    Clerk: U. FARNSWORTH

    Indiana Township Officers:
    Justices of the peace: A. C. ALLEN, B. W. BROWN

    Constables: Henry PERRY, T. W. CAMPBELL

    Trustee: Joseph CHEENEY

    Clerk: A. J. WISNER

    Treasurer: T. W. DAWSON

    Salt Creek Township Officers:
    Justices of the peace: M. Y. ROBERTSON, S. M. WRIGHT

  • [Visitors at the newspaper office within the previous week]: Squire LYMPUS, Ira C. BUZICK, Mrs. SMITH of Orworth, S. METZGER of Pleasant Valley, L. S. WITMER (returned from a visit to Pa.), P. D. REED, O. A. LYONS, Squire SHRINER, C. A. CORLISS of Obitello, G. W. WILSON, Sr. (living a few miles northwest of town), Barnett LAWN of Herman, L. M. COMPTON of Marion township
  • The post office building was moved westward about a rod last Monday to make room for the new bank building.
  • M. GREEN, Jr., and family, who have resided in town during the winter, removed to their farm below Rocky Hill last Thursday.
  • We met H. D. STONER in town last Tuesday. Mr. STONER left Lincoln County last fall and returned to Ohio, but has returned, like all other prodigals. Welcome back.
  • Mrs. Joseph RACKERBY has joined her husband in southern Missouri. Mr. Jas. RACKERBY, a son, now teaching at Denmark, will probably go to Mo. when his school is finished.
  • A. WEGLEY has just made us a sink in which to wash forms, and it is the handiest arrangement for the purpose we wver saw. Mr. WEGLEY is a good carpenter, and his work for us shows it.
  • A road petition is being circulated by Mr. DOWNS, of Beaver township, to have a road opened in his neighborhood along the north line of the southern tier of sections in town 11, Range 7, from section 33 eastward. The road is needed and should be opened at once.
  • Mr. STANFORD and Mr. CHALFANT, the gentlemen from Anderson, Indiana, who purchased the PONTIUS place east of town, last January, arrived here a few days ago and are in possession of their property. We welcome them among us as men of enterprise, who would be honorable acquisitions to any community.
  • CUMMINS, WELLMAN & SPRINGER last Monday began the erection of a bank building at the corner of 3rd and main streets, beside the post office. It will be built of limestone, and will be 50 x 53 feet, and two stories in hight [sic!]. In addition to the accommodations for the bank firm who are erecting it, there will be a hall for the use of the Masonic and Odd-fellows societies. The firm who are building it are transacting an extensive business that demands larger and better accommodations than it now has. It promises to be a handsome building and is only the first of a large number of business houses that will be built here the coming season.
  • Professor ALLSWORTH has moved into the house he purchased from Mr. GILKISON, who, with his family, moved to Battle Creek last Monday. Mr. GILKISON and his family have been desirable citizens and we are sorry to lose them.
  • H. WILLIAMS has laid a handsome sidewalk of huge slabs of limestone along his lot at the corner of 3rd and main streets. More such enterprise would add greatly to the appearance of our streets.
  • Thos. MALONE, doubly content with old Lincoln, has begun building him a residence on main street and may now be counted on as having located in Lincoln permanently. We hope so.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, March 31, 1881

  • [from the report of the school taught in district no. 63 [no location given], for the month .... ending March 12, 1881]: Names of those not absent: Virginia MILLSPAUGH, Henry RHOVER [compiler's note... hard to read name]. Gustavus ERHARDT and Franklin H. ERHARDT were absent one day.
  • [from the report of the school taught in district no. 22, on Spillman, for the month ending March 9, 1881]: Names of those neither absent nor tardy: Grant, Robert, Tommy and Sammy CRAWFORD and Roy ELLSWORTH. Claude CRAWFORD was not tardy during the month and was absent only one half day.
  • [visitors at the newspaper office during the previous week]: Hon. John S. STRANGE, Miss Emma BINGHAM, August HEINSON, Lawyer DILLON of Ingalls, Mr. TROUP of Vesper, E. PERKINS of Pottersburg, S. P. CADY and D. SAUNDERS of Milo, R. A. FARRENS of Indiana [township], Thos. W. ADAMS of Colorado [township], L. L. ALLEN of Golden Belt, C. L. TREMAIN of Herman, Jacob WEIDMAN, Mr. R. C. BAIRD of Pottersburg
  • C. W. PERKINS has begun the erection of a large addition to his present residence.
  • Sam'l CRAWFORD and family removed last Friday to their farm, a few miles north of town.
  • Miss Ella McGUIRE, a teacher from Lincoln county, is now attending the Salina high school.
  • Fayette MATHEWS was so unfortunate yesteday as to have a pitchfork tune run into his thigh clear to the bone.
  • G. O. CHAPMAN of Orworth has sent us a mess of the famous "snow flake" potatoes. They are a very superior vegetable.
  • J. T. FLEMING, who came here a few weeks ago, from Ohio, started on his return last Tuesday morning, having decided not to locate in Kansas.
  • John C. RYAN and family started last Tuesday for Riley county, where they will hereafter reside near Ogden and where Mr. RYAN has invested. Mr. RYAN and his estimable family have lived in Lcinoln county about nine years and in their departure we lose some of our best and most popular citizens.
  • R. S. WILMARTH, through the agency of Lou A. MINX & Co. has bought the residence property of J. T. BARNHART in the northwest part of town and will soon come to town to occupy it. He has rented his farm east of town to PINKERTON Bros., late of Indiana.
  • Mr. Nathan SPRINGER, brother of Mr. John SPRINGER, Sr., of this place, accompanied by his family and two sons, A. and L. SPRINGER, arrived here a few days ago with the purpose of locating permanently at this place.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, April 7, 1881

  • [from Cedron area news section]:
  • Mr. G. MORAN is on the sick list.

  • Mr. SHIRLEYs lost his babe with croup.

