Gleanings from Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1890's newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.


Lincoln Beacon, Jan. 11, 1894
---Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Claude Crawford of Lincoln, Jan. 4, 1894, a son.

Lincoln Beacon, Jan. 25, 1894
---Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Guy Biggs of Sylvan Grove, Jan. 14, 1894, a son.
---Jan. 22, 1894, to Joel Brann and wife of this place, a daughter was born.

Lincoln Republican, Jan. 25, 1894
---James Jones and Miss Edith Walls were married Monday in this city.

Lincoln Beacon --- Thursday, February 22, 1894
---(From Beverly area local news) On Sunday last the house of David SPARKS burned to the ground with all its contents while the family was on a visit to his brother, Marion... ---(From Sylvan Grove area local news) Chas HOLLE and family arrived here a few days ago from Nebraska. They will move soon to their new farm, the R.L. PATTON place, and make their home with for the future.
---(From Sylvan Grove area local news) Wm P. A. SCHNEIDER and bride, after a 10 days wedding tour to Nebraska arrived in Sylvan Grove yesterday. They will commence house keeping at once on their nice farm north of town.
---Mrs. Emma ARNOLD, nee SWANK, of Salina arrived in Lincoln Friday last on her way to Milo, returning Monday.
---L. B. GILKISON and wife, the latter formerly Mrs. John PARKER, have returned to Lincoln from Rogers, Arkansas, and will make their home here for an indefinite length of time...
---L. P. JENSON of Denmark, Lincoln County, got caught a short time ago between a load of hay and a gate post, the pinch taking him squarely across the chest. He didn't suffer especially at the time nor has he been disabled, but the injury is likely to be a permanent one, as the sternum bone was fractured and the lungs thought to have been injured by the sudden and violent compression.
---Last Saturday night an actual surprise party surprised Greer ARTHUR, the occasion being his 19th birthday...
---Married... at the residence of William MARSHALL in Lincoln, Thursday, February 15, 1894, at 7 p.m., F. M. CHOAT of Sunnyside and Mrs. Lucy MARSHALL were married, N. A. STULL, officiating... They will make their home at Sunnyside.
---E. TENNEY, who has been living a year or so at Joliet, Illinois, will soon return to Lincoln to riside. His family, now at Parsons, will arrive in a few days and Mr. TENNEY later. Mr. TENNEY is a son of Rev. George TENNEY...
---(From Barnard area local news) James RYAN and James BOWLES intend to start next week with their families to occupy their claims in the Strip [Note... "The Strip" most likely refers to lands in the Indian Territory, now Oklahoma, opened up to settlement in the 1890's.]
---(From Barnard area local news) John DOWLIN and Wm MURRY are changing places by moving on their farms at they bought last summer.
---(From Barnard area local news) Mr. and Mrs. Wm GIRDLESTONE had a son born to them last week.
---(From Barnard area local news) Mr. and Mrs. F. F. BRACKEN also have a son, born Monday morning, Feb. 12.

Lincoln Republican, April 19, 1894
---J.D. Brockett came home Thursday last. He left the children with relatives in Michigan.

Lincoln Beacon, April 26, 1894
---A son was born to Owen Mulloy and wife of Lincoln, April 22.

Lincoln Beacon, May 10, 1894
---To G. Herzberg and wife of Lincoln, a daughter was born.

Lincoln Beacon, May 17, 1894
---Albert Campbell and Miss Della Clark, both of Victor, were married May 6, 1894, at Victor, Rev. J.W. McPeek officiating.
---J.B. Farrens and Miss Alta King, both of Barnard, were married May 6, 1894, at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. H.R. Gouldin officiating.

Lincoln Beacon, May 24, 1894
---Mrs. C.W. Walters of Pleasant Valley started for Iowa yesterday where she will visit several weeks with relatives.
---To Charles and Minnie Hislop of Lincoln, a daughter was born, May 17, 1894.

Lincoln Beacon, June 7, 1894
---On Wednesday afternoon, June 6, by Rev. R. Arthur of Lincoln, Mr. Clyde Matthews of Sylvan Grove to Miss Lulu E. Lewis of Vesper.

Lincoln Beacon, June 14, 1894
---James Kerr and family, who have been living on a car the past four months, and working for the section hands between here and Colby, have been in Lincoln the past two weeks. He is going to take charge of a new outfit and went back on to the road the first of this week. He reports an unusually large force of section hands at work and that the roadbed is being put in first class condition. The ties are being laid closer together, and steel rails are being put in. All of which points toward the Lincoln branch becoming the main line. In the mean time we would not advise any one to take on airs over the prospect.

Lincoln Beacon, June 21, 1894
---Fred Gier and Miss Louisa Wohler, both of Sylvan Grove, were married at Sylvan Grove, June 6, 1894, Rev. A.F. Braenhahn officiating.
---J.D. Middlekauff and Miss Sadie Mason, both of Lincoln, were married at Lincoln, June 16, 1894, Rev. H.C. Bradbury officiating.
---In this city, Sunday evening, June 10, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tufts, by Rev. Sarah M. Barnes, Mr. Alfred H. Wait, of Lincoln, and Miss Lillian Abby Wooldridge.

