Gleanings from Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1895 newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.

Lincoln Beacon, Feb. 7, 1895
---H.C. Askey and Miss Maggie Haley, both of Indiana township, were married Feb. 4, 1895, at Lincoln, Rev. John C. Reagan officiating.
---J.F. Pitcher and Miss Susannah C. Bolte, both of Colbert, were married in Lincoln, Feb. 5, 1895, Probate Judge Smith officiating.

Lincoln Beacon, Feb. 21, 1895
---Mr. J.D. Brockett returned Tuesday from Michigan where he has been to visit his children. They are well.

Lincoln Beacon, Feb. 28, 1895
---N.R. Hill and Miss Kate Reid, both of Beverly, were married at Beverly, Feb. 16, 1895, Rev. J.S. Barton officiating.
---Sherman Rose of Denmark and Miss Minnie Morley of Clyde, were married at Denmark, Feb. 17, 1895, Squire T.J. Timmerman officiating.

Lincoln Beacon, March 7, 1895
---Lovin, the night watch, recently took Nicholas Barrett Jr. into custody for drunkenness and as a dernier resort in the way of subduing, started for the calaboose with him. Friends of Barrett interfered and finding it impossible to handle Barrett, and defend himself, Lovin turned his prisoner over to O.M. Barnhill who jugged him without much trouble, while Lovin stood off the would-be rescuers. Lovin was compelled to use his billy or run more risk of being himself used up than he cared to run. In the melee Michael Haley Jr. had has head considerably bruised, and Lovin "run the ranch" in his own peculiar and convincing style. Haley afterwards came to town and paid a fine and costs for his part in the affair.

Lincoln Beacon, April 4, 1895
---J.E. Kerr and family returned from Barnard to Lincoln some days ago to reside here.

Lincoln Beacon, April 11, 1895
---Rev. W.L. Cannon will preach his farewell sermons in this place next Sunday - morning and evening - and invites everyone out to hear him.

Lincoln Beacon, April 18, 1895
---J.D. Brockett a few days ago received notification from the state fish commissioner of his appointment as fish warden (or deputy commissioner) from this county. Mr. Brockett will do what he can to improve the fish stock of this county, and an informed and intelligent worker can do much.
---Friends of Rev. J.S. Strange lately purchased a vacant house of S.H. Bogh for $60, and N.S. Mohr moved it, free of charge, out to Mr. Strange's lots where his dwelling burned a short time ago. Charley Tilton donated the mason work.

Lincoln Beacon, May 23, 1895
---Jas. C. Walls returned from Hot Springs, Ark., a few days ago, not in the least benefited by his six months stay there. In fact, his health is even more precarious than when he went there. He is suffering from acute and chronic rheumatism, which renders him helpless.

Lincoln Beacon, May 30, 1895
---"Someone" (we will call him that for convenience) stole Ed. Crow's road-cart last Thursday night. It was probably the same individual who cribbed H.G. Allen's single harness the same night. The reason he did not steal a horse was because he was fortunate enough to own one. It is supposed that the girl who disappeared the same night the horse, cart., "someone" and the harness did, was not stolen - just strayed. Mr. Crowe is hot - at least he says so and we are disposed to believe him - because every scalawag who has forced an emigrant loan for a year past has levied on Crowe's outlying chattels to make his journey smoother. Mr. Crowe has kept his pistols, shoes, his other pants, change of underwear, Bible, carbine and smoking tobacco hidden for months past, and thought his road-cart was reasonably secure though it was only behind a padlock and staple. The padlock was broken with an ax, and if the thief is overhauled Mr. Crowe will see that there are several padlocks and a 600 foot coal shaft between him and the nearest road-cart. Mr. Crowe's Christian patience is disappearing with his personal effects, and we take the responsibility of notifying all light-fingered gentry that now, when he is reduced to one change of clothing and a sorrel mare, is a good time to begin stealing from someone else. The man who steals that sorrel mare will wish that a millstone were tied around his ankles and that he were cast into hell-fire, verily.

Lincoln Beacon, June 6, 1895
---John Downs Jr. was taken in custody a week ago at Garden Plain, Sedgwick county, having, it is alleged, the cart belonging to Ed. Crowe and harness belonging to H.G. Allen in his possession; also a young lady named Jackman. Downs is 18 years of age, Miss Jackman 17. Saturday, Downs was given a preliminary hearing in Squire Weeks' court charged with larceny and was bound over to the district court in the sum of $400. Failing to give bond he was jailed, and will probably remain in jail until court meets.

Lincoln Beacon, July 18, 1895
---E. Crowe will visit his old home in Iowa before returning west.

Lincoln Beacon, Aug. 1, 1895
---A son was born to Albert Pankau and wife south of town, July 23. Dr. Clark was committee on reception.

Lincoln Beacon, Aug. 15, 1895
---Emphes J. Webb and Miss Nellie Deeds were married Aug. 4, 1895, at Lincoln, Rev. John Medcraft officiating.
---Ed. Crowe will start in a few days for Natoma, to take charge of 180 head of his own and A. Marshall's stock cattle.
---No bicycle riding on the sidewalks hereafter, according to the new city ordinance.