  • Our wanderers are returning to Sunny Kansas. Mr. DARROWs and Mr. VONs

  • returned last week from their trip to Iowa.

  • [from Monroe area news section]:
  • [participants listed at the closing exercises of the Lyceum, held at the Monroe

  • school house on Saturday night, the 26th]: B. L. EDWARDS, Carter WEBB and wife,

    Burt INGHAM, Alice CROSBY, Mrs. Bing SKINNER, Cora POWELL, B. C.


  • Our Sunday school is in a flourishing condition, with 63 in attendance last Sunday. B. J.

  • SKINNER is superintendent; S. J. JUDD, assistant; C. W. CULLUM, secretary; Luella

    RICKFORD, treasurer; Pearl LA BAR, librarian; Etta SANDERS, organist; Jacob

    DICH, chorister.

  • [visitors at the newspaper office during the previous week]: Ira C. BUZICK, S. J. EVANS of Monroe, C. M. HEATON of Sylvan Grove, M. L. SPERRY ( a genleman living in the east part of the county), T. STEWART and Wm MANNING of Paris, J. W. SHRADER of Sylvan Grove, E. PERKINS of Pottersburg, William HARMAN of Vesper, G. O. CHAPMAN of Orworth, Eben PERRY of Beloit, W. E. MARSH of Pleasant Valley, J. M. BALL of Colorado [township]
  • Rachael HORNER, of Cedron, was adjudged insane before Judge WELLMAN last Monday.
  • Mr. John SPRINGER, Sr. has been dangerously ill with the mumps, but we are glad to learn is now convalescent.
  • A. SHRINER says he has a marble quarry upon his place north of town about a mile. We hope this will prove true.
  • T. J. BONHAM will open a meat market next week in the building vacated by Geo. LEGGETT, one door west of the post-office.
  • Dr. GILPIN credits himself as he well may for having performed a very skillful srugical operation when he extracted a sex-inch sliver from HOLCOMB's wrist last Friday.
  • Elias REES broke ground yesterday for a new mill to be built where his granery now stands, far above the highest floods. J. TOLIVER has the contract for hauling 100 cords of rock for its erection.
  • C. H. HARRIS, one of the most popular salesmen in Kansas, is now installed at Ober & Hageman's, to sell goods for that firm. Warren HEDRICK has taken his place behind Turner Bros's counter.
  • Mrs. THOMPSON, a sister of Geo. HAWKINS, and who resided in this place some time, and was well known to all our people, died a few days ago at her father's house, in Orange county, New York. Mr. HAWKINS will return to Lincoln Center in a short time.
  • J. W. NEWLAND, of Colorado [township], showed us a petrified egg last Monday. It is pronounced by most who have examined to to have once been a duck egg. It was found on the prairie near Mr. NEWLAND's house, is a perfect oval, and so extremely hard that no impression can be made on it with a knife. By persistent wearing in one place with the corner of a file we made a slight scratch upon on side.
  • Capt. SMITH has presented us with some catalpa seed, and we shall try to start some catalpa trees this season. The Capt. procured his seed from Indiana.
  • [names listed for government lands claims]: George DUNLAP, John M. BALL, Franklin PRIEST, Thomas J. NORDBOE, Robert USHER, William M. HEDRICK, Samuel J. EVANS, Sheldon J. JUDD, Joesph BOBENRIETH, Lyman J. DUNTON.
  • R. A. THOMPSON is trying to start the band into running order again. We hope he will succeed. There is considerable brass instrument talent in town and it should be utilized.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, April 14, 1881

  • [visitors at the newspaper office within the previous week]: H. S. STEELE of Vesper, D. K. NORTON of Pottersburg, Hon. J. L. NYGAARD (one of our county commissioners), J. TROUP and Mr. BOWEN of Vesper, J. S. BECK, G. W. PLEASANT of Milo, L. S. MORE of Shady Bend, B. L. EDWARDS and J. P. WEBB of Colorado [township].
  • Enos MATHEWS went to Dickinson county last week to work near Detroit.
  • Mrs. M. BARNHART is having an addition built to her dwelling house near the schoolhouse.
  • Clifton MARSH, a young man from Battle Creek is now employed at Bryant & Wicker's livery stable.
  • Tim KINE has a gray stallion three years old, that is a beauty. It is of Norman stock and a very superior animal.
  • John LYNES, for a long time a hostler in Bryant & Wicker's livery stable, started for his old home in Wisconsin, last Friday.
  • Miss Etta SANDERS, of Monre, is endeavoring to organize a class in instrumental music at this place. We hope she will succeed. She taught a music class at this place two years ago and gave good satisfaction.
  • Notice is hereby given that I was on the 28th day of March, 1881, duly appointed by the Probate Court of Lincoln County, Kansas, Guardian of the person and estate of Charles H. SCHINDLER. Gabriel SCHINDLER.
  • [from the two Pinon area news sections found in this issue]
  • Mr. John F. PIERCE has purchased James HARTLEY's claim on Rattlesnake,

  • formerly belonging to Lee CLYNE, for which he is to pay $600.

  • Johnnie LEWIS is on the sick list, having taken cold and complaining of a violent

  • headache.

  • Mr. DRAPER's team took a run the other day while hauling a load of hay.

  • Going down a little hill near C. E.McPHERSON's residence, the driver, Richard

    DRAPER, Jr., not having a firm seat, was drawn off the load in trying to check

    them, and the wagon ran over him without inflicting material injury. They soon became

    disengaged and after making a rapid flight for a mile and a quarter were caught

    by Alex. LEWIS, at his residence. Fortunately but little damage was done.

  • Miss Grace LEWIS, whose aevent we noticed last week, is doing well, though we

  • still have to play the role of an old bachelor.

  • C. E. DeFORREST has a stone dwelling in progress.

  • Two or three of Mr. SHREVES' children are on the sick list.