Only a few of the more intimate friends and relatives were present to witness the solemn ceremony, which was feelingly and impressively pronounced in Mother Barnes' happiest manner. After congratulations, all were seated at a delicious repast of cream, cake and berries.
The groom is a son of Capt. W.S. Wait, treasurer of the state board of charities, who was unable to attend the wedding on account of illness. Mrs. Wait and Miss Nellie Parker, mother and cousin of the groom, were the only guests from abroad.
---Junction City Tribune

Lincoln Republican, June 21, 1894
---A.H. Wait of Lincoln, and Miss Lillian A. Wooldridge, of Junction City, were married June 10, 1894, at Junction City, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. John Tufts, Rev. Sarah Barnes officiating.

Lincoln Beacon, July 5, 1894
---Mrs. Rose Walter of Valley timed her return from Iowa so as to take in all the suffrage meetings.

Lincoln Beacon, July 12, 1894
---A few days since, little Dan, the five-year-old son of Joseph Haley, was bitten by a dog belonging to a neighbor. Two teeth passed clear through his upper lip, and he was bitten on the right cheek. Mr. Haley shot the dog. The wound is doing well.

---Daniel W. Hinckson of Rosette, and Miss Cora O'Hair of Lucas, were married June 24, 1894, at Rosette, Rev. M.H. Steinmetz officiating.

Lincoln County Sentinel --- Thursday, July 19, 1894
---Some of the young men that were out helping the farmers cut their wheat got pretty well tanned from the sun. Several of them needed a good tanning.

Lincoln Republican, Aug. 2, 1894
---Otto Shideler has purchased a photograph gallery at Burlington, Kansas, and moved his family there. Mr. Shideler is a hustling business man, one we could ill afford to lose. We bespeak for him success in his new home.

Lincoln Beacon, Aug. 16, 1894
---Miss Jennie Luff of Lincoln, is visiting with her grandfather, H.R. Brooks.
---G.E. Tenney ("Ed") joined his family in this place last week, and is attending the normal.

Lincoln County Sentinel --- Thursday, September 6, 1894
---Lincoln County is full of people who would like to be worried by an income tax. Four masked men entered the Bank of Tescott last Saturday morning and forced the cashier to give up $995. The cashier at first refused to allow the bank to be plundered, but after the robbers had fired three or four shots at him and one of them had drawn a large knife, with the evident intention of slicing him up, he concluded that direction was the better part of valor and permitted them to rifle the bank.

Lincoln Beacon, Sept. 13, 1894
---Robert Fowler of Lucas, and Miss Lula Jay of Sylvan Grove, were married Sept. 6, 1894, in Lucas, and Miss Lula Jay of Sylvan Grove, were married Sept. 6, 1894, at the Windsor Hotel in Lincoln, Rev. W.L. Cannon officiating.
---D. Will Patterson of Allmead, and Miss Minnie E. Boyle of Lincoln, were married at the home of the bride's parents in Lincoln, Sept. 9, 1894, Rev. W.L. Cannon officiating.
---E.S. Newton, M.D., and Miss Letta Richardson, both of Lincoln, were married at the residence of the bride's parents, Sept. 12, 1894, Rev. W.L. Cannon officiating.

Lincoln Republican, Sept. 13, 1894
---D.W. Patterson and Miss Minnie Boyle, Rev. Cannon officiating. The ceremony which united this young couple was witnessed by a few friends at noon Sunday, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boyle in this city. Mr. Patterson is one of the substantial young farmers of Orange township, and is justly entitled to all the good things this brave old world of ours can give him. Miss Boyle is one of the sensible, womanly young women who go to make up the many happy home circles in the this county. The young folks will make their home on a farm in Orange township, and there receive the congratulations of their many friends. The bride was born and raised in the county, and has many warm friends who will join us in congratulating her upon her happy marriage.

Lincoln Republican, Sept. 20, 1894
---A party of town folks, took dinner Sunday with Mr. Will Meyer, out on Elkhorn. It was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Nimmons, Mr. and Mrs. Bower, Will Grosser, George Abel, and Jim Brockett. They had a big, nice time. In the afternoon, while on the lawn, a part of them got pretty badly jolted up, or down rather, by a bolt of lightning. They were stunned, but no one was seriously hurt. The bolt did not strike anything, but appeared to explode immediately over their heads. Brockett says that he can feel the thing yet.

Lincoln Beacon, Sept. 27, 1894
---George B. Rull and Miss Belle Ancell were married Wednesday, Sept. 19.
---Andrew Sappenfield and Miss Lizzie Roberts were married Sept. 23.

Lincoln Beacon, Oct. 4, 1894
---To John and Margaret Whalen of Lincoln, a daughter was born Sept. 28.