Lincoln Sentinel -- September 5, 1895
-- Sylvan is again without a physician. The people of that town must either be dead or disgustingly well off so far as the state of their health is concerned.
-- Frank CHASE, a former Lincoln financier, spent his summer vacation at Squirrel Island, Maine.
-- Otis B. GUNN, of Kansas City, was in Lincoln over Sunday on business connected with his large property interests in this city and county. Mr. GUNN is the man who built the railroad into Lincoln nine years ago and bought up all the desirable property along the route, and not withstanding the fact that he has a national reputation as a writer on finance, he fell down on boom investments like a very ordinary speculator. Major Gunn figures in Coin as one of the three "Hardest Heads in America" and his picture adorns severla pages in Coin�s book.
-- W.E. MARSH has invented a machine for cutting corn that beats anything in the line of corn harvesters so far introduced.

Lincoln Beacon, Sept. 5, 1895
---Carpet weaving, opposite the court house - F.J. Watts
---A. Marshall and wife are visiting in Iowa among Mrs. M.'s relatives. They will be absent several weeks.

Lincoln Beacon, Sept. 19, 1895
---At Lincoln, Kansas, Sept. 19, 1895, by H.C. Bradbury, minister of the gospel, James W. Heminger of Beverly, and Miss Laura Deeds of Lincoln. The bride is one of our most successful school teachers and has many friends in our city. The groom is a hardworking young farmer. They will go to housekeeping near Pleasant Dale school house.

Lincoln Sentinel -- October 3, 1895
-- Pottersburg: Bacon creek is dry and water is very scarce. Mr. VanLEEWEN was compelled to dig a stock well in the bed of the creek.
-- Capt. J. SMITH and W.H. HARLOW went to Salina last week to attend the old soldiers� reunion. Few old soldiers had a deservedly better time than they.
-- The convention called for Saturday should be atended by every democrat in the county. For a democrat to absent himself for any cause whatever is to stamp himself a political coward, a backslider or a bushwacker.

Lincoln Sentinel -- October 10, 1895
-- A visit to the state house reveals that there are about one-third more fellows holding down good-paying jobs than there is any need of.
-- A proposition was published prior to election that would put the issue before voters to purchase a tract of land and erect the necessary buildings and improvements for the purpose of an asylum for the poor of Lincoln county. It provided for assessing a tax upon the taxable property of the county to pay for the asylum, not to exceed four thousand dollars. The signature on the proposition was D.E. BROOKS, county clerk; the date, July 5, 1895.
-- Rosette: J.H. SULSAR has one more job of threshing after seeding. He has threshed up to this time 19,629 bushels of wheat and oats, and will overreach the twenty thousand mark by the time he is through.
-- Mrs. Katie BROOKS died last week. She was buried in the Mt. Washington cemetery. She leaves a husband, four small children and her father and mother to mourn her loss.
-- A sad and well nigh fatal accident occurred on the afternoon of the 29th of September. Wm. SMITH�s daughters, Mattie and Allie, were driving when their horse became frightened and ran away. Mattie sprang out of the cart and escaped injury, but Allie clung to the lines in hope of stopping the horse. In crossing the creek near the GOODWYN place, the cart wheel struck a large rock throwing Allie far up into the overhanging branches of a tree, where she clung for a short time, then she lost her hold and fell, striking the rock and breaking one limb so badly that the bone protruded through the flesh. All was done for her comfort that could be done and her friends now have hopes for her recovery.

Lincoln Sentinel -- October 17, 1895
-- Pleasant Valley: Thieves went through the cellar of J.R. WOLFORD Monday night and took 75 pounds of meat. � Grant LEWICK has purchased the wheel formerly owned by Harry HALL and has the "mule" broke to ride. We would like to know how Emma is going to be escorted around, as the wheel is only made to carry one person.
-- Barnard: The church festival at the residence of Capt. J.J. BIGGS, republican candidate for coroner, was an enjoyable affair. The object of the festivity was to raise money to finish paying for the parsonage.

Lincoln Sentinel -- October 24, 1895
-- H.C. SMITH accidentally ran a pitchfork through his foot Friday.
-- J.H. CRAWFORD and wife of Williamsport, Penn., "Sockey�s" uncle and aunt, are visiting relatives in the county at present. Mr. CRAWFORD is a wealthy tanner and manufacturer of leather, and as he is said to have an eye to business, he will probably invest some of his money in Lincoln County holdings before he returns to his eastern home.

Lincoln Sentinel -- November 7, 1895
-- Charley JONES bought a pup of a "mover" Tuesday, for which he paid $7.50 thinking he was getting a Pointer. Ed CROWE says the pup is a Missouri coon, and a cheap one at that.
-- Mrs. Free TUFTS, who resided in Lincoln in the boom days, returned to her home in Atchison last week after a tour of 13 months in making a trip around the world.
-- About ten years ago now a half dozen Lincoln boys conceived the idea of organizing a brass band. The idea did not take very well with anybody else, but it finally assumed definite shape with B.W. SMITH, Emerson HAMMER, Geo. ELROD, Fred ROBINSON, Millard HARDESTY, Charley MEEK, Marvin CAMERON, Jimmie FLAHERTY, Rosseau HESS, Charley STILL, Mert B. HOOVER, Meade HOOVER, S.H. HOOVER, Charley HOOVER, Hugh GRAY and Clyde HARRISON, and a mascot in the person of Ed LAMONT.