  • J. H. RACKERBY appears to have left Pierce City, Mo., and turned up at

  • Roberts, Benton county, Arkansas.

  • Sol. STAINBROOK's mansion was invaded on the night of the 1st inst. by a

  • bouncing big boy, who makes that much addition to the spring census, as his right

    to stay there is not disputed.

  • [from Cedron area news section]:
  • Mr. Jas. DENGATE began school on Monday, 4th, at No. 17.

  • The other day we were shown by Mrs. W. KIME a china sugar bowl, which is

  • about 125 years old.

  • Mr. S. FRANCIS has lost all his horses, twelve in number. Why and wherefor of

  • cause unknown.
  • Miss Maud DAVIS has opened a millinery store in the building at the corner of main and 4th streets, east of Ober & Hageman's. We hope Miss DAVIS will meet with success in her new venture, and she should be patronized by ladies needing work done in her line.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, April 21, 1881

  • [visitors at the newspaper office within the last week]: Capt. LYMPUS of Monroe, Miss Belle GREEN and Miss Ada WAIT, D. SWANK of Milo and Judge SMITH of Shady Bend, J. F. PIERCE of Pinon, D. E. KLISE of Golden Belt, Mrs. SNODGRASS and Mrs. Dr. PATTERSON of Allamead, Mr. Craig BUSTER of Bacon, G. B. VanFleet of Woody, Wm MONTGOMERY of Herman
  • Mr. J. R. CORNELL, of Meigs county, Ohio, arrived here a few days ago and is visiting with his sister, Mr. E. J. BIGGS. He will take a look through our county before returning and we hope he may be induced to cast his lot among us for good.
  • John S. STRANGE has sold his farm just west of town to Geo. GREEN for $1,200. Mr. STANGE has lived upon this place for over fourteen years, but will now move into town and occupy his residence property upon Court street.
  • Eugene TURNER started on his return to Florida last Sunday. He was accompanied as far as Ellsworth by his brother Charles.
  • Geo. LEGGETT has had the front of his store room painted brown, which improves its appearance.
  • J. CHENEY started for Kansas City last Tuesday.
  • Mathew JAMES, a young man quite well known to most of our townspeople is selling goods over D. E. COOLBAUGH's counter during Mr. C's absence.
  • F. L. PRINDLE showed us a few days ago a group of photographs of twelve "limbs of the law," practitioners in Charlotte, Michigan, his old home.
  • The new bridge was completed last Thursday and the Ellsworth mail hack came over it. The hack has been left over night for some time at L. D. FARNSWORTH's place and the mail brought across on the dam.
  • [Notice of Contest]: No. 4,335. U.S. Land Office at Condordia, Kansas, March 16th, 1881. Complaint having been entered at this office by George W. PLEASANT against William A. SWORDS, for abandoning his homestead. Entry No. 15,770 dated March 17, 1880.... in Lincoln county, Kansas....
  • [Notice of Contest]: No. 4,343. U.S. Land Office at Condordia, Kansas, April 12th, 1881. Complaint having been entered at this office by William W. MONTGOMERY against Thomas ELLIS for abandoning his homestead. Entry No. 15,654, dated January 2nd, 1880... in Lincoln county, Kansas...
  • [Individuals mentioned in the April 12th report of the County Commissioners printed in the Beacon]: H. C. ANGEL, Wm. BAKER, Solomon BISHOP, R. F. BRYANT, H. S. MERRIMAN, E. S. PIERCE, J. D. GILPIN, Geo. GREEN, Mrs. J. W. JAYCOX, S. R. LAWSON, Wm POWERS, Thos. THOMPSON, Ezra WHEELER.
  • [Individuals mentioned in the April 13th report of the County Commissioners printed in the Beacon]: Geo. W. ANDERSON, Samuel BERRY, A. T. BIGGS, J. E. BROWN, R. F. BYANT, G. W. FINCH, M. GRAGG, J. W. GRUBB, H. HAMMER, Ed M. HARRIS, Wm HEDRICK, S. O. HINDS, E. HOLCOMB, M. A. JACKSON, J. P. JARMAN, D. E. KLISE, J. L. NYGAARD, Alfred SHRINER, E. B. WILLIAMSON, R. S. WILMARTH, Geo A. WOOLFKIEL
  • [Individuals mentioned in the April 14th report of the County Commissioners printed in the Beacon]: B. W. ALLSWORTH, Wm BAKER, Volney BALL, James J. BLOUNT, Wm BRAMAN, G. O. CHAPMAN, Georgie COONS, Geo. W. CRANE, N. B. DeARMOND, H. ELROD, J. D. GILPIN, Geo. E. GREEN, M. D. GREEN, J. W. GRUBB, Ed M. HARRIS, T. M. HELM, Geo. HOISINGTON, E. HOLCOMB, O. E. HOLLOWAY, James KELLEY, James LITTLE, W. B. McBRIDE, E. C. MEEK, H. S. MERRIMAN, Isom S. MOORE, D. E. MOSS, R. L. PARKER, G. I. ROBINSON, C. P. SHAFFER, David SHAVER, J. M. SMITH, H. SPRAGUE, J. E. STANLEY, Jehu STANLEY, H. D. STEBBINS, James STEWART, Thos. THOMPSON, H. A. TRASK, Jesse TURNER, G. M. WELLMAN, J. E. WOODWARD, E. A. WOOD, W. C. WOODY,

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, April 28, 1881

  • [visitors at the newspaper office within the previous week]: J. H. WRIGHT of Ingalls, Judge SMITH of Shady Bend, Lawyer DILLON, H. PROUTY of Orworth, H. V. WILLIAMS of Pottersburg, T. G. SMITH & wife of Orworth, F. F. FRANZ of Sylvan Grove, J. SMITH of Pottersburg, F. SCHOLLER and J. HARSHBARGER of Salt Creek, A. C. SHAFFSTALL, C. D. BROWN of Ingalls, H. S. STEEL and son, Charles, of Vesper.
    [--Cases heard in District Court convened in Lincoln on Monday]:
  • J. P. CUMMINS & Co vs G. W. ANDERSON; action for debt.