Lincoln Beacon, Oct. 25, 1894
---To Charles Barkman and wife, of Lincoln, a daughter, was born Oct. 16.

Lincoln Beacon, Nov. 1, 1894
---Mr. Charles Reid of Beverly, and Miss Effie Thomas of Freedom, were married at the residence of, and by, Rev. Medcraft, Sunday, Oct. 14, 1894.
---Arthur Scholler of Beloit, and Miss Edna Savin of Lincoln, were married Oct. 30, 1894, at the home of the bride's parents, at Lincoln, Rev. W.L. Cannon officiating.
---E.H. McManus and Miss Emma Webb, both of Beverly, were united in marriage Tuesday evening, Oct. 28, 1894, in Salina, Rev. Lyons of the First M.E. Church officiating.
---George E. Titus of Sylvan Grove, and Miss Edith Lewis of Vesper, were married Oct. 30, 1894, at the Windsor Hotel, in Lincoln, Rev. R. Arthur officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Titus will make their home in Minnesota.
---Mr. F.M. Kent of Brookville, and Miss Leta M. Crosby of Monroe, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1894, Rev. Miller of Tescott, performing the ceremony.

Lincoln Beacon, Nov. 8, 1894
---Samuel Berry of Shady Bend and Miss Stella Tucker of Lincoln, were married at Lincoln on Nov. 7, 1894, Rev. W.L. Cannon officiating.
---David C. Benton and Miss Priscilla J. Allen were married at Lincoln on Nov. 1, 1894, Judge Gilpin officiating.
---Henry R. Robinson of Osborne and Elizabeth Allen of Barnard were married Oct. 29, 1894, at Lincoln, Judge Gilpin officiating.
---Frederick Sheldon and Miss Sophia Mortenson of Pottersburg were married at Pottersburg, Oct. 28, 1894, John Van Leewen, justice of the peace, officiating.
---Chas. C. Spear and Miss Cora E. Truman, both of Lincoln, were married Oct. 26, 1894, at Lincoln, Judge Gilpin officiating.

Lincoln Beacon, Nov. 15, 1894
---Wm. A. Mong of Denmark, Kansas, and Miss Maude M. Cheney of Vesper, were married Nov. 14, 1894, at the residence of the bride's parents, Wm. B. Cheney Sr. and wife, Rev. R. Arthur officiating.

Lincoln Republican, Nov. 22, 1894
---Jim Brockett was 35 years old one day last week and his friends to the number of about thirty joined him at the Windsor to help celebrate the event. It was done in great style. The list of presents was very extensive but all had a striking similarity. They were of all sizes from No. 60 silver wire to No. 2 spring steel. Jim will never want again for those useful and ornamental articles in Kansas as his supply in unlimited. A nice lunch was served at the proper hour and much enjoyment twisted out of the occasion.

Lincoln Beacon, Dec. 6, 1894
---Edward Smith and Nora B. Pulk, both of Lucas, were married Nov. 22, 1894, at Lincoln, Judge Gilpin officiating.
---John Winchell and Miss Lucy Fitzwater, both of Bashan, were married Nov. 29, 1894, at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. L.W. Fitzwater and wife, Rev. David Stoner officiating.
---A son was born Nov. 30, to Hans Peterson and wife of Lincoln.
---A daughter was born Nov. 30 to A.W. Thompson and wife of Lincoln.
---A daughter was born Nov. 30, to Ernest Tieman and wife of Elkhorn township.

Lincoln Republican, Dec. 6, 1894
---Brockett and Chase had new wheels, not in their heads but under them. Abe Marshall ordered one and it came. He measured himself on it and found he was about five inches too short. Abe is proud and thinks he ought to wear a man's size in wheels, but he isn't built high enough.

Lincoln Beacon, Dec. 13, 1894
---Jacob Shafer of Bashan, one of Lincoln county's oldest settlers, was last Friday declared insane by jury in the probate court, and sentenced to legal restraint while his mind remains impaired. He will be taken to Osawatomie today. Mr. Shafer is afflicted with an aortic aneurism, and has become very hypochondriacal concerning the ailment. He realizes his condition and was anxious to have this measure taken, and regrets that it was not done before.

Lincoln Beacon, Dec. 20, 1894
---Saturday last, while on the way to Lincoln from Barnard, J.E. Kerr lost a pocketbook containing $21.50 in cash. The finder will be liberally rewarded for the return of the pocket-book and contents to this office, or to Mr. Kerr, at Barnard.

Lincoln Beacon, Dec. 27, 1894
---John N. Davison and Miss Hattie Gould, both of Golden Belt township, were married Dec. 25, 1894, in Lincoln, at the residence of the groom's sister, Mrs. Ira S. Troup, Probate Judge Gilpin officiating. A more worthy couple never entered the matrimonial state in Lincoln county. If good wishes and wholesale congratulations have any prophetic significance, theirs will be a long life and filled with many blessings.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.