Lincoln Beacon, Nov. 7, 1895
---Ed. Crowe came down from Natoma to vote.

Lincoln Sentinel -- November 14, 1895
-- Barnard: Rev. J.M. GURLEY came up from Ada on his bike Monday evening. � As Ella TATUM was returning from her school in the Wright district last Wednesday evening, her horse became frightened and ran away. The cart was overturned and demolished, but Miss TATUM escaped without injury.
-- Colbert: J.E. AGNU has moved in Madison township on Mr. WHITEHEAD�S place. He will work his own coal mine in west Franklin this winter.
-- Lafe REES is completing the flume at his mill, which was begun last year at an expense of $1,500.
-- The German Evangelical Lutheran Association of Vesper is now a chartered institution, with a capital stock of $1,000. The incorporators are Rev. A. WALTON, Henry HUHL, Henry REINERT, Mr. KRUEGER and Wm. FELDCAMP. A church will probably be erected on the farm of Conrad DUNKI.

Lincoln Sentinel -- November 12, 1895
-- Geo. ROBINSON is circulating a petition having for its object the appointment of himself as night watchman, the expense to be bourne by subscribers from the business men.
-- P. VONADA of Hanover township was transacting business in town Monday and he and Christ KRUSE were head conversing in Pennsylvania Dutch. Christ didn�t want to own up to it, but he finally admitted there were some jaw breakers in it that he couldn�t masticate.
-- Frank Lyons, who is farming now, is trading off some of his superfluous fat for a sandy-colored beard. He was in town Saturday and the boys hardly recognized him.

Lincoln Beacon, Nov. 14, 1895
---Jacob Shaffer lately escaped form the insane asylum for the third time since last spring, and returned home as usual. He is quarrelsome and sinister in his language and actions, and is undoubtedly more or less dangerous at large. He was taken back to the asylum by an attendant yesterday.

Lincoln Sentinel -- December 6, 1895
-- Crokino is the latest game among society-going people of Lincoln. Five boards have been purchased recently. It bids fair to rival whist and progressive euchre.
-- Beverly: At James WEBB�s sale Tuesday, livestock sold well; cows bringing from 25 to 30 dollars. Other things sold in proportion. Mr. WEBB expected to leave to Texas on the 1st. We are sorry to see him leave, but our loss in some other community�s gain.

Lincoln Sentinel -- December 12, 1895
-- The safe of Webb & Ingham, implement dealers at Beverly, was blown open with dynamite Monday night and robbed of $11 and some notes and checks. The robbers apparently had no use for the paper and left it with the till on the railroad a short distance west of Beverly, where they were found Tuesday. The Hardesty church at Shady Bend was destroyed by fire Monday night and it is thought the depraditions were committed by the same parties. News came from Barnard Wednesday to the effect that the safe in the Santa Fe office at Minneapolis had been robbed of its contents Tuesday night.
-- Rosette: Geo. SPENCER is the new mail carrier on the route from Sylvan to Cedron now. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George WHITE, a ten and one-half pound boy, which made George smmile all over. D. EGBERT has moved down in the old Waterman House this winter so as to be nearer Sylvan Grove, in order to send his children to the German school.

Lincoln Sentinel -- December 19, 1895
-- Pleasant Valley: We would like to know whether the newspaper men would like to take jack rabbits on subscription. If they do they are sure to enlarge the subscription list. (Any thing is better than nothing. -- Ed.)
-- Mr. F.J. WILLETT returned Wednesday from Slater, Missouri, where he buried his son Albert M., Sunday. Mrs. WILLETT did not return with him, but will remain at Slater till after the holidays.
-- Fred TIEMANN, who cut his foot on a strand of barbed wire about four months ago which resulted in blood poisoning, is able to be out again. His was a long and expensive, as well as a dangerous, sickness.

Lincoln Sentinel -- December 26, 1895
-- Logan Pickings: Roe SPARKS has come back from the east, where he has been husking corn. � Mrs. John CURTIS has been suffering with typhoid fever. � Andy SATENFIELD is very busy telling his neighbors that he is the father of a fine girl. � W.A. MILL has been at St. Marys. While hauling hay his wagon caught fire and burned up.
-- Considering the hard times, the ante-Christmas trade in Lincoln was phenomenally heavy. This is particularly true of Saturday�s trade. In nearly every store in town the force of clerks had to be doubled. J.R. LOGAN said his holiday trade was double that of a year ago, and that with his force of nine clerks he was unable to wait on the immense crowd that thronged his story all day Saturday.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. Just put "Lincoln" in the county search box and click on the SEARCH button. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.