  • H. M. OWENS vs. W. SMITH; action for debt.

  • BALLARD vs. COOPER et al; appeal from Justice court. Motion to dismiss pending.

  • State vs. J. M. MORGAN; charge, grand larceny; plead not guilty.

  • State vs. PARSONS et al; charge, riot; plead not guilty.

  • Eliza McNALLY vs. W. H. McNALLY; decree for divorce, care and custody of child

  • granted plaintiff.

  • Hannah M. MATHEWS vs. A. F. MATHEWS; action for divorce; petition

  • and cross bill; decree of divorce granted on cross bill of defendant.

  • H. TRUMAN vs. W. SMITH; action for debt.

  • J. P. CUMMINS & Co. vs. D. HARDESTY et al; action for debt.

  • STONER vs. STONER; action for divorce; referred to Ira E. LLOYD.

  • S. A. JOHNSTON vs. LEGGETT et al; petition for foreclosure of mortgage;

  • demurrer withdrawn and leave to answer granted.

  • Case of State vs. S. M. WRIGHT; jury brought in a verdict of guilty of assault and

  • battery. Defendant sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and pay the costs, and

    stand committed until the same be paid.

  • [from Pinon area news section]:
  • Solomon STAINBROOK's little infant died on Friday evening about nine o'clock,

  • after a short but severe illness. His little daughter was very sick at the time of the

    burial but is supposed to be doing well at present.

  • We have taken Johnnie LEWIS under our own charge, as the room we now

  • occupy is better lighted and ventilated than our fomrer residnece, and he can have

    the care and counsel of his grandmother. He has improved, but still complains

    of headache of mornings though lively and cheerful of evenings.

  • J. B. CANTRELL, of Milo, has sold his store at that place to P. A. ROBINSON.
  • Cliff MARSH was quite painfully injured by kick from a horse last weekd but is recovering.
  • Bentley BELL will shortly have a first class refrigerator in running order at his meat market.
  • T. J. BONHAM has retired from the firm of BELL & BONHAM and the new meat market is now run by BELL alone.
  • N. LAMONT, the painter, has just painted two fine signs, one for BELL & BONHAM and the other for Miss DAVIS.
  • J. L HARPER of Pinon called upon us a few days ago. He has about abandoned his idea of moving to Texas. Glad of it.
  • Capt. SMITH will shortly build a corral near the Pioneer House and will take charge of the town cows during the summer.
  • Tom STRANGE is beginning to refrigerate. He put the first load of ice into his fefrigerator last Monday and intends to keep his meat coll, if it takes all summer.
  • The barn of Fred HUYDELBRECK was struck by lightning, on Sunday, April 17th, and burned to the ground. He succeeded in saving his team. [copied from the Ellsworth Reporter]
  • We learn that Mr. Thomas SKINNER, of Monroe, and his son, Fred, will soon start for the mountains, to join E. T. SKINNER. Bing will remain in Lincoln County.
  • GOFF and BEAL, who have been confined in the Ellsworth County jail over winter, awaiting trial upon charges of forgery and cattle-stealing respectively, were brought over from Ellsworth last Sunday.
  • M. HENDRICKSON, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Lincoln county, we regret to say, is afflicted with the Oregon fever and thinks of joining his brother, Wm. HENDRICKSON, in that state. We hope he will change his mind and make Lincoln county his abiding place for fifteen years more.
  • L. F. HOOPS of Pottersburg returned from Iowa last Thursday. We are pleased to know that Mr. HOOPS is back "for good."
  • S. H. HINDS of Leon, Iowa, and brother of S. O. HINDS, of this place, called on us Tuesday last. He has purchased the farm formerly occupied by his brother, O. F. HINDS, who will remain in Iowa. Mr. HINDS will return to Iowa next week and come back later this summer, to become a permanent resident of Lincoln county. We extend him a cordial welcome to our county.

    Lincoln County Beacon --- - Thursday, May 5, 1881
    [Visitors at the newspaper office within the preceding week]: Thos. BOYLE of Denmark, W. T. LEWIS of Union Valley, L. F. HOOPS, John W. MORAN of Ingalls, J. M. CRUSON (living west of town), M. V. TRUMAN, Jacob WEIDMAN, E. PERRY of Beloit, Mr. WIGHTMAN of Rocky Hill, J. O. WILSON of Salina, R. A. LOVITT of Salina, W. C. BABCOCK of Pottersburg
    [report on happenings in District Court during the past week]:

  • State vs. T. A. WALLS; charge embezzlement; case continued.

  • State vs. HUFF et al; charge, frand larceny; case continued.

  • State vs. MORGAN; charge, grand larceny; trial by jury; acquitted.

  • State vs. GOFF; charge, forgery; pleas of guilty entered; sentenced to one year

  • in state prison.

  • State vs. THORNTON; charge, assault and battery with intent to kill; trial by

  • jury; verdict, guilty of an assault, sentenced to pay a fine of $75 and costs.

  • State vs. PARSONS, WOOLFKIEL and ROGERS; charge, disturbing public

  • meeting and assault and battery; trial by jury; verdict guilty; sentenced as follows:

    PARSONS 60 days in county jail and $30 fine, WOOLFKIEL 50 days in county

    jail and $25 fine, ROGERS 40 days in county jail and $20 fine.

  • State vs. BEAL; charge, grand larceny; plea of guilty entered; sentence reserved

  • till tomorrow.

  • State vs. WIGHTMAN; charge, bigamy; plea of guilty; fined $100 and costs.

  • State vs. Mary E. REES, alias Mary E. WIGHTMAN; charge, bigamy; nolle

  • prosequi entered.

  • C. H. PRICE vs. J. TUSING; referred to W. S. WAIT.

  • Eliza McNALLY vs. W. H. McNALLY; decreee for divorce; plaintiff retains

  • custody of child.

  • W. W. TUTTLE vs. U. OVERTON; judgement for plaintiff, $438; foreclosure

  • of mortgage and order of sale.

  • G. W. LOCKWOOD vs. A. P. FERRIS; petition in error; settled, defendant

  • pay costs.

  • H. KISSICK vs. J. W. NEWLAND; settled.

  • F. ARCHIBALD vs. A. G. HARDESTY; action, debt for labor; continued.

  • C. FLAHERTY vs. B. FLAHERTY; divorce granted.

  • J. P. CUMMINS & Co. vs. G. W. ANDERSON; action for debt and foreclosure

  • of mortgage on Register office; casue continued at cost of defendant.

  • M. N. STEARNS vs. Wm. RAMSDELL et al; judgment for plaintiff.

  • S. R. ROGERS vs. C. SMITH; cause dismissed.

  • F. KINGSBERRY vs. H. TRASK; continued by consent.

  • J. M. GRUBBS vs. HOLCOMB & TRASK; continued on application of plaintiff.

  • Mary J. BACON vs. D. G. BACON; referred to L. F. PINDLE, referee;

  • divorce granted.

  • STONER vs. STONER; referred to F. L. PRINDLE, referee; divorce granted,

  • plaintiff retains custody of children.

  • A. A. ELY vs. D. ELY; divorce granted.

  • F. M. HOWEY vs. J. H. HOWEY; divorce granted.

  • [from the two Pinon area news sections in this issue]:
  • There have been some few changes of residence within the past week:

  • Rev. H. PRICE has moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. HARTLEY.

    Solomon STAINBROOK has gone into Daniel CLYNEs house, vacated by

    Mr. PRICE and Francies ARCHIBALD has rented and occupies

    STAINBROOK's place, living a bachelor's life.

  • Mr. STOUFFER's fruit trees are blossoming. His orchard, like all others

  • in the neighborhood, is quite young but his trees are in excellent condition,

    which is doubtless due to their being sheltered on three sides by the native timber.

  • N. G. SIMMONS' youngest child was reported sick yesterday.

  • A little girl of Mr. PITMAN's has been seriously ill but is recovering.

  • J. O. GOFF will be taken to Leavenworth next week.
  • We regret to learn that our new neighbor, Mr. Lee STANFORD, is quite ill.
  • Dr. GILMER has had the front of his drug store newly painted red and blue.
  • Cy PERKINS has finished his addition and added a neat proch to his residence.
  • Born, on May 1st, to Henry W. and Susie HARTMAN, of Shady Bend, a son. Mr. HARTMAN is the daughter of Judge SMITH of Shady Bend.
  • A glorious, dirty, howling, hoodlum drunk was indulged in last Saturday night by the hoodlums of Lincoln Center to celebrate their last chance to make hogs of themselves without being rendered liable to arrest under the new law.
  • Mr. J. R. CORNELL will probably start on his return to the east in a few days. We had hoped that he would invest in this county and become a resident. We look for his return as very few visit Kansas who do not come back determined to stay.
  • We must congratulate our friend, and everybody else's friend, Timothy RYAN, upon his recent marriage. The bride was Miss Anna A. TITUS, of Cloud County. Mr. RYAN's hosts of friends join with us in wishing him piles of happiness through life.
  • We are informed that J. A. SCHOFIELD has arrived upon his farm near Colorado with the intention of becoming a permanent resident of Lincoln county.
  • Married April 28th, at the residence of the bridegroom, in Lincoln Center, by Judge WELLMAN, Mr. Hiram WILLIAMS and Mrs. Louisa McNALLY. Also at the same time and place, Mr. John A. BLAIR and Miss Mary A. WILLIAMS.
  • Lincoln Center Roll of Honor for deportment and average over 90 percent for the first two weeks: Emma STOCKWELL, Bella LAMONT, Chloe WILLIAMS, Sophronia FARNSWORTH, Minie FINCH, Lottie STOCKWELL, Minnie THOMPSON, Tressie HOLCOMB.
  • [Filings of notice of intention for government lands in Lincoln County]: Joseph BOBENRIETH, Lyman J. DUNTON, Thomas GALLIVAN, John H. HILDEBRANDT, Josiah BLOUNT, Thomas M. PAXTON, James COLE, Charles D. BROWN.

    Lincoln Beacon, May 12, 1881

  • We are sorry to hear that our townsman, D. WAIT [possibly WALT], contemplates moving away. Mr. Wait contemplates moving away. Mr. Wait and his estimable family have made friends universally in this county and we hoe that we shall not lose them.
  • A pleasant surprise party was held at the residence of Mayor LUTES last Saturday evening. The storm prevented a large attendance, but the occasion was a pleasant one, being in honor of Mr. Lutes' thirty-third birthday.
  • Last Friday afternoon about 2 o'clock, Judge WELLMAN was prostrated in his office by a paralytic stroke which rendered the upper portion of his body helpless. He was ?�cted to a vigorous treatment by Dr. COGSWELL and revived sufficiently to be taken home and next day was about. The judge certainly had a very narrow escape and an experience he will not care to have repeated. We congratulate him on his recovery.
  • A traveling sleight of hand performer named BEAUMONT gave an exhibition at the court house last Thursday evening. He performed and explained many tricks performed by mediums but on the whole failed to meet the expectations of his audience.
  • During the rain last Thursday evening about 9 o'clock a stable a mile north of town belonging to J. THURBER was stuck by lightning and burned. Loss, chickens and harness. Cows and horses were picketed out, which was very fortunate.
  • M. ROBERTSON has resumed work on the bank building. The stoppage was caused by delay in receiving dimension lumber.
  • L. F. HOOPS contemplates moving to town. We hope he will, as himself and family will, be very desirable acquisitions to our town society.
  • J. A. SCHOFIELD is now residing at Colorado, having returned from King's Point, Missouri, a short time ago. He has ordered the Beacon changed to his new address.
  • M. C. KLECKNER of Paris, this week subscribed for the Beacon. Mr. Kleckner is one of the good men of this place and we are pleased to put his name upon our list.
  • G. W. FRYE of Herman called upon us this week. He is recently from Pennsylvania and will probably locate in this county for good. Of course he is subscribed for the Beacon.
  • H. J. WISNER is now at Central City, Dakota, and doing well. H. J. was a noted man in western Kansas a few years ago, and the old settlers will be interested in knowing him.
  • C. C. MORSE, a mail-route contractor from Galesburg, Illinois, has been in town the past week, making arrangements concerning the mail-route from this place to Wilson. He has returned.
  • (Local news from Topsy) Jesse TURNER, living west of Elkhorn has got his store in full blast and says he is doing a good business.
  • (Local news from Topsy) A new blacksmith shop has been partly erected and we notice the blacksmith, R. MERRIT, is doing a large amount of work.
  • (Local news from Paris) Mr. J. F. STEWART of Ottawa county moved on the Judge SCHMIDT farm on Rattle Snake creek. He is a fine man and a good citizen.
  • (Local news from Paris) Mr. C. H. BLAKE's little girl is sick. Did not learn the complaint.
  • (Local news from Paris) Mr C. H. PARKHURST is on gaining ground after five weeks' sickness with complicated disease.
  • S. H. HINDS started on his return to Iowa last Thursday.
  • W. O. PARMENTER gave us a pleasant call a few days ago.
  • L. A. MINX's house is nearly ready for occupancy.
  • We are pleased to hear that Mr. Lee STANFORD is recovering.
  • Jno. LYNES is working in Ellsworth and paid Lincoln Center a visit a few days ago.
  • J. W. FRENCH now has his paint shop in the building just south of the Beacon office.
  • Tom STRANGE is building an addition to his meat shop necessitated by the increase in business.
  • T. MALONE is laying in his stock of groceries, his new store building being now ready for occupancy.
  • B. BELL is refrigerating at a great rate; fresh meats of all kinds constantly on hand; fresh, cool and eatable.
  • Deputy sheriff HOLCOMB last Saturday took BEAL, who is awaiting trial on a charge of cattle stealing, to the Ellsworth jail for confinement and took GOFF on to Leavenworth. County attorney FINELY [sic! FINLEY ?] accompanied them as far as Ellsworth and returned the fore part of the week.
  • J. A. PECK, postmaster at Rosette, accompanied by his brother, M. PECK, called upon us last Monday and subscribed for the Beacon....
  • C. A. CORLISS of Orbitello last Monday brought us a bunch of wheat, 27 inches in height....

    Lincoln Beacon, May 19, 1881

  • J. R. CREIGHTON of Sylvan Grove called upon us yesterday and became a subscriber to the Beacon. Mr. Creighton now has the contract for carrying the mail between here and Wilson and he will be an obliging and efficient officer.
  • Rev. J. MEDCRAFT and J. H. BARNUM, two of our subscribers, called opon us a few days ago. They are two of our old settlers and respected citizens, and are always welcome at our office.
  • Geo. GREEN a few days ago since subscribed for the Beacon, to be sent to an old friend, Albert PHIPPS at Cherokee, Iowa.
  • We are more than gratified to learn that Judge WELLMAN has about abandoned his project of leaving Lincoln County.
  • Lawyer DILLON dropped in last Tuesday and subscribed for the Beacon, to be sent to his son in Nodaway county, Missouri.
  • E. D. BISHOP (everybody knows him as one of our crack farmers), favored us with a call and $1 on subscription last Saturday.
  • Miss Lottie LUTES, a sister of Mayor Lutes, of this city, has lately arrived here from Indiana to remain until winter so we understand.
  • C. C. LYONS, one of the good citizens and hard-working farmers of Allamead, came in Tuesday last and added his name to the Beacon's subscription list.
  • A. W. PORTER, one of our fine teachers, at present teaching Pleasant Valley, called upon us last Saturday. Mr. Porter is a pleasant gentleman, whom it is a pleasure to meet.
  • S. A. AULTMAN called upon us last Saturday.
  • We saw T. L. WEBSTER of Wolf Creek in town Tuesday.
  • Charley TURNER has received word of his brother's safe arrival in Leesburg, Florida.
  • W. B. WILLIAMSON of Marion township favored us with a call a few days ago. Come again.
  • L. V. JOHNSON, one of the reliable citizens of Indiana township, gave us a pleasant call last Saturday.
  • L. A. MINX feels big over that new boy at his house and it's all right if he does; no one has a better right.
  • N. LAMONT congratulates himself and we congratulate him upon the arrival at his house of a fine boy a few days ago.
  • The many acquaintances and friends in this vicinity of Mr. Sibley A. PIERCE will be pleased to hear of his marriage in Chicago upon the 3rd inst., to Miss Cora N. ALLING of that city. Mr. Pierce is located in Kansas City as a partner in the western firm of Barnhart Bros. & Sindler, type-founders, of Chicago.
  • A. C. JACKSON, familiarly known as "Ace," has returned to Lincoln Center after an absence of nearly a year. He is not yet decided whether to relocate here or not. His many friends here would be glad to have him do so and we hope he will. His brother, Ed. Jackson, ex-sheriff of this county, is in the Big Horn Mts., Wyoming.
  • C. L. TREMAIN of Allamead, came in a few days ago. He informed us that last Friday night F. WILLS, a farmer in his neighborhood, had a horse killed by lightning, and Sunday afternoon lightning stuck and killed a cow belonging to F. FERRILL. A hail storm in the vicinity of Bacon the same night almost ruined a field of wheat belonging to M. L. BOYER, while John BUNKER's wheat was considerably injured.
  • Surveyor BISHOP, assisted by his brother, last Tuesday made a survey of Main street to ascertain the amount of grading necessary to establish a uniform grade for draining purposes, from 2nd street to the west edge of town. It is desirable that the business houses upon Main street be built upon the same level and the survey was also made to strike a level for that purpose. No work will be done in the way of grading for some time.
  • (From Monroe local news)
  • The news has come to the office that the wife of John WEBB is dying. She has consumption and has been sick all winter and leaves a little one some two or three months old.

  • I have not seen any account in your paper of T. C. SKINNER, F. SKINNER, Doc. POWELL, Stewart McCLELLAN and Milo B. WRIGHT starting for Colorado. They started on Monday, the 26th of April. The objective point is Silverton.
  • (From the May 14th report of the County Commissioners printed in the Beacon) The following bills were allowed for jurors [we have listed here only the names of the jurors]: J. CRUSON, Paul BROSKA, Geo. STITES, J. H. WRIGHT, L. KENT, J. E. ANDERSON, Thos. BRANN, F. HERMAN, W. HANCOCK, D. SANDERS, D. K. NORTON, C. D. BOONE, R. C. HINKLEY, L. H. LANG, M. A. WING, F. F. FRANS, J. HARSHBERGER [sic!... HARSHBARGER ?], M. R. HART, Chas. WOOD, Jno. DOWNS, Jos. CHEENEY [sic!... CHENEY ?], S. ENGLE, G. W. LEGGETT, M. N. STEARNS, J. B. CANTRELL, M. BRITIGAM, T. RYAN, U. PRATHER, T. MALONE, S. WEAVER, Jas CLARKE

    Lincoln Beacon, May 26, 1881

  • Dr. COGSWELL has located his office first door east of Perkins' grocery on Main street.
  • Clif. MARSH has opened a restaurant in the stone building west of PERKINS grocery.
  • L. L. ALLEN of Golden Belt called opon us yesterday. Wheat booming in his neighborhood and everybody jubilant.
  • T. A. WALLS came in last Saturday and had a dollar put to his credit on our subscription book. He intends going out to the Gunnison country in a short time. He has our best wishes.
  • F. M. MONROE and Ida S. WITTEL, of south Elkhorn, were married a short time ago and immediately started for Oregon. Mrs. E. A. MOODY, sister of Miss WITTEL, also started for Oregon in company with them.
  • Samuel Price of Colorado [Township], Lincoln county, aged eighty-two years, proved up on his homestead this week in the Salina Land Office. If any other land district can show as aged a man making himself a new home we would like to from it.
  • B. T. BARTHOLOMEW, one of the substantial men and hard working farmers of Beaver township, became a subscriber to the Beacon this week.
  • A letter from A. I. DAVIS, now living in the valley of the river Willamette, in Oregon, says the rainy season there is about over for this year. It has just begun here.
  • Mr. DOUGLAS, who has spent the winter in the mountains, returned to Lincoln Center last Saturday. He doesn't take much stock in Colorado, and will remain here for a time.
  • Dr. FANCHER has again located in Lincoln Center and has his office upstairs over LEGGITT's store, three doors west of the post office.
  • The dwelling house belonging to J. E. CHESSHER, and located in the southwestern part of town has been painted, which improves its appearance very much.
  • Mrs. WICKER, mother of B. WICKER, of this place, started a few days ago for Iowa, called there by the illness of a daughter. Mrs. N. S. BRYANT has returned from her trip to Bavaria.
  • We carelessly threw a small package (not knowing its contents) into the kitchen fire a few days ago when it disploded, raising the lids and giving us a powerful taste of the next world (the one the printers' debtors go to). The package contained powder.
  • For the fifth week in the primary department of the Lincoln Center Select School. Names of those neither tardy nor absent and who averaged over 90 per cent. In recitations: Thomas JENSEN, Emma STOCKWELL, Dellie WEGLEY, Lottie STOCKWELL, Minnie FINCH and Carrie BELL.... Anna C. WAIT, teacher.
  • Eugene TURNER, at Leesburg, Florida, was one of last week's subscribers, but home we failed to mention.
  • W. S. McNITT started a few days since for an extended trip though the east and will be absent for some time.
  • Mrs. ALLSWORTH, mother of Prof. ALLSWORTH, arrived here last Friday from Pennsylvania on a visit to her sons and daughter.
  • Judson FARNSWORTH and J. NEWTON are expected to start for the mountains in a short time. May they have lots of good luck.
  • R. A. THOMPSON has hung out a danger signal in front of his restaurant and there is an interesting legend painted upon it.
  • We are very glad to hear that Mr. Lee STANFORD is recovered from his recent illness.

    Lincoln Beacon, June 2, 1881

  • We are indebted to Miss Marian LAMONT for a large and fragrant bouquet of wild flowers and to Mrs. W. E. MARSH for a bouquet containing eight varieties of cultivated roses.
  • A. F. MATTHEWS returned from his trip to Missouri last Saturday.
  • J. L. CORNELL, of Chester, Meigs county, O[hio], orders the Beacon and Weekly Capital out to him.
  • J. B. CANTRELL, of Milo, one of tis substantial and desirable men gave the Beacon a call a few days ago.
  • Wm. SWINBURNE has subscribed for the Beacon, to be sent to his address in Chicago upon his return there.
  • The parents of G. W. FINCH, our county attorney arrived here from the east last Monday to make an extended visit.
  • Otto OLSEN, one of our popular shoemakers, this week subscribed for the Beacon, finding life incomplete without it.
  • F. F. FRANS gave us a pleasant call some days ago. Everything up his way booming, which are glad to hear. Come again.
  • L. M. COMPTON called upon us a few days ago to say that everthing in Garfield district is booming, including the Beacon.
  • Mr. A. L. FOUTS of Sylvan Grove came in last Tuesday and added his name to our subscription list as well as the name of his father, E. W. FOUTS of Bedford, Iowa, and gave us the needful therefor. We have heard of Mr. FOUTS as one of our most desirable new comers and we are glad to reckon him upon our list.
  • C. L. TREMAIN dropped in last Saturday to tell us about an eight legged pig belonging to a neighbor, L. J. McKINNEY of Herman. The four superfluous legs are situated one pair under the body between the natural pair and the other on the chest protruding forward. Three legged calves are nowhere now.
  • J. R. SMITH, F. M. LEEMASTER, A. POOLE, H. LORE, G. W. MOORE and Wm. WEAVER, all citizens of Paris, have this week subscribed for the Beacon. These gentlemen we consider it a favor to count as subscribers.
  • C. B. STOVER, of Pleasant Valley, called upon us last Saturday. Mr. Stover is from Center county, Pennsylvania, and is one of the wealthiest and most desirable citizens in the county.
  • (From Pottersburg local news) Mr. J. VAN LEWEN is quite sick.

    Lincoln Beacon, June 9, 1881

  • Mr. STOCKWELL has vacated his hotel building and moved into the country.
  • Mrs. H. HAMMER has gone to New Cambria, called there by the illness of her mother.
  • U. PRATHER gave us a call last Monday. He says Beaver township promises as beig a wheat crop as the most favored portions of the country.
  • J. C. BALDWIN, of Woody, subscribed for the Beacon last Monday. A hard working farmer and desirable citizen, Mr. Baldwin's name is welcome upon our list.
  • C. D. BROWN, of Ingalls, dropped in for a chat some days ago. Come again.
  • Rev. A. E. LITZ has returned from Harvey County. He gave us a pleasant call last Friday.
  • John COLE has opened a bakery in the building formerly occupied by M. B. HATHAWAY, at the west end of Main street.
  • Henry BRITGAM left with us a few days ago a bunch of rye five and a half feet high. The growth of all kinds of crops is wonderful.
  • J. P. CUMMINS and wife, arrived in town a few days ago. Mr. C. has returned. Mrs. C. will remain for a time, visiting with friends. She is a sister of Mayor Lutes.
  • J. S. BAIR, of Ingalls, called upon us last Saturday and subscribed for the Beacon. Mr. Bair besides being one of the best men at Ingalls, is a man of judgement as is evidenced by his choice of reading matter.
  • Wm DOWNS has returned Monday from the eastern part of the state.
  • Robt. PURVIS returned Monday from Louisville, Pottawatomie county.
  • B. J. SKINNER of Monroe, dropped in to see us last Saturday and to subscribe for the Beacon. Mr. Skinner has grown up from boyhood in Lincoln county and is a citizen to be proud of. He is one of our rising young men.
  • We have heard of late some complaints regarding the depredations of wild dogs. Mr. FINDLEY, whose farm adjoins town on the north has lost a number of hogs by these dogs this spring. They run about in small packs and act much more like coyotes than like dogs.
  • Mrs. J. B. GOFF a few days since presented us with a handsome bouquet of roses grown by her and which, with the other floral gifts we have received, demonstrate what has long been doubted, that the "American Desert" can be made to blossom like the rose. For this beautiful gift accept our thanks.
  • W. E. MARSH a few days ago left at this office a very curious rock weighing about fifteen pounds upon which as though it was wax are thirty impressions of leaves, most them entire. It is a geological specimen of some beauty and value and must be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Marsh found it on the prairie, about two miles south of his place which is in Indiana township. It was lying upon the surface of the ground, is red in color and extremely hard. It was found in the neighborhood of the mineral spring.
  • W. E. MOSS, of Paris, favored us with a call last Saturday. He is a brother of Col. C. E. Moss, of St. Louis, the gentleman who has been engaged to deliver an address at the celebration to be held here on the 4th.
  • The HUFF brothers, after their release here last week were immediately taken under arrest on a warrant from Ellsworth county, charging them with cattle stealing and were again admitted to bail.
  • Mr. L. C. GUNN, accompanied by his son Levi, and his daughters, Misses Jennie and Mary Gunn, came over from Beloit this week. The ladies remain for a time visiting friends in this neighborhood.
  • D. E. KLISE, of Golden Belt, favored us with a visit last Monday. He informed us that E. W. BEACH has lately returned from St. Louis, where he has been since last fall, employed as a compositor upon the Globe-Democrat.
  • James MELROSE has been trying to pull his boots on over his head, ever since last Thursday week, all on account of a brand new girl baby at his his house, named Mertie May. She kicks the beam at eight pounds.
  • T. F. BRANN lost a very valuable cow a short time ago. She seemed to be all right when he started to town and on returning he found her dead.

    Lincoln Register, Sept. 9, 1881
    From Monroe.

  • Tuesday and Tuesday night brought us plenty of rain, which with the rain of last week puts the ground in most superb condition for plowing, but the thermometer has fallen from 110 in the shade, on last Saturday, to 65 on Wednesday, and we are all doubled up.
  • Albert REED in putting out the fire from the engine at Jake DICK's was so careful that he excited the ridicule of the young men and the commendation of the older ones, and the result was that a careful investigation failed to develop any possibility that the fire originated from the engine. Jake will be able to save about 250 out of 500.
  • Ed. JOHNSON has just put himself up a large windmill for pumping water and for grinding feed for the stock upon his five stock ranches. Ed. is doing a good business with good cattle and hogs, and plenty of funds.
  • The river, below Monroe, is getting well lined with stock ranches. V. and J. M. BALL, J. H. REED, Calvin SKINNER, E. E. Johnson and Jim RICE are all well fixed and doing well, having from 50 to 300 acres fenced.
  • Old Mr. William GILMORE died last week and was followed to his last resting place beside his wife in the Monroe Cemetery by a large number of mourning friends and relative.
  • John WEBB, Adam RHUL and Dick LAW also are among are such a number that I would class as "well fixed".

  • All